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Free Town Project revisited

Started by maxxoccupancy, August 27, 2006, 11:23 PM NHFT

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Quote from: tracysaboe on September 02, 2006, 01:33 PM NHFT
You need to do a least squares fit for a straight line graph and a parabolic graph from the begining to get a close estimate -- not from the last week.

It would be somewhere in between the two probably.

If everybody that signed up, just signed up 1 person before the years up, it would still work. On the other hand, we all know socialism like that doesn't really work so we shouldn't expect that.


I first have a personaly request that freestaters not flame eachother.  I don't expect that everyone will follow this, but most should recognize the need for civil, constructive conversation.  Name calling achieves nothing.

I was, perhaps, the most active freestater in all of Washington state.  Before the vote, I could recall over two dozen people (of the hundred or so I'd talked to) who were willing to move to a nearby free state.  As soon as NH was chosen, it became impossible to raise their interests.  NH might as well have been Antartica.

I don't have the exact figures, but I know of only two or three other fspers who have actually made the move from west of the Mississippi River.  Even when I here about the occasional Oregonian or Californian, I go and ask the guy, and they're usually from Kentucky or Maryland.

There are 202 people from Washington state who have signed up.  I was the only one to move.



Quote from: maxxoccupancy on September 03, 2006, 12:37 AM NHFT
I don't have the exact figures, but I know of only two or three other fspers who have actually made the move from west of the Mississippi River.  Even when I here about the occasional Oregonian or Californian, I go and ask the guy, and they're usually from Kentucky or Maryland.

Well, lessee, just off the top of my head here... Russell (Kansas and Wyoming). Kat (Texas and Oregon and (I think) California). Varrin (California). There's your "two or three" really quick; I'm positive others have moved from California.

Not so sure what you mean by "usually from KY or MD". Do you mean they moved from CA, but they're really "from" eastern states?

I was born and reared in Arkansas. After college, I spent 3 years in Germany, and I've been in Texas since 1989. I've been east of the Mississippi exactly five times in my life, and once was accidental (when Dad took a wrong turn in St. Louis).

FSP or not, I've moving to NH as soon as I can. Would I "count"?


Lloyd Danforth

Good thing you got out of Arkansas, if thats what happened to you there

Kat Kanning

Seth, Chris, 5 Alexanders, Jackie Casey - Oregon
Sandy - San Francisco
RichDPhoto - Utah
6 Keyes, Ron + friends - MN
Jim and Lauren - Nevada


QuoteI first have a personaly request that freestaters not flame eachother.

I have also been trying to get freestaters to be more civil and to quit attacking each other, to no avail.  Unfortunately, Max, some freestaters think it is more productive to attack each other, rather than to stand up to the bad guys.  Sad, but you can't change their minds.

On the issue of a "free town project" in another state, i think that is a wonderful idea.  NH has almost all of its territory incorporated in a town.  In other states, there are entire unincorporated areas that could be taken advantage of.  The problem is, Max, that the problem you're finding with getting people to move from the west coast is not unique to the West Coast.  There are plenty of people on the east coast or midwest who are willing to wish you well, but not sign up themselves or do much of anything to help. There's a thread on this forum about the lamest excuses.  One guy from Georgia won't move because he got bit by a bug at Porcfest.  It goes on and on.  Unfortunately, those same people, for all their talk, won't make the move no matter how close the state is that was chosen. 



Quote from: Lloyd Danforth on September 03, 2006, 07:53 AM NHFT
Good thing you got out of Arkansas, if thats what happened to you there

Yeah, it's a backwards state, but actually taught us the difference between "raised" and "reared".


Russell Kanning


It seems like not a month goes by that I don't hear about some new person coming out of the woodwork that recently moved from Kaliforniski, to NH. I know thier are several beyond what Keven mentioned. Just don't know any names.


Kat Kanning

Paul & Jenny Ford -Austin
Rob - Austin

Russell Kanning

Aaron .... MO ..... he went back, but will rejoin us.

Russell Kanning

In fact Max .... I think you should move to Keene, whenever you can. I think you will be very encouraged with our crowd and the fun we have. You might want to do political stuff, in which I will not join you, but you will find allies here and be part of a revolution. :)


Dan and Carol moved from WA right?

I can name about 10 from CA alone.

Kat Kanning

Dreepa and family from CA, too, no?

Pat K

Them Minisota folk depending on were they lived in Minisota. You Betcha!