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Rescinding membership in Free State Project

Started by Objectivist, November 09, 2006, 07:53 PM NHFT

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FYI, I didn't write the FAQ.  It has been there for years.  But I find your argument pretty lame.  "PROMOTING" violence is not the same thing as self-defence or wielding a gun.  As for the reference to the Revolutionary War, what can I say?  The FSP is not advocating a violent revolution against the current U.S. government, no matter how heinous it may be.  If that's what you dig, find another club.

As for your definition of bigot, where the hell did that come from??

big?ot? /?b?g?t/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[big-uht] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation
a person who is utterly intolerant of any differing creed, belief, or opinion.
[Origin: 1590?1600; < MF (OF: derogatory name applied by the French to the Normans), perh. < OE b? God by God]
Dictionary.com Unabridged (v 1.0.1)
Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, ? Random House, Inc. 2006.
American Heritage Dictionary - Cite This Source
big?ot (bgt)  Pronunciation Key  Audio pronunciation of "bigot" [P]

    One who is strongly partial to one's own group, religion, race, or politics and is intolerant of those who differ.

Note the key word: INTOLERANT.  The antithesis of "live and let live".  Then note the wording of the FAQ again.
...promotes violence, racial hatred, or bigotry...

You can hate me all you want.  Hate me for being a greasy dago WOP, or IRISH (damn those people!!), or a female, or a bitch, or someone who married a frog, or someone who used to live in the Middle East (which perhaps helps me to understand that not everyone who lives within certain geopolitical coordinates thinks or acts the same way), or someone who has miscegenated, or is an overeducated windbag, or any old reason you want. Just don't go around encouraging others to hate me for any of those reasons, or encourage them to beat me up.

Any questions?


I think the key here is "promote". That requires action and not just belief. Sure, it is subjective. The decision would entirely be the board's.



Quote from: Friday on November 18, 2006, 02:18 PM NHFT
You can hate me all you want.  Hate me for being a greasy dago WOP, or IRISH (damn those people!!), or a female, or a bitch, or someone who married a frog, or someone who used to live in the Middle East (which perhaps helps me to understand that not everyone who lives within certain geopolitical coordinates thinks or acts the same way), or someone who has miscegenated, or is an overeducated windbag, or any old reason you want. Just don't go around encouraging others to hate me for any of those reasons, or encourage them to beat me up.

Any questions?

Well f***ing said, Friday!


So should we nuke all the ragheads, or what?   :-*

Bald Eagle

Ah, yep <buffs fingernails>  I still got it.

Clearly I was holding the fair Sandra personally responsible for the existence and wording of a portion of the FSP's FAQ.  My most humble pardon. ::)

With equal clarity it can be seen that a primary focus of my existence is the fomenting of interpersonal hatred between everyone.  Everybody needs a hobby.  I must be good at it, judging by your vehement intolerance of my creeds, beliefs, and opinions that obviously differ from your own.   :-*

Speaking of bigotry, I'm not sure exactly where I got that paraphrased definition  :-[ - but I'm pretty sure I have it written down somewhere - I hope it's not on that hard drive that crashed...

I don't encourage anyone to dislike anyone else - except for statists, authoritarians, cops...
IIRC, Ian (FTL) thinks that shunning would be a great way to encourage the statists to get the hell out of Dodge.
Is that "promoting bigotry?"

I thought it was a good question - so I was just asking for clarification.


Quote from: Friday on November 18, 2006, 11:08 AM NHFTby the way, you do realize that Iraq and Iran are different countries

Yes and I also realize that many of those insurgents coming into Iraq and destablizing the area are spilling over from Iran.


Quote from: Caleb on November 18, 2006, 12:41 PM NHFTThe other day, I was chided by a free stater:  "Federal, federal, federal, that's all you ever concern yourself with is federal stuff.  That's not our focus."  To the contrary, federal intrusion into NH's sovereignty *is* a local and state issue. The fact that the empire's actions have provoked the hatred and anger of most of the world makes local and state NH citizens susceptible to terrorism.  Get your head out of your ass and realize where the problem is, Lildog, before its too late.

They were right, if you want to focus on federal stuff you can do so anywhere in the country.  You don't need to pack your bags and move to NH to do so.  And going after the federal government is like a bug tossing itself at a moving SUV in hopes of stopping it... it just isn't going to happen.

So you can waste all your time trying to be that bug stopping the SUV or you can put forth engery and effort into things you can change.  And what makes matters worse is the efforts I'm seeing by many of you here was to toss out people like Bradley in favor of even bigger enemies of freedom like Shea Porter all because of disagreeing on one issue.  And that effort carried over into many LOCAL candidates being tossed out in favor of anti liberty candidates merely because they were in the same party.

