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Started by tracysaboe, August 06, 2006, 08:59 PM NHFT

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Quote from: tracysaboe on August 26, 2006, 12:46 AM NHFT
Why is Mike's Karma so low?

+1 for Mike. (Even though his views many times are kind of screwballish and self contradictory.)


Coming from you, Tracy, thats a compliment...



Mike. the Monitorist who says he doesn't like the Federal researve yