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"Let them march all they want, as long as they pay their taxes."  --Alexander Haig

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Civil Disobedience

Started by Michael Fisher, April 11, 2005, 12:01 PM NHFT

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Russell Kanning

Hey I did my part......others have to show up on the outside of the jail.....if we don't have that many liberty lovers.....it will just take longer :-X


Quote from: president on June 03, 2005, 07:34 PM NHFT
Quote from: Scott Roth on June 03, 2005, 06:32 PM NHFT
I mean, afterall, most of the FSP higher-ups don't even live here.
Jason P. Sorens is moving to NY this fall to take a assistant professor appointment at SUNY-Buffalo.

Did Jason buy a house in NY?  :o

Currently, I'm paying $4200 per year on a $125,000 home in a suburb of Buffalo, NY.

Michael Fisher

Time Magazine called today and interviewed me about the outlaw manicure event.   :o


Quote from: LeRuineur6 on August 04, 2005, 01:12 AM NHFT
Time Magazine called today and interviewed me about the outlaw manicure event.   :o


How'd it go? Please give us a recap here. Interviews as perceived by those present seldom bear much resemblance to the published version. I'd like to see your summary of the interview.

Arkansas Tech University, 1985


Especially with the type of hatcheting and editing times does.

But I hope it went well.


Kat Kanning


Exactly what I said when I read that!   :o


How do you twist the outlaw manicurist event to make it seem more nutty than it actually was?  Every aspect of it bordered on surreal.


Quote from: LeRuineur6 on August 04, 2005, 01:12 AM NHFT
Time Magazine called today and interviewed me about the outlaw manicure event. :o

Haaaaa...I am so new I did not know that was You, Mike : )

The "Mad Manicurist" !

May this 'Timely' interview add to forward momentum by getting the 'point' in front of some more
point-driven-action-oriented types of the third kind : )

Hey! Can I get Your autograph? HaHa! : )

Michael Fisher

Kevin, hehe okay here it goes.

Ellie Reeve was the Time Magazine reporter who interviewed me.  Apparently, she had been doing a lot of research on me to find out the outcome of the event, but could not find any information about the result.

I explained that the nature of licensing laws are their insidious nature.  Usually, only professionals realize that licensing laws are becoming more strict and broad, and they cover more professions every day.  Then I told her that I spent a day in jail, there was a lot of media coverage on TV, radio, and in newspapers in New Hampshire and some in other states.

This media coverage obviously destroyed the insidious nature of the existing licensing laws, and exposed the practical effects for all to see.  This, as well as the fact that we gained significant statewide support for our position, made the event a "resounding success."  Those were her words to me.

I also explained that there is a bill being introduced soon to decrease licensing regulations and we have a sponsor for it.

She did not know about the New Hampshire Underground, so I told her the URL about 3 or 5 times.  ;)  She had not heard about Kat and Russell, so I explained Russell's event at Manchester airport and the resulting threats from the TSA for civil fines of $3,000 to $6,000.  I also told her about Kat's rebellion and that her home may eventually be taken away because of her refusal to pay the school portion of property taxes.

She had not heard of either of those stories before, but she has now!  :)

Ellie asked if we have more "events" planned, and I mentioned that we have many civil disobedience events planned for the future, and we hold many other events, such as weekly protests, gatherings, volunteer work, and more.  I explained that I'm trying to push the movement toward nonpolitical action, volunteerism, and civil disobedience, but there is no conflict between us and the libertarian politicos.

She asked what I thought about the FSP and the Christian Exodus movement.  This is what I believe the original idea for her story was.  I told her it's the smart thing for everyone to vote with their feet and move to the state or country which best implements their ideals.  At one point, someone from the christian exodus movement contacted us, I recalled, but I could not remember what they said.  However, there is no animosity between our movements as far as I am aware, I explained.

I talked a little bit about the liberal migration to Vermont, the Mormon migration to Utah (of which I have first-hand knowledge from living in Utah for 15 years), and said I hope the FSP and Christian Exodus both succeed.  There's apparently some type of libertarian migration in Europe, I said, but I could not remember much about it.

She specifically asked if FSP members were moving into New Hampshire from other countries.  I could not say that many had moved yet, but several have been contacting us looking for jobs and other help moving in.  In hindsight, I should have said that they will have a very hard time immigrating to New Hampshire without a job already lined up, because America no longer welcomes immigrants.   ::)

The interview was about 20-25 minutes long.  It made me late for a few hours of volunteer work at the New Outlook Teen Center, but they didn't mind!


Thanks, Mike!

I don't regularly read Time, so I hope we get a heads-up when this appears. It might very well be reduced to a snippet in another article. You never know; that's how the news business works.



It would be good to have another reporter as a friend.
Time... moving up in the world.

I think that the FSP is getting more an more attention.
I got a phone call last night from someone in LA... they want to interview me and possibly film me packing my stuff up.

Michael Fisher

Quote from: Dreepa on August 05, 2005, 01:45 PM NHFT
It would be good to have another reporter as a friend.
Time... moving up in the world.

I think that the FSP is getting more an more attention.
I got a phone call last night from someone in LA... they want to interview me and possibly film me packing my stuff up.

That's awesome!  Definitely do it if you're up to it!!!  :) :)

Kat Kanning


There's an article in the August issue of Liberty magazine about a marijuana activist who has vowed to do a hunger strike, to the death if need be, if she's put in prison for having distributed magic cookies to fully informed individuals, for free.? She seems to feel confident that they'll just let her out of prison if it comes to that point, as nobody would want the image of a dead old cookie-baking lady on their record.? I don't know if she's right about that, but thought I'd pass it on. You can read the whole article for free here:

Russell Kanning