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Civil Disobedience

Started by Michael Fisher, April 11, 2005, 12:01 PM NHFT

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Kat Kanning


Quote from: katdillon on June 03, 2005, 09:49 AM NHFT
Quote from: SethCohn on June 03, 2005, 09:46 AM NHFT

Also Steve Cobb had an LTE published yesterday

That, my young padain, is why you fail.

It's padawan, my dear, and every time the _FSP_ is incorrectly mentioned as the sponsor of _ANY_ activity in NH, expect an LTE from someone.  That, my fellow activist, is why you get frustrated with the FSP... because it MUST do that.

Russell Kanning

"Neither Russell Kanning nor Mike Fisher has any authority to speak or act on behalf of the FSP, and the FSP did not authorize their actions; we found out in the press along with everyone else. "

When the lady asked me if I moved to NH because of the FSP...I responded "yes".
She calls us Free Staters.....big deal...I don't want to tell them what to call me.

Why does Steve Cobb think he is a "we" with respect to the FSP? Some of the members of the FSP knew about Mikes event before the paper wrote about it....since "we" are his friends. :) I wonder if moving to NH "vests" you enough in the FSP for Steve?

Russell Kanning

The article doesn't say that the FSP is planning any action.....they probably know better...the FSP doesn't "do" anything as far as they can see.....Free Staters do "do" things in the public's mind. :)


Quote from: russellkanning on June 03, 2005, 10:05 AM NHFT
The article doesn't say that the FSP is planning any action.....they probably know better...the FSP doesn't "do" anything as far as they can see.....Free Staters do "do" things in the public's mind. :)

In the meantime, the Newmarket activist is announcing that the Free State Project?s next planned public act of disobedience will be a federal case.

The Free State Project publicist announced that on June 11, Keene resident Russell Kanning will travel to Manchester Airport and refuse to cooperate with federal law requiring a show of identification.

Mike didn't (or shouldn't have) say that the _FSP_'s next act, nor is he an FSP publicist.

It's your job to keep the FSP connection (you don't speak for the FSP, do things for the FSP, etc) correct, not the reporters.  They don't understand, you do.   What's so hard about that?

Russell Kanning

Sometimes the reporters write things differently than we say them.

Russell Kanning

The FSP publicist is making sure everyone knows that the FSP doesn't do anything......job well done!

Russell Kanning

I also don't understand why Steve thinks civil disobedience is not the way to go.....it works...and there is injustice out there to oppose.....seems like a good idea to me. 8)

Kat Kanning

Quote from: SethCohn on June 03, 2005, 10:13 AM NHFT
It's your job to keep the FSP connection (you don't speak for the FSP, do things for the FSP, etc) correct, not the reporters. 

It's not my job, cause I don't give a fuck.  We are "freestaters" and we did plan this.  I don't see anything wrong with what she said.

Michael Fisher

The reporter misreported.  I never called myself an FSP publicist.  It happens.  She's still a good reporter.  :)  The FSP wanted me to correct her and I said I didn't feel like it, so they corrected her instead.  That's all you're reading.

It is true that the FSP does not seem to support or oppose anything.  I do not know if that has anything to do with the recruiting problem.  It is definitely in their best interests to recognize our in-state successes, and they do on their front page.

I see no real problem with any of this.  They do what they want, we do what we want.

If they oppose us, then start to worry.

Michael Fisher

Quote from: SethCohn on June 03, 2005, 09:46 AM NHFT
Mike Fisher has a LTE response

This was published in the Exeter Newsletter and the Portsmouth Herald today.  :)


Oh well! ??? ?Hell, my karma be going down hill of late so why not say what I think! ;)

Hey, folks at FSP central command, do your thing and continue to disavowl anything we
do in NH. ?Hey, it's your call and have no problem with that. ?Fact is you are the bus that
got me to NH, and respect that. ?Truth is, without the FSP I would not be in NH and I
truthfully appreciate you guidance....But...now that I'm in NH going to do all I can to promote
freedom in NH. ?What you guys don't get with your intellectual pruity is that those of us who
have moved to NH are here to live the statement of intent. ?This is now our home!

Hey sorry, we jumped the gun and didn't wait for 20,000! ?Thinking when and if you get
to NH you will understand, until then...hey ?whatever? ???

We have been tagged as Free Staters, so hell what should we do? ??? ?What you folks who
are not here or play the intellectual game want us to do?

Hey sorry, know lots of the folks some are movers, but to my delite many are folks who live
in NH, and never were FSP members. ?We are all working together to promote freedom, and
what you folks don't understand that hey, sorry we all live in NH now, and could care less about
what club got us here. ?Only thing that is important is that you are here, and doing our best!

Get notes weekly from folks say. interested in the FSP, and what your doing....Sorry Mission Control,
not going to get into this long discussion of what the FSP mission is, and what we are doing. Just
going to say, hey....welcome and so much appreciate your help! :D

Thinking you folks at Mission Control need to stop worrying so much about what we are doing, and
spend a little more time in doing what you are suppose to be doing! ?I trust the folks here, and have
seen the results of there efforts....Perhaps you folks need to start trusting the folks a little more and
quite worry about what might go wrong! ?::)

Hey we have been tagged at Free Staters, by the press and many of the folks in NH....So what?

Please understand I only speak for me, but not going to spin my wheels, trying to explain about the
difference between???? ??? ? We just have so much more important and real things to do.


WOW.  I get out of work early, and come home to this?


Quote from: katdillon on June 03, 2005, 10:54 AM NHFT
Quote from: SethCohn on June 03, 2005, 10:13 AM NHFT
It's your job to keep the FSP connection (you don't speak for the FSP, do things for the FSP, etc) correct, not the reporters.?

It's not my job, cause I don't give a fuck.? We are "freestaters" and we did plan this.? I don't see anything wrong with what she said.

Hey I didn't plan it   :) - but someone (NHfree.com) was good enough to give me the heads up   ;) - so I went out and supported it!
I still support it.
And, though no one asked me at Mike's WILDLY SUCCESFULL event, (shhhhhhh) yes I am a "freestater".  Ok?  Should I keep it a secret?   ;D

There have also been some other events which I wasn't not as sure about.
So, want to know what I did about them.  Nothing!
I shut the F... up and stayed ut of the way.  Isn't that part of "my job"?

Oh BTW, One of those (other   :-*) "events" has come to be a favorite of mine.
So come on home - and do what you do.  Have some fun!

(Meenwhile, I think Kat has gracefuly included a thread here for ENDLESS . . . INACTION.)  See you there.  Not.