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"Let them march all they want, as long as they pay their taxes."  --Alexander Haig

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Property Tax Revolt?

Started by FTL_Ian, April 24, 2005, 09:04 PM NHFT

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Quote from: katdillon on July 02, 2005, 10:47 AM NHFT
I'm going to send that first quote to a lady on the Keene City Council.  One of my buddies in TX wrote to the council, and got this response:

I understand your logic, but I sure don't agree with it!  I have no children in the schools....can I get a break on my taxes, too?  And, on the short street where I live, no one in any of the 7 homes has children in the schools.  Do they get a break?  And my friends?  So....none of us pay school taxes and what happens to the schools?  They go down in quality.

I don't use the municipals pools, basketball courts, playgrounds or tennis courts.  Can I deduct that cost from my taxes as well?  There are many roads I don't drive on or sidewalks I don't use....more savings for me?  I haven't had a fire truck at my house in 35 years......should I refuse to pay taxes on that service?  I don't have a plane and I don't use the airport.  More savings for me!!!!!

Sounds good to me :)

Free market competition/cooporation can produce ALL these things, more efficiently then government.



Can somebody come to this guys aid, and help defend him?



Quote from: tracysaboe on July 02, 2005, 05:33 PM NHFT
Can somebody come to this guys aid, and help defend him?


Anyone know how to contact him? Att.com directory has 4 listings for Robert Saulnier in NH; 2 are the same number at different addresses in Pembroke; 1 is in Salem, and the last is "Robert E." in East Hampstead, but that's not the same middle initial.


Michael Fisher

We MUST find this guy!   :o

We start to watch for people who are victimized by the government and we help them, just like Myrtle.

This is how it begins.


Didn't Ed Naile mention him in one of his letters that Dave M posted?

Dave Ridley

Arright i've now posted an update letting folks know what happened at kat's protest on the 30th.   Posted it to the main NH forums and the 10 major  national forums I frequent.



My Story

Because of an escrow problem, I fell behind on my property taxes. The town started tax liens in the early 1990s. Because of the escrow money that would not be released by N.F.S. bank, I fell behind each year after these tax liens.

I would go to the town hall with a bank check in-hand for the amount of one year's property taxes. The Town manager at the time was Richard Plante. He would look at the check and say, "It's not enough," and then hand it back to me. In all, over the years, I tried to give the town approximately $28,000 in property tax money.

As I found out later, the town is bound by state law R.S.A. 80:71 regarding partial payments. It says that the town shall take partial payments and apply it to towards the outstanding tax debt. This is the first law among many that the Town has violated, without any regard to State or Federal regulations pertaining to tax deeding.

Each year at tax time they would send me a letter telling me that they were going to deed the property to themselves by a certain date if I didn't pay the whole tax bill. Every year I got the same typed letter, only with a different deeding date. On April 8, 1999 I got a letter just like I had been getting over these years, again I went to the town and tried to give them a bank check for $4,406.00, and they again said no.

Three years went by, and on April 8, 2002 I received a letter from the town telling me that they had deeded my property to themselves in 1999, and that if I came up with $96,000 within 30 days I could have the deed back. This $96,000 sum was grossly inflated due to penalty charges and the 18% interest rate applied to the debt. Had the Town accepted the partial payments that I attempted to give, far less money would have been owed on the property, and it never would have come to this..

Over that 30 day period I tried everything to make some kind of a arrangement with these property taxes. My contacts were, at that point, a new town manager, Dave Caron, and the finance director Susan Hickey. "Absolutely no deals," the town manager told me he wanted the property.

As I started looking through relevant state statutes applying to legal tax deeding, I soon found out that the town the court and its agents managed to break nearly every law in the book to literally steal this property.

Here is a partial list of laws and N.H. RSAs that these so-called "officers of the court" have (so far) gotten away with breaking:

    * RSA 80:71 (Regarding their obligation to accept partial payments)
    * RSA 80:21 (Regarding mandatory notice of sale)
    * RSA 80:29 (Regarding conduct of sale)
    * RSA 80:38 (Regarding tax deeding)
    * RSA 80:89 (Regarding right to re-purchase)

The Town of Londonderry is completely out of control. Something has to stop the tyranny in this County.

This guy is no stranger to fighting City Hall.



Article in .pdf, covering some history of this event:




Wow... this violence must end.


I uploaded a few photos of the property tax revolt (the name of the Gallery is "Property Tax Revolt").  I didn't bother to cut them down in size; let me know if that's a problem.

Russell Kanning

Quote from: Friday on July 03, 2005, 09:00 AM NHFT
I uploaded a few photos of the property tax revolt (the name of the Gallery is "Property Tax Revolt").? I didn't bother to cut them down in size; let me know if that's a problem.


Maybe we could get some of our News Articals and things in Londonderry, to try and ferrit this guy out.



Robert Saulnier had a junk yard. As I recall the Londonderry Town Council passed an ordinance regarding junk yards. Everytime anyone with a junk yard comes up for review they run them through the ringer. It's clear the town council wants all of them out of business.

Ron Helwig

Did the 13,000 check guy want his address and phone number posted? Probably ought to edit them out of the photo in the gallery.

Russell Kanning

He wanted it all.....we kept asking him.