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"Let them march all they want, as long as they pay their taxes."  --Alexander Haig

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RidleyReport bulletins

Started by Dave Ridley, November 29, 2010, 10:30 AM NHFT

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Dave Ridley

NH activist deploys cop-watching drone.

Sponsor: http://WeUseCoins.org - The images look as crude as the first Daguerreotype but are perhaps half as as groundbreaking. 

Click link below, if available, or see video descrip for details. 


Dave Ridley

Dave Ridley

NH lawmakers want Mass. border warning signs.

In a sense, the most dangerous line in New Hampshire is the one that separates it from its police state neighbor.  While demanding that no tax dollars be used, House Bill 1412 aims to warn motorists of the threat's location with signs that read "Warning: Massachusetts Border 500 Feet."   

Click link below, if available, or see video descrip for details. 

Lloyd Danforth

Lloyd Danforth

A lot of folks helped many Freestaters  along with O'Brien's crowd get elected thinking that there would be some progress on Pot Freedom by now. What is being done?
It was hard selling New Hampshire at Hempfest as this state is surrounded by several states and another country with at least, some freedom to own a plant.

Tom Sawyer

Come on Lloyd everybody knows that switchblades are safer than plants.  ;D

Dave Ridley

KeeneGov blocks Free Stater from gun license, cites civil dis as reason.

Sponsor: http://WeUseCoins.org - Liberty activist's gun license application denied, reportedly by faulty reading of civil disobedience bail conditions.  Perp's supervisor hides in fortress rather than discuss it on cam. 

Click link below, if available, or see video descrip for details.  FR33manTV is Denied A Concealed Carry Licence

Lloyd Danforth

Quote from: Tom Sawyer on December 14, 2011, 12:44 PM NHFT
Come on Lloyd everybody knows that switchblades are safer than plants.  ;D
I'm playing with mine right now ;D Humming: 'When you're a Jet, You're a Jet all the way....."

Russell Kanning

the sign coming into NH could say
Hide your plants

Dave Ridley

Ridley Report emergency traffic node established

There's a way you can get information from Ridley during a communication disruption.  Maybe.  Click link below, if available, or see video descrip for details. 


Dave Ridley

Brown supporter gets "redress of grievance" hearing.

Marie Miller and her family...most notably her son Bill....suffered grievously after their open support for tax protester Elaine Brown.  Now one of her concerns comes before a state legislative committee.

Click link below, if available, or see video descrip for details.


Dave Ridley

NH: Homeschooling group's lawyer violated lobbying regulations, says AG.

An attorney who traveled from *out* of state to help protect homeschoolers *from* the state....has apparently fallen prey *to* the state!  RSA 15 requires paid lobbyists to register with the government, and he's accused of violating it.  Click link below, if available, or see video descrip for details. 



Quote from: DadaOrwell on December 20, 2011, 01:30 PM NHFT
NH: Homeschooling group's lawyer violated lobbying regulations, says AG.

An attorney who traveled from *out* of state to help protect homeschoolers *from* the state....has apparently fallen prey *to* the state!  RSA 15 requires paid lobbyists to register with the government, and he's accused of violating it.

On the other hand, it's HSLDA, so good riddance.

HSLDA does not protect homeschoolers, except from regulations they lobby for and support. The organization is the National Rifle Association of education: supporting licensing, background checks, and "reasonable restrictions".

Dave Ridley

Moultonboro politicians to gut Town Meetings?

Sponsor: http://NHBalloonMan.com - Moultonboro Speaks is reporting a surprise move by the town's rulers.  They're apparently trying to get rid of traditional town meetings and replace them with a more centralized "charter commission."

Click link below, if available, or see video descrip for details. 


Dave Ridley

NH: Free Staters arrested for following court orders?

Mid-Afternoon, December 21:  Two liberty activists seized minutes ago at a Keene court, according to radio host Ian Freeman.  Jason Talley and (I think) Kelly James.  Reportedly ordered to stand for judge, or leave. Then arrested while leaving slowly.  Click link below, if available, or see video descrip for details.
