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Free State UN Flag Burn December 18th 2005 noon

Started by Russell Kanning, October 07, 2005, 06:28 AM NHFT

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Quote from: Roger Grant on January 09, 2006, 05:12 PM NHFT
Puts me in a kind of awkward position "pimping" my own stuff... of course you know about that don't you Ian.

Someone has to do it!

Dave Ridley

Tom Sawyer

Quote from: DadaOrwell on January 09, 2006, 05:15 PM NHFT
finally saw the video. ?good job Roger!

8) Thanks for leading the way with the letter to the editor, coming up with the idea in the first place and being our open carry model ;D

Tom Sawyer

New slogan for FTL's Ian

'Pimping... it's a tough job, but someone has to do it!'

Thanks for your efforts on the airways. Damn it, I swear I'm going to Amp FTL. (next month I'll send 100 bucks, silver or M.O. your choice.)


It's better for us to get it monthly.  Just pick a comfy amount and signup at http://amp.freetalklive.com  There's no need to frontload it all.

Thanks!   ;D

Tom Sawyer

Boy... DadaOrwell sure was a busy activist spreading the word last night into the wee hours. Seeing traffic from those links.

After visiting some of the forums it is encouraging to see people are interested and impressed. 8)

Our message is getting out there.

Make me have to increase my bandwidth allotment, again. ;D

Fluff and Stuff

Quote from: Roger Grant on January 09, 2006, 05:03 PM NHFT
Quote from: FTL_Ian on January 09, 2006, 02:30 PM NHFT
Roger, have you sent the link to the FSP webmaster?? He seems good about posting stuff.

Yes, I sent it to Brian.

Quote from: Roger Grant on January 07, 2006, 08:11 PM NHFT
Over at the FSP... :)

Thanks Roger.? Another good one!? I'm so glad you're making these.? It will be in the Jan FSP News.


Roger, Tom has been the webmaster for as long as I can remember.  Brian is the editor of the FSP News, something completely different.  Read my recent post on this thread.  The one where I reply to Ian about this issue.

Tom Sawyer

Quote from: TN-FSP on January 09, 2006, 10:38 PM NHFT
Quote from: Roger Grant on January 09, 2006, 05:03 PM NHFT
Quote from: FTL_Ian on January 09, 2006, 02:30 PM NHFT
Roger, have you sent the link to the FSP webmaster?? He seems good about posting stuff.

Yes, I sent it to Brian.

Quote from: Roger Grant on January 07, 2006, 08:11 PM NHFT
Over at the FSP... :)

Thanks Roger.? Another good one!? I'm so glad you're making these.? It will be in the Jan FSP News.


Roger, Tom has been the webmaster for as long as I can remember.? Brian is the editor of the FSP News, something completely different.? Read my recent post on this thread.? The one where I reply to Ian about this issue.

OK I guess I need to contact Tom also... thanks for setting me straight. :)

Fluff and Stuff

Quote from: Roger Grant on January 09, 2006, 10:44 PM NHFT
OK I guess I need to contact Tom also... thanks for setting me straight. :)

It is easy.  Just click on webmaster on the FSP website  ;D

Tom Sawyer

Quote from: TN-FSP on January 09, 2006, 10:45 PM NHFT
Quote from: Roger Grant on January 09, 2006, 10:44 PM NHFT
OK I guess I need to contact Tom also... thanks for setting me straight. :)

It is easy.? Just click on webmaster on the FSP website? ;D

Done thanks... I had been contacted by Brian back when I put up the PorcFest video.

I just sent to him cause he was in my e-mail list. Didn't realize they represented different things. Looking through the list I also had contact from Seth Cohn, maybe he would be interested. ;D

Kat Kanning

Real-world wisdom from outside the beltway.
Viewing By Entry / Main
Bush announces radical shift in foreign policy; No U.S. media report it
In case you thought the Bush administration's dangerous, and national-security-weakening unilateralism was just a one-time deal in Iraq, think again. Buried in the UK's Financial Times - and as far as I can tell, not reported anywhere else - are the details of a State Department briefing this week in which the Bush administration very publicly said it is essentially scrapping U.S. support for NATO and the United Nations. No joke.

Here's the key excerpt:

    "The Bush administration says it wants to be able to form 'coalitions of the willing' more efficiently for dealing with future conflicts rather than turning to existing but unreliable institutional alliances such as Nato. 'We ad hoc our way through coalitions of the willing. That's the future,' a senior State Department official said in a briefing this week."

NATO and the U.N. are by no means perfect, and America should continue to reserve its right to defend itself. Nonetheless, this declaration by the administration represents a radical shift in U.S. policy (at least its publicly-stated policy). And one that begs a very simple question: how could anyone - even the Bush administration - look at the Iraq "coalition of the willing" model as anything but an incredible failure? It has left American troops isolated in Iraq, and American taxpayers largely footing the entire bill for reconstruction.

And let's be clear - the American public does not support abandoning international institutions. A solid majority of the American public views the United Nations favorably. In 2003, the American public was clearly unhappy with the administration's refusal to secure broad international backing for the Iraq war. Even Fox News' skewed polling shows strong support for international institutions being seriously involved in places like Iraq.

I'm not going to go into how pathetic it is that the only paper that reported this story was the Financial Times - a paper not even based in the United States (and by the way, if I am wrong, please send me another media outlet that reported this - but the point still stands, almost no one has reported this).

What's important here is less the media's irresponsible laziness and more how the extremist neoconserative forces in the Bush administration are trying to dangerously alter America's national security policy in a way the public doesn't support and in a way that would severely weaken America's security for the long haul.

Posted by David Sirota at 10:26 AM | Link
categories: Media Bias/Idiocy, National Insecurity

Tom Sawyer

Again... I find myself torn, shrub doing the right thing for the wrong reasons :P

Went to the working for change forum.

Doofus lefties against Bush for the wrong reasons... gives me a headache... the glowing praise of 'Lord Maynard Keyenes' and the worship of Roosevelt the imperialist... I can't even debate the clowns... soooo... I posted >:D
Ahhh... that made me feel better. ;D

"Well they're at it again...

The FREE RADICALs of the New Hampshire Underground are burnin' things precious to the Bureaucrats... again. Last time on the pyre were the Social Slavery Cards.

This time the target of the barbecue treatment is the 'old baby blue' of the UN Flag.

It seems the folks at NHFREE.com take exception to the UN's plans of a 'One World Government' and their stated mission to disarm the citizens.

This band of 'merry men and women' , get a letter to the editor published in the Keene, NH newspaper, inviting people to come enjoy torching the flag of the one worlders' with them.

"... participants are invited to bring open-carried, lawfully borne firearms, that they may peacefully
celebrate those gun rights which New Hampshire enshrines but the UN seeks to destroy..."
(good job Dave Cool )

Checkout how the Parks Dept. head'crat attempts to spoil the fun and block the exercise of their rights.

Appropriately the hallowed ground chosen to ROAST the WEENIES is called Robin Hood Park.
Tally ho! checkout the 7 min video

Help the 'viral video' spread... post this link to other forums"

Tom Sawyer

The link is up on?FSP Newswire (thanks Tom) and Keith for the suggestion


My uncle was visiting us yesterday from California and I showed him the UN Flag burn and the SS card burn video. He got a big kick out of the videos (especially SS burn, but liked Russells confrontation with the rec guy too) and asked me to send him the links so that he can show it to a bunch of his friends when he gets back.  ;D

I also wanted to show him the video where one of the cops was hassling an FSPer for his gun but backed off when a bunch of cameras pointed at the scene. I couldn't find this video though.