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"Let them march all they want, as long as they pay their taxes."  --Alexander Haig

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Civil Disobedience

Started by Michael Fisher, April 11, 2005, 12:01 PM NHFT

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Michael Fisher

Quote from: FTL_Ian on May 17, 2005, 12:53 PM NHFT
I don't see why this all need take years for planning.? You kicked ass and took names in a matter of weeks.


It doesn't take years of planning to pull it off. ?It only takes years to come up with the greatest ideas for civil disobedience. ?It took Gandhi many years to come up with the idea for the Dandi March protesting against the salt monopoly.

Copying his strategy will save us years of thought, however. ?;)


Quote from: Rocketman on May 17, 2005, 01:22 PM NHFT
How about setting up a taxi service, giving people rides for money?  I dunno about NH, but I remember reading that immigrants had set up businesses in big cities driving people around in vans.  People were paying for the van rides because privately owned vans, unlike public transportation, go where you want them to.  But the government shut them down to protect their public transport boondoggles, along with licensed cabbies.

Just an idea.

And a great idea!  I read about that, too.  I think it was in Manhattan (at least the story I read).  The riders liked it because it was a more direct route to their destination.  Gee, I thought I had read that story from a link posted on this forum. 

Michael Fisher

Quote from: Rocketman on May 17, 2005, 01:22 PM NHFT
How about setting up a taxi service, giving people rides for money?? I dunno about NH, but I remember reading that immigrants had set up businesses in big cities driving people around in vans.? People were paying for the van rides because privately owned vans, unlike public transportation, go where you want them to.? But the government shut them down to protect their public transport boondoggles, along with licensed cabbies.

Just an idea.

That's an idea, but I don't think they'd crack down on you here, would they?

Hey... I remember you.  Did you visit here from Kentucky and stay with Dave?  If so, then we went out for a drink at the Lamprey Tavern the day before you went back home!  Remember me?  :)

Michael Fisher


From: Dan Clore <clore@...>
Date: Mon May 16, 2005? 7:04 am
Subject: Re: Clipped for Manicure without a License? clore333
Send Email?

Michael Price wrote:
> James A. Donald wrote:

>>I am troubled that Dan Clore is taking a more principled
>>anarchist position than you are - or indeed I am.

This touches me deeply. But upon further research, I've
found the following:

Foster's Online
May 15, 2005
Free State protest misses the mark


Now, I have to confess that I have never procured the
services of a manicurist. I have always taken care of my
nails myself, without any formal training. This always
seemed reasonable enough; some individuals may have objected
to my nails on aesthetic grounds, at various times, but I
have never had any discernible health problems related to them.

The writers fault Mike Fisher's nail treatment because, as
they put it, "Fisher avoided providing services that could
lead to serious medical complications." Given that one would
probably desire this result, this might seem like reasonable
behavior. And frankly, I just don't see any particular
reason to do something to my nails that might lead to
serious medical complications. But the professionals insist,
and the would know, wouldn't they?

So, upon their expert advice, I have now come to the
conclusion that no one should be forced to wallow in
ignorance as I have done for so long. Government training in
nail care, particularly focusing on practices that might
lead to serious medical complications, must become mandatory
for all.

We will have to tread a thin line when we make the logical
extension of requiring a licence to do one's own nails, and
require that nails be done. But we will gain a new coming of
age ritual. Teens will eagerly await the day when they can
get their license, and not only start to do their own nails,
but even do others' nails as well! No more sneaking around
in the bushes to do each others nails, like before!

And, of course, given the likelihood of resistance to
pointless practices that may lead to serious medical
complications, we will need further regulations specifying
how often one must have one's nails done, and special
law-enforcement tools like armed checkpoints to determine
that all have duly complied with the law.

Those found guilty of violating these new laws will be
ritually clawed to death by the righteous citizens of the
Total Nail-Care State--
(Fade-out to chanting of "Nail Hitler! Nail Hitler!! Nail

Dan Clore

My collected fiction, _The Unspeakable and Others_:
Lord We?rdgliffe & Necronomicon Page:
News & Views for Anarchists & Activists:

Strange pleasures are known to him who flaunts the
immarcescible purple of poetry before the color-blind.
-- Clark Ashton Smith, "Epigrams and Apothegms"


Kat Kanning

Nope, nobody talking about it.  We didn't even send them a press release.

From today's Monadnock Shopper:

[attachment deleted by admin]

Russell Kanning

They are asking for a Property Tax Revolt.......should we start one? :D

Russell Kanning

Maybe we could put that one on the front page too. 8)

Kat Kanning

See, Russell's right...we're not being radical enough!

Lloyd Danforth

Great cartoon, good to get recognization of any kind.

Russell Kanning

Quote from: katdillon on May 19, 2005, 02:23 PM NHFT
See, Russell's right...we're not being radical enough!
We are not as hardcore as they expected....time to ramp up the activity.....don't want to disappoint anyone. 8)


Quote from: russellkanning on May 19, 2005, 02:09 PM NHFT
They are asking for a Property Tax Revolt.......should we start one? :D

Sounds like a Market demand to me!


Wow.  Anyone know anything about the cartoonist?

Kat Kanning

Yeah look at this one he did:



Quote from: LiveFreeOrDie on May 19, 2005, 05:28 PM NHFT
Wow.? Anyone know anything about the cartoonist?

I have contacted him about doing some artwork for ShortyDawkins.com
Perhaps we all could hire him to create a cartoon for us.