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420 protests and the medical marijuana override

Started by Rocketman, October 04, 2009, 02:36 PM NHFT

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"You assholes!"


Perhaps the namecalling is just jealousy over what a bunch of ragtag, unseasoned politically, youngsters managed to accomplish in one week's time as compared to the years of politicking and begging resulting in little to nothing.  (I really do hope the bill passes so the results will be little, and not nothing.)


So if I've understood this thread (reading most of if):

- Massa says he may give us permission to let sick people get medicine with out harassment by massa's gang
- Group of activists defy Massa and his rules
- Massa gets angry says only he can give permission
- Massa says slaves must get back in line or he will continue punishing sick people
- Slave on Slave psychological violence begins

That's the saddest part in all of this Matt. How quickly you turned against your fellow liberty activists because some of the taskmasters didn't like it. With out slaves like you, the government wouldn't be able to keep up everyone's believe in their power.

So sad to see this, especially from those who understand at least the basics of liberty.


Quote from: AntonLee on October 08, 2009, 02:10 AM NHFT
good point JJ.  Once a day, for a short while, and for who knows how long, there is freedom in Central Square and Veterans Memorial Park.

What good is temporary freedom if it results in a greater loss?  If your short while of freedom results in jail for many protesters and criminal records that destroy their futures and prevent them from getting jobs they may want somewhere down the line, what then?

It almost seems as if most of you here are looking only at a single battle and not the over all war.


Quote from: lildog on October 08, 2009, 09:29 AM NHFTIt almost seems as if most of you here are looking only at a single battle and not the over all war.

Presumably, they feel the same way about the focus on medical marijuana.  I don't know which strategy is going to work, but I expect both sides feel the same way on that subject, seeing the other as focusing on only one issue and ignoring the overall strategy (since each side has a different strategy).

Even within politics, that disparity occurs.  "Let's elect the best politicians we can find, even if we can only replace mediocre ones that way!" versus "let's do whatever we can to kick out the worst politicians, even if we replace them with mediocre ones!"  Removing the worst and adding the best each create a net gain.  Which strategy is "right?"  Those who are dedicated to one will see the other side as caring only about the battle and not the war.



Quote from: lildog on October 08, 2009, 09:29 AM NHFT
It almost seems as if most of you here are looking only at a single battle and not the over all war.

Ahh, the ever-present "fighting" political mentality.

I for one, am done fighting.  I'm living freer and inviting others to do the same.  The only ones fighting are the government people.

Ryan McGuire

Quote from: SamIam on October 08, 2009, 09:22 AM NHFT
So if I've understood this thread (reading most of if):

- Massa says he may give us permission to let sick people get medicine with out harassment by massa's gang
- Group of activists defy Massa and his rules
- Massa gets angry says only he can give permission
- Massa says slaves must get back in line or he will continue punishing sick people
- Slave on Slave psychological violence begins

That's the saddest part in all of this Matt. How quickly you turned against your fellow liberty activists because some of the taskmasters didn't like it. With out slaves like you, the government wouldn't be able to keep up everyone's believe in their power.

So sad to see this, especially from those who understand at least the basics of liberty.

That's exactly how I've understood this thread. Thanks for summing it up so precisely.


Quote from: FreeKeene.com's Ian on October 08, 2009, 09:39 AM NHFT
Quote from: lildog on October 08, 2009, 09:29 AM NHFT
It almost seems as if most of you here are looking only at a single battle and not the over all war.

I for one, am done fighting.

As am I. I didn't move here to try to fix the system because it's not broken. It works fine for the terrocrats.

I want to break it down and see the frantic looks of fear and panic as they realize they are losing control of their subjects that no longer feel the need to be controlled. To me, that would be better than trying to hold them accountable for their actions.

Small victories that are typically flaunted as successes for libertarians are never victories when their core beliefs are compromised. Too often I've heard libertarians use the phrase "we have to pick our battles" and it's disheartening. Picking battles is politics.

I'm done with politics. It's time to demonstrate the loss of fear of the consequences of living free and expose the violent nature of government to those that have yet to shift their paradigms. This is the path I've chosen and I believe it to be the only path toward true liberty.


Mike - I'm proud to have people like you working towards liberty. Your a true asset to the liberty movement.


Quote from: bigmike on October 08, 2009, 10:56 AM NHFT
Quote from: FreeKeene.com's Ian on October 08, 2009, 09:39 AM NHFT
Quote from: lildog on October 08, 2009, 09:29 AM NHFT
It almost seems as if most of you here are looking only at a single battle and not the over all war.

I for one, am done fighting.

As am I. I didn't move here to try to fix the system because it's not broken. It works fine for the terrocrats.

