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"Let them march all they want, as long as they pay their taxes."  --Alexander Haig

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Social Security Card Burn

Started by Russell Kanning, October 24, 2005, 07:46 AM NHFT

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Quote from: katdillon on November 16, 2005, 03:57 AM NHFT
?Can you imagine??!??
No! I can't.  When I am at my in-laws house I can't use the internet... it is just too slow.
How did I live back then?


I've been on broadband for nearly a decade.  All I want is MORE, MORE, MORE bandwidth!

Bigger!  Faster!  Cheaper!

Michael Fisher

I want instanton networking.   8)

Michael Fisher

Quote from: russellkanning on November 14, 2005, 01:26 PM NHFT
Quote from: president on November 14, 2005, 11:33 AM NHFT
Did my two informative, wise ass comments from this morning get deleted ???
possibly .... I have decided to just delete any really annoying troll comments ...... why? ...... because I can. :)

Don't make me fast, because I will. ;)

And in my current state, I'd probably die.? :o

Do you want me to die?? ?:'(


Tom Sawyer

Made some good progress editing the SS Burn piece. :)
A little more tweeking, then just need to mix the audio. I'll fit some time in over the next couple of days.

Thanks again to everyone who made it happen... soon everyone else will see the good time we had. :)


Quote from: Roger Grant on November 19, 2005, 10:12 PM NHFT
Made some good progress editing the SS Burn piece. :)
A little more tweeking, then just need to mix the audio. I'll fit some time in over the next couple of days.

Thanks again to everyone who made it happen... soon everyone else will see the good time we had. :)

Thanks Roger Grant! Can't wait  >:D


Quote from: Roger Grant on November 19, 2005, 10:12 PM NHFT
Made some good progress editing the SS Burn piece. :)
A little more tweeking, then just need to mix the audio.

It's a shame about the fire truck. That really killed the audio. Think you'll be able to filter it out?

I'm looking forward to the final version.  :)


Kat Kanning

Tom Sawyer

Here is the 'Social Security Card Burn' video...
We need to show everyone we are making something happen in NH.

A tribute to the bold, the pioneers of this freedom movement... ;)

5 1/2 minutes

11.9 Mb Quicktime .mov file

Everyone will get to see our fun.
Distribute widely.


Kat Kanning

Posted a recap and link to video on freerepubic:


On Saturday, November 12, Free State activists from Keene and as far away as New London Connecticut gathered to defy national identification systems.  In full view of the social security administration, social security cards were burned, sending a message that national ID will not be accepted.   Around twenty activists gathered to take part in the torching festivities.

When Social Security was first foisted on America, the cards were imprinted with, "Not to be used for Identification."  People were wary of the tyranny involved with a national ID card, so the government had to promise that the Social Security number would never be used for ID.  They have broken that promise.  As Americans became resigned to the idea of having a national number, the promise was quietly removed from the cards.  Now, of course, the social security number is used for so many purposes, it is a defacto national ID number.  Doctors, banks, motor vehicle departments, utilities companies?the list is endless of groups wanting your national ID number, groups having nothing to do with social security and retirement funds.

Now, with the passage of the Real ID act, the National ID card is outright law, and no longer just a defacto national ID number.  Individuals wishing to travel in this country, whether it be driving themselves or riding on trains, busses, and airplanes will now be required to carry their national ID card, with their national ID number included on it.  Even walking in public requires a person to carry their ID, as recent court decisions show.  National ID cards are to carry "biometric data" probably in the form of a RFID chip, which can be read from a distance.  Personal data about you will be available to any hacker on the street, in addition to being given to the Mexican and Canadian governments.

National ID cards have long been a tool of tyrannical government.  A government which abuses and therefore fears its populace needs to be able to track them at all times.  No government who governs justly need barricade itself in, as Washington D.C. has done.  A government who remains the servant of the people need not track the peoples' every move.

To protest the injustice of the national ID number and national ID card, Russell Kanning, Kat Dillon and Lauren Canario of NHFree.com burned their social security cards in front of the social security administration in Concord, NH.  A battered Lady Liberty made her appearance.  National ID and the Patriot Act have given Ms. Liberty a rough few years.  Signs at the event read, "Your number citizen, Welcome to the Machine," and "Social Security:  The Big Lie.  World's largest pyramid scheme.  Ponzi would be proud."  Signs were left for SS Admin employees to enjoy the next workday.  Kanning left the event with the satisfaction of knowing that, "I finally said no to the government on issues of being numbered and being a part of the social security system."  Young William G., age 4, who attended the event stated emphatically, "I don't want to be a number!"

Social Security Card Burn, The Movie is now available, free!

(About 5 1/2 minutes)

For more information, visit:

Kat Kanning

Sent to a bazillion yahoo groups and posted on a bunch of forums. 


Thank you for taking care of most interested parties. I sent it to a list of relatives and friends around the globe.


Tom Sawyer

Hey very cool!

I'm going to monitor the bandwidth usage... let's max it out.

Getting alot of activity for the SS Card Burn video.

Got a couple hundred views of the Porc Fest video.

Getting some traffic for the Open Carry video.

