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FIJA disobedience at courthouse? (fully informed jury)

Started by Dave Ridley, June 29, 2007, 11:21 AM NHFT

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Dave Ridley


I am thinking about getting a hi-end wookie costume for demonstrations.    It will probably cost me around 400 bucks.  here's a pic of it:


My first idea is to stand in front of a courthouse with it while people are going in for jury duty.   I could  carry a sign that reads

May Overrule

Next to the word juries would be a pic of the Millenium Falcon
Next to the word judges would be a pic of the death star

I could try this out for a while lawfully....then if i feel i'm getting too much grief from authorities I could always do the civil disobedience plan.

Before ordering the suit I may also try doing this without costume, again lawfully.

Your thoughts?  Ways to improve on the idea?
Is it worth placing the order?  What else could it be used for?


The Wookie outfit probably won't grant the FIJA message the authority that it needs to have, for jurors to actually think about practicing it.

Wearing a suit and tie -- basically, looking like a lawyer (though not claiming to be one) -- will probably make the jurors realize this is not a gag, it's for real and it is, not shit, honestly and really the law.

Tom Sawyer

 ;D ;D ;D

I think it's a great idea... very visual and humor are positive attributes. Probably kind of hot for this time of year though.

[attachment deleted by admin]

Tom Sawyer

Maybe d_g should wear the suit and tie... be your mouthpiece.  :)


Quote from: DadaOrwell on August 01, 2007, 10:17 AM NHFT
I am thinking about getting a hi-end wookie costume for demonstrations.    It will probably cost me around 400 bucks.

You could get Dreepa for free.  ;)


Quote from: Tom Sawyer on August 01, 2007, 11:40 AM NHFT
Maybe d_g should wear the suit and tie
I am planning to do just that, if the Happening seems like one I can get on board with.

Tom Sawyer


The Wookie outfit probably won't grant the FIJA message the authority that it needs to have, for jurors to actually think about practicing it.

Wearing a suit and tie -- basically, looking like a lawyer (though not claiming to be one) -- will probably make the jurors realize this is not a gag, it's for real and it is, not shit, honestly and really the law.

I agree with Denis....I would not demean the effort with what could be seen as a prank. This is serious business and the jurors must know that they are the ultimate arbiters of both the actions and the law. Jury nullification is a RIGHT and DUTY!  More so, if the statute is overbearing or unjust in the penalty. Accordingly, even if the prosecution proves all elements of the purported crime, the jury may acquit if the penalty for the crime is unjust. See New Hampshire Bill of Rights for protection against unjust penalties.

Tom Sawyer

You think the paper will be interested in publishing a picture of someone in a suit?

You guys don't get the visual nature of this work.

During the Real-ID Rally it was Batman that made the front page.

When someone tries to sell you something on TV how do they get folks' attention? People have a choice of what they pay attention to... you have to do something that gets past their initial sales resistance.

Reminds me of that 100 grand piece of crap video Harry Browne squandered folks money on. I produced a documentary for 1 grand that got seen by millions of people.

Dada Chewbacca could be a hit on youtube. Humor is a very powerful tool, being all earnest in your suit won't go much of anywhere.

J’raxis 270145

Dave Ridley

i am still laughing hard enough at my own idea ...and tom's pic....that it must have something going for it....

I'd rather have 500 people remember and ridicule this than 500 people respect and forget it.

As for the suit idea, probably if you are going to try being normal then you should dress like most of the jurors.  they don't wear suits because they don't trust suits.

But I bet they trust Chewie!

Tom Sawyer

I wonder if there is a way to raise the funds for the costume. I think that if Dada is willing to wear it the least the rest of us can do is help support the effort. If we build the enthusiasm and such I'll create a video out of the results.

Jim Johnson

Kat Kanning