So if you can't see how your actions have HURT more then they help maybe YOU need to take your head out of YOUR ass because if you'd rather keep pushing for liberals who want more government and less freedom I'd rather not see you folks continue to move to my state!


QuoteThey were right, if you want to focus on federal stuff you can do so anywhere in the country.  You don't need to pack your bags and move to NH to do so.  And going after the federal government is like a bug tossing itself at a moving SUV in hopes of stopping it... it just isn't going to happen.

*sigh*  It's a shame that more people don't think like you, Lildog.  ::) "We can't make a change.   Nothing we do matters.  Let's only tackle really trivial stuff. Set your goals really low, then hopefully you can reach them."  ::) 

The goal of the FSP (as I understand it) is to go after the federal government by utilizing the state government.  The old concept of divided sovereignty and federalism.  The problem is that our numbers are too small even in the fifty states to nudge the various states to stick up for themselves.  The solution:  move lots of these people to a single state so as to tip the balance and nudge the state in the direction of sticking up for itself and exercising its sovereignty.  Notice the federal focus working within the state.

That having been said, just because the focus is federal doesn't mean that we liberty oriented people want to see tyranny at the state level.  But that kind of goes without saying.  I can work to elect liberty-oriented state and local reps in any state.  That is nothing special.

And what makes matters worse is the efforts I'm seeing by many of you here was to toss out people like Bradley in favor of even bigger enemies of freedom like Shea Porter all because of disagreeing on one issue.  And that effort carried over into many LOCAL candidates being tossed out in favor of anti liberty candidates merely because they were in the same party.

You're looking at it all wrong, lildog.  1) No one tossed out Bradley because of disagreeing on "one issue".  Bradley was tossed out because he's a filthy, disgusting neo-con, a proponent of empire and American hegemony, as well as a proponent of federal sovereignty over the states.  In short, liberty-lovers loathe him. Is Shea-Porter better?  In many issues, no.  In some, yes. But for now, it is better that the Democrat Mafia thug gang control Congress since the opposing Republican Mafia thug gang runs the White House.  It's a way of creating gridlock and limiting the amount of damage that can be done at the moment.  2) You are missing out on a great opportunity if you view the election of Shea-Porter as a defeat!  Bradley being dismissed gives the RLC an opportunity to help elect a pro-liberty Republican in the primary 1.5 years from now, so that voters will have a real choice.  Your choice:  Bitch and moan, or see it as an opportunity.


Quote"PROMOTING" violence is not the same thing as self-defence or wielding a gun.


I agree with you that promoting violence is not the same thing as self-defense.  But we have in our midst free-staters who have moved and openly advocate aggressive pre-emptive warfare in the Middle East against nations that have not attacked us. 

It is my contention that this qualifies as "promoting violence" ... Does the FSP have any intention of addressing this issue?


I don't care if it's local, state or federal. It's ALL on the chopping block as far as I'm concerned.

Though I must admit the first thing I want to tackle is NH's sales tax on meals. Yes, it IS a sales tax, people!


The only thing worse then a single political party controlling the government is when two political parties work together to control the government. :laughing6:


Quote from: Friday on November 18, 2006, 02:18 PM NHFT
me for being a greasy dago WOP, or IRISH

Speaking for the Limey-Dago race, we are impressed with and saddened by your racial purity.
Impressed because you have Dago-ness, and so are 50% pure.
Saddened by the other 50%, not being specifically Anglo-Saxon/Celtic.... if only you had no Irish genes, we would not have to bomb you back to the stone age along with the towelheads.

The Objectivist Limey-Dago Racial Purity Goon Squad for Government-Enabled Peace on Earth
(OLD RPGS GEPE, aka "Old Rags Geepee")


Quote from: d_goddard on November 18, 2006, 07:54 PM NHFT
The Objectivist Limey-Dago Racial Purity Goon Squad for Government-Enabled Peace on Earth
(OLD RPGS GEPE, aka "Old Rags Geepee")

Really incredible.  Just think how fun forums would be if the stuff got legalized!   ;D   :o


Quote from: Bald Eagle on November 18, 2006, 02:51 PM NHFT
Ah, yep <buffs fingernails>  I still got it.

Just responding in kind to your devil's advocate position, Bald Eagle.  No hard feelings, and I wasn't trying to insult you.  :)


Quote from: Caleb on November 18, 2006, 05:05 PM NHFT
Quote"PROMOTING" violence is not the same thing as self-defence or wielding a gun.


I agree with you that promoting violence is not the same thing as self-defense.  But we have in our midst free-staters who have moved and openly advocate aggressive pre-emptive warfare in the Middle East against nations that have not attacked us. 

It is my contention that this qualifies as "promoting violence" ... Does the FSP have any intention of addressing this issue?


To whom/what are you referring?