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"Let them march all they want, as long as they pay their taxes."  --Alexander Haig

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Something is going on at Error's apartment!

Started by Recumbent ReCycler, October 05, 2007, 01:43 PM NHFT

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Quote from: EJinCT on October 06, 2007, 10:24 AM NHFT
If anyone is looking for rational on the part of the feds it's likely to be an exercise in futility; the whores of Babylon are completely delusional to begin with.

Maybe they feel guilty about sitting around pushing papers at a desk.  They think to themselves, "hey, the taxpayers are paying us to do something, let's go do something!"  Doing something is better than doing nothing, right?  (so goes their logic.)


Going out and hassling people who have never even heard of any of this and have no idea what's going on is apparently a great time for federal agents. I got to watch several of them enjoying themselves doing just that to one of my roommates whose biggest crime was cooking lunch.


Ok, there are several things that don't make sense to me. Maybe the whole story wasn't posted so it sounds funny but maybe you guys could help me out. I live in... uh, Canada (so leave me alone feds) and I think there is a lot more to this story than has been posted. Maybe you guys can help me understand a little better.

Why did they find your house using GPS?
Why is the Treasury Department looking for, what can only be called, Thought Criminals?
Are Ed and Elaine part of the FSP or just friends?
What was the FULL reason, or the suspected hidden reason, for the Treasury being there?
Was the alleged "Hit List" posted on this site and if so, how many feds do you think it takes to filter through all of the hundreds of posts per day? Is there a team dedicated to doing it or are they relying on Carnivore type software?


 Glad to hear everyone is okay. From up here in Canuckistan what happened looked like an attempt to incite, but not to enjoy beating people, but to increase their budget. My guess is the treasury department wants a bigger budget so its hired retards go out and try to provoke people so an incident occurs which justifies bigger guns, tanks, dogs, helicopters etc. Or perhaps they were yelled at for not having enough results and were told to go out and make some up. Those boys sure do like their toys, sort of like us rednecks with our big trucks, you know, the bigger the toy the smaller the *enis. You should not incite violence, the best way to get rid of the government is to ignore it, ignore it's rules, ignore it's regulations, ignore the losers who work for it. If millions of people did this then those tossers would no longer be getting a pay day from the tax payer.


Quote from: enloopious on October 06, 2007, 04:44 PM NHFT
Ok, there are several things that don't make sense to me. Maybe the whole story wasn't posted so it sounds funny but maybe you guys could help me out. I live in... uh, Canada (so leave me alone feds) and I think there is a lot more to this story than has been posted. Maybe you guys can help me understand a little better.

Why did they find your house using GPS?
Why is the Treasury Department looking for, what can only be called, Thought Criminals?
Are Ed and Elaine part of the FSP or just friends?
What was the FULL reason, or the suspected hidden reason, for the Treasury being there?
Was the alleged "Hit List" posted on this site and if so, how many feds do you think it takes to filter through all of the hundreds of posts per day? Is there a team dedicated to doing it or are they relying on Carnivore type software?
Haha, I like that last one. Imagine a leak from the friendly neighbourhood FBI office, detailing the 'NHFree anarchist cell Task Force'. ::)

Pat K

Yea, we need a task force for NHfree people chief!

why? Well alot of reasons but the worst is they make
fun of us online!! If we don't quash it here, The
next thing you know they will walk up to us in
public and ask us to pull their fingers!

Kat Kanning


Quote from: Kat Kanning on October 06, 2007, 06:55 PM NHFT
Ed and Elaine are not part of the FSP.

Indeed. A point that you might want to make to any Feds when they're asking "Are you part of the Free State Project?".


Quote from: enloopious on October 06, 2007, 04:44 PM NHFT
Why did they find your house using GPS?
Who said anything about them finding the house with GPS?  412 Central St is easily found repeatedly all over these forums.  I've never seen a geotag for the house posted.

Quote from: enloopious on October 06, 2007, 04:44 PM NHFT
Why is the Treasury Department looking for, what can only be called, Thought Criminals?
Apparently they believe someone has made threats to use violence against some government offices which concern them, and they thought the best way to handle this was to go out in "plain clothes", refuse to properly identify themselves to anyone, blatantly lie to everyone they talked to, in an effort to elicit our "cooperation".

All in all, I give them a C for social engineering, only because a few people got riled up and volunteered information they shouldn't have, and an F for their overall investigation.

Quote from: enloopious on October 06, 2007, 04:44 PM NHFT
Are Ed and Elaine part of the FSP or just friends?
Neither.  They happen to be friends with a few members of the FSP.  Many of us agree with their message but refrained from getting involved due to their manner of handling themselves (ie, pledging to use deadly force to avoid arrest)

Quote from: enloopious on October 06, 2007, 04:44 PM NHFT
What was the FULL reason, or the suspected hidden reason, for the Treasury being there?
Suspected hidden reason: only the treasury dept guys have actually spent time reading this stuff, and the federal marshals were brought along since they were scared someone would pull a gun on them.

Quote from: enloopious on October 06, 2007, 04:44 PM NHFT
how many feds do you think it takes to filter through all of the hundreds of posts per day?
It would only take one to read all the postings on here in near realtime.

History shows that any group even the least resistant or vocal on government policy gets at least one federal agent, usually from the FBI.  For a long-term history on this look up "COINTELPRO".  Freedom of information act has given us tons of documentation on their tactics.

But this isn't the FBI, this is the US Treasury Dept.  Their interest in the FSP likely spawned from googling the Browns and finding "sticky" threads on NHFree about them with over a thousand posts.  Their interest will fade in time.

As far as the others, just keep in the back of your mind that we do have at least one federal agent living in New Hampshire posing as a porcupine.  He'll operate by pointing fingers and trying to create divisions/factions, he may suggest the use of bombs or assassinations as a way to achieve political goals, and he may even seem like just a crazy to us.

It doesn't matter, and paranoia doesn't help us, so we simply ignore any such finger pointing, remove people from the group who advocate the initiation of force to achieve political goals (or hell anyone talking about building bombs), and in general foster a social environment inhospitable to disruptive infiltration.

Hopefully they learned their lesson with Earth First! and don't repeat what they did to Judy Bari.  No planting bombs in porcupine's cars, m'kay?


Russell Kanning

Quote from: ArcRiley on October 06, 2007, 08:36 PM NHFT
But this isn't the FBI, this is the US Treasury Dept.  Their interest in the FSP likely spawned from googling the Browns and finding "sticky" threads on NHFree about them with over a thousand posts.  Their interest will fade in time.
I don't think so ... since many of us openly refuse to pay income taxes. We are not going to stop anytime soon, and we are a threat to their power.


QuoteAre you part of the Free State Project?".
Correct answer is: No, the FSP is just a bus. Once you get to NH, you get off the bus.  >:D

QuoteNo planting bombs in porcupine's cars, m'kay?
Great, so now I have to return all that stuff I bought from home depot? ;)


Quote from: Russell Kanning on October 06, 2007, 09:08 PM NHFT
I don't think so ... since many of us openly refuse to pay income taxes. We are not going to stop anytime soon, and we are a threat to their power.
I'm not aware of any of us, including yourself, refusing to pay taxes who have an income above the threshold of having to file, much less having to pay anything were they to file. 

Absolutely no offense intended, in fact I envy you for this, but you're going to be living in a hole in the ground.  C'mon.  Any IRS auditor claiming you had hidden assets would be laughed at.

This is actually a commonly practiced form of tax resistance and wholly respectable.  Still, legal, and boy don't they wish they could jail us for refusing to work?  Give 'em 20 years they'll have government-run sweatshops for anyone earning under 14k/year to contribute their share of "taxes" through slave labor.


20 years? They're doing things like that already.


Quote from: ArcRiley on October 06, 2007, 10:07 PM NHFT
Still, legal, and boy don't they wish they could jail us for refusing to work?  Give 'em 20 years they'll have government-run sweatshops for anyone earning under 14k/year to contribute their share of "taxes" through slave labor.

Um, don't give them any good ideas, they're watching. :(