I want to break it down and see the frantic looks of fear and panic as they realize they are losing control of their subjects that no longer feel the need to be controlled. To me, that would be better than trying to hold them accountable for their actions.

Small victories that are typically flaunted as successes for libertarians are never victories when their core beliefs are compromised. Too often I've heard libertarians use the phrase "we have to pick our battles" and it's disheartening. Picking battles is politics.

I'm done with politics. It's time to demonstrate the loss of fear of the consequences of living free and expose the violent nature of government to those that have yet to shift their paradigms. This is the path I've chosen and I believe it to be the only path toward true liberty.
I have to agree with you guys.

The goal of the free state project is "Liberty in our lifetime." Some of you may have more time than I have, so you might have longer term goals, but I don't have that luxury.

It's time for me to live free, like Russell, Andrew, Bigmike, SamIam, Ian, Kurt etc... I don't have the time to continue to live in fear of political terrorists, if I want to enjoy liberty while I am still able.

If the goal is Liberty In YOUR Lifetime, how  much of the time that you have left do devote to a political system that will take decades (at a minimum) to change?  Where are the people that joined the libertarian political party 30+ years ago today? Are they any closer to liberty than they were in the 1970s?

Is 'Liberty In Our Lifetime,' just a catchy slogan, like Nike's "just do it", McDonald's "I'm lovin' it" or does it actually mean something?


What's really interesting is that the people in my office are talking about ALL marijuana usage in a positive light, BECAUSE of the protests in Keene.
It started off as a huge joke about the pot-head students out there. Then some non-teens were seen and they started to wonder what the troublemakers were up to. I pointed out that there was only 1 arrest out of the 100 plus people present and they jumped all over the "law breaker". I further went on to say that he was arrested for possession and released when he was found not to be in possession of any drugs. And now the guys are a little bit coming over to the side of freedom.
So Matt, they may be harming the chances of the Medical Marijuana Veto Override this year, but the activists are paving the way for the total decriminalization next year (or whenever in the future NHCommonSense or some similar group decides to propose the legislation.)


Quote from: lildog on October 08, 2009, 09:29 AM NHFT
Quote from: AntonLee on October 08, 2009, 02:10 AM NHFT
good point JJ.  Once a day, for a short while, and for who knows how long, there is freedom in Central Square and Veterans Memorial Park.

What good is temporary freedom if it results in a greater loss?  If your short while of freedom results in jail for many protesters and criminal records that destroy their futures and prevent them from getting jobs they may want somewhere down the line, what then?

It almost seems as if most of you here are looking only at a single battle and not the over all war.

I have a great idea.  How about you let me worry about my life, my future, my freedom.  You can spend all that extra time worrying about your own life.  If you choose to stay at home and write congressmen, have at it.  I promise I won't get as upset and offended as some politicos do.  That way you can get more accomplished in your war on the war on drugs as I choose to use whatever drug I feel necessary for whatever reason I feel like using it.

I do appreciate your concern.  It makes my heart all warm and tingly.  I'll save a hit in the pipe for you if you decide to change your mind    :)

just think. . . when everyone has a record (for pot or whatever you choose to do that will eventually be illegal) then no one will have jobs!   (Or maybe people will just say fuck it and hire hardworking marijuana smokers such as myself)

K. Darien Freeheart

QuoteWhat good is temporary freedom if it results in a greater loss?

It isn't any good. Which is why I'm so aggrivated by this. Real, long-term freedom can't be achieved through the political system.

I don't have the freedom to drive today. I have permission to drive. When the medical cannabis bill passes, sick people won't have the freedom to smoke weed; they'll have permission.

Nobody will be FREE until what the politicians and bureaucrats say and thing DOESN'T AFFECT HOW YOU LIVE.

What good is permission to do a thing or two, when the basis of those things is someone else's permission?

Russell Kanning

Quote from: dalebert on October 06, 2009, 07:34 AM NHFT
Russell, has this thread become eligible for Endless Debate and Whining yet?  :)
maybe .... if you submit the right amount of signitures and fill out the forms properly, we can vote on it

Russell Kanning

Quote from: Pat K on October 08, 2009, 12:09 AM NHFT
How do you know you were smited for this?
Maybe they did not like your avatar.
I was going to comment on how cool the alice avatar is :)
also ... there may be no such thing as a free lunch, but there seem to be free puffs available at 420 events

Russell Kanning

Quote from: Ryan McGuire on October 08, 2009, 09:42 AM NHFT
That's exactly how I've understood this thread. Thanks for summing it up so precisely.
actually if you will look at the 4rd page and comment #20 you will see that this is just another bacon thread
back in line slave!