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FIJA disobedience at courthouse? (fully informed jury)

Started by Dave Ridley, June 29, 2007, 11:21 AM NHFT

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Dave Ridley

Here is another idea I just thought of:  Inform authorities you'll appear in front of a courthouse on a given day with a piece of chalk.   Tell them you will attempt to scrawl the following on the courthouse exterior:

"Juries may acquit
for any reason

I'm leaning toward doing something like this in August if my schedule doesn't get in the way.  FIJA disobedience appears to be the second most popular idea on our civil dis poll by the way.

The most popular idea is serving alchohol to an underage veteran, but we haven't found such a veteran yet. 

In any case I think FIJA dis could be better.  It's not as visual but if just 20,000 people read about it that's 20,000 different opportunities to hang a jury.

And in all likelihood we would reach over 50,000.



Three thoughts:
1) I love this
2) Writing on the public sidewalk is probably better than on the building itself
3) Dick Marple may wish to be present -- I assume it'd be more newsworthy if a state rep is part of the CivDis. His email is armlaw@hotmail.com


have someone report it when it starts,  this way you are living free and its not so much a dare.  Have more then one peice of chalk anyone that is there, have a bucket for people who are walking buy to grab peices, write "the law is always on Trial" as well

Dave Ridley

Who is a bad judge in Manchester? keene?  concord?

which court or judge has a history of locking up harmless offenders?

any cases or statistics you guys can list as grievances?

Dave Ridley

also who are some NH judges who have testified against fully informed juries?


Quote from: DadaOrwell on June 29, 2007, 01:10 PM NHFT
also who are some NH judges who have testified against fully informed juries?
Marple may well have some of this info

Dave Ridley

okie i've emailed him

reminder:  this is still just an idea and i dont even know yet if i'll be available to do it



He did lose, but it may still be an interesting tickler for any media: "former State Rep does Something Wacky"
Plus, Marple is so quotable on FIJA-related stuff.... nothing like belting out a few choice SCOTUS rulings to the cops who ask you to stop  ;)

Recumbent ReCycler

I remember a judge testifying against fully informed jury legislation.  He said that while the jury can legally judge the law, they don't want them to know that they can because fewer people will be convicted.  I didn't get his name, but I remember his face.  One idea I have is to park a van near the courthouse with FIJA information written on it in large text so that it is easily readable by any passer-by.

I found an article by someone else who was obviously also at the hearing. 
Here is the relevant part:
QuoteA FIJA bill has been presented to the NH legislature something like 8 times already, and every time it goes down in flames. This year was no exception.  Rep. Ingbretson, who sponsored this year's bill, spoke eloquently about the benefits of fully informed juries.  When he finished, you could hear crickets chirping; not a single committee member had any questions for him.  He was followed by the Chief Justice of the State Supreme Court, who said fully informed juries are, and I quote, "a terribly bad idea".  He freely acknowledged that juries have the legal power to judge the law, but said "we don't want to encourage them to use it!"
I think I got there just after he started talking.  I don't think there was anyone videotaping that hearing.  Next time, I think it is very important that someone videotape it.  A video of a judge saying something like that would be great material for youtube and for sharing with the press.

Dave Ridley

it's not so much that they don't encourage them to use it....they actively discourage them from using it!

both overtly and probably in some cases there is a level of fear on the part of the juror.

anyway do you guys have any ideas what kinds of things ought to happen during and *after* such a civil disobedience event?   what would be the end game here?  Or would there be one.

unfortunately you can't do the same civil dis twice in the same place without suffering diminishing returns and increasing costs.

Dave Ridley

more ideas....we could all wear Tshirts that say FIJA.org  ....even if that meant just scrawling the URL on the front and back a bunch of shirts and handing em out. 

i've also had good luck in the past scrawling URLs on my forehead LOL   
actually i get a piece of light colored tape, write on that, then put it on my forehead.  it's especially helpful for videotaped interviews.   

The url should be everywhere.


Quote from: DadaOrwell on June 30, 2007, 07:52 AM NHFT
what would be the end game here?

There is an exquisite end game in FIJ events. It must go to jury trial though. The prosecutor must show evidence against the disobedient.  That evidence is a pamphlet or video explaining FIJ.  The jury must examine the evidence. Your jury is informed.  It's a self-fulfilling prophesy.  ;D


I would get FIJA's permision first before i through there URL everywhere, not that they wont mind but they may aprechate the forsight incase they are contacted for comment.


Quote from: DadaOrwell on June 29, 2007, 01:10 PM NHFT
also who are some NH judges who have testified against fully informed juries?

Committee records will show that my last attempt with a FIJA Bill, Chief Justice of the Superior Court, Robert Lynn testified in opposition to my Bill. Check all Judiciary Committee Records for all years, (I have sponsored fija bills since 1999) for all who testified and their postion and argument.
Dick Marple