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"Let them march all they want, as long as they pay their taxes."  --Alexander Haig

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Property Tax Revolt?

Started by FTL_Ian, April 24, 2005, 09:04 PM NHFT

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I am working on a plan to regulate gumball machines.

Pat K

Yeah and them deadly ever loving ever lasting Gobstoppers.

Kat Kanning

Now don't attack the gobstoppers.  Those gobs must be stopped.


Quote from: katdillon on July 22, 2005, 04:52 PM NHFT
I think we need the government to protect us from gumballs.

Just curious - do you have homeowners insurance on your house?

If the answer is YES, then using this logic, you should cancel it. ?It would be unjust to make all the other policy holders pay to rebuild your house if it was damaged in a fire. ?Unless of course the reason is it's OK ?because purchase of the policy was possibly voluntary. ? ::)


Stop paying taxes for salting and plowing.  I have a 4 weel drive pick up and goes great in deep snow.  Accept the risk in the winter.  Don't need no overpaid snow plow drivers and trucks.

Lloyd Danforth

Quote from: EZPass on July 22, 2005, 07:48 PM NHFT
Quote from: katdillon on July 22, 2005, 04:52 PM NHFT
I think we need the government to protect us from gumballs.

Just curious - do you have homeowners insurance on your house?

If the answer is YES, then using this logic, you should cancel it. ?It would be unjust to make all the other policy holders pay to rebuild your house if it was damaged in a fire. ?Unless of course the reason is it's OK ?because purchase of the policy was possibly voluntary. ? ::)

Yes, of course it's voluntary.

Russell Kanning

Quote from: free55 on July 22, 2005, 08:24 PM NHFT
Stop paying taxes for salting and plowing.? I have a 4 weel drive pick up and goes great in deep snow.? Accept the risk in the winter.? Don't need no overpaid snow plow drivers and trucks.
I lived in a town with so many potholes ... we threatened this 8)


I can see you still believe that government is the answer. I think I can speak for most of us here and say we think government IS the problem, Not the answer.


Quote from: EZPass on July 22, 2005, 07:48 PM NHFT
Quote from: katdillon on July 22, 2005, 04:52 PM NHFT
I think we need the government to protect us from gumballs.

Just curious - do you have homeowners insurance on your house?

If the answer is YES, then using this logic, you should cancel it.  It would be unjust to make all the other policy holders pay to rebuild your house if it was damaged in a fire.  Unless of course the reason is it's OK  because purchase of the policy was possibly voluntary.   ::)

Theirs a difference between being in a system in which people volentarily choose the spread risk around, and being forced to at gun-point.

There's also a difference in that government schools are a monopoly and monopolies are inherently ineficient, wheere-as insurence companies compete with other insurence companies.

There's also the evil stuff they teach in government schools.



Quote from: free55 on July 22, 2005, 08:24 PM NHFT
Stop paying taxes for salting and plowing.  I have a 4 weel drive pick up and goes great in deep snow.  Accept the risk in the winter.  Don't need no overpaid snow plow drivers and trucks.

You know I have a good example of that here in Sioux Falls.

Many times, after the snow-plows go through, you can see businesses and private individuals, getting out their cats, plows attachedto the front of their trucks, and snow-blowers, and cleaning up the mess the snow-plows left behind. And cleaning away the snow out-side the fog-line the snow-plows missed.

I always think that These people are willing to pay for snow-removal twice. Once with their taxes, and then again through volentary means to finish and many times fix the job.

Certainly, people would be willing to pay for snow removal volentarily if government didn't do it, and they got to keep their own money.



Quote from: AlanM on July 22, 2005, 10:09 PM NHFT
I can see you still believe that government is the answer. I think I can speak for most of us here and say we think government IS the problem, Not the answer.

No.? Of course not.? However, like insurance principles which spread risk to many in order to protect the individual, in many cases public solutions may do the same thing.? In the case of schools, when I bring my child with severe learning disabilities to the schools, they can afford to provide the thousands of dollars of services to educate her while I couldn't possibily begin to provide in a home school environment.? That risk of having a "special" child is spread over the community.

The government should not be in the business of many things private suppliers can and should do better.? Volunteerism is also a way to keep down government costs, too.

Re insurance:? Most lenders do not allow insurance to be voluntary.? You either pay or don't get the financing.


Quote from: katdillon on April 26, 2005, 02:54 PM NHFT
I don't have a loan.

So what do you say to the less fortunate/wealthy that must take out a loan? ???


QuoteMost lenders do not allow insurance to be voluntary.  You either pay or don't get the financing.

But that's still volentary though. You just don't get the loan, if you don't have an insurence company the bank aproves. That's not force. That's not guns pointed at your head forcing you to give them money. All the bank can do, is not give you the loan if you don't have insurence. And there are typically multiple insurence companies that you can choose from, instead of one government monopoly.



Quote from: EZPass on July 23, 2005, 07:33 PM NHFT
Quote from: AlanM on July 22, 2005, 10:09 PM NHFT
I can see you still believe that government is the answer. I think I can speak for most of us here and say we think government IS the problem, Not the answer.

No.? Of course not.? However, like insurance principles which spread risk to many in order to protect the individual, in many cases public solutions may do the same thing.? In the case of schools, when I bring my child with severe learning disabilities to the schools, they can afford to provide the thousands of dollars of services to educate her while I couldn't possibily begin to provide in a home school environment.? That risk of having a "special" child is spread over the community.

The government should not be in the business of many things private suppliers can and should do better.? Volunteerism is also a way to keep down government costs, too.

Re insurance:? Most lenders do not allow insurance to be voluntary.? You either pay or don't get the financing.

I say the government should not be in the business of ANYTHING the private sector can do, which is almost everything.
"That risk of having a "special" child is spread over the community."
So you feel it is ethically just to force someone else to pay for YOUR childs education. When you conceived that child, you took on the responsibilty for that childs care and up-bringing. I did not force you to have the child, but you want to force me to pay its way. Sorry. Your responsibility, not mine. If you were to ask me for some help I would most likely give you assistance, but do not use a gun at my head to FORCE me to pay.
Your username says a lot about your expectations.


Quote from: AlanM on July 23, 2005, 08:08 PM NHFT
Quote from: EZPass on July 23, 2005, 07:33 PM NHFT
Quote from: AlanM on July 22, 2005, 10:09 PM NHFT

I did not force you to have the child, but you want to force me to pay its way. Sorry. Your responsibility, not mine. If you were to ask me for some help I would most likely give you assistance, but do not use a gun at my head to FORCE me to pay.

I didn't force you to have a fire in your house that will be put out with the assistance of community resources.? OK to say your responsibility?? Let it burn?

BTW, where does this selfish attitude of "I've got mine and to hell with everyone else" come from?? I would suspect most of these people don't volunteer in their community, were fortunate enough to have perfect kids, could care less about others, and are fairly well off.

And, I've seen several posts referring to guns at people's heads.? Far too much imagery of guns at heads.? Is this a Timothy McVae cheerleading site?

I suspect you would be the first one down at town hall demanding that the supermarket that decided to build a store adjacent to your house stop construction because of a land ordinance that's been violated.? You hate everything about the government until such time as you decide you need it.? How convenient.

I believe government should be small and efficient and not waste money.? We should be free from oppressive regimes that don't allow me(us) to decide our own fate.? However I'm not an anarchist that wants to retreat to the dark ages when we lived in forts to fight the savages who wanted to steal our women and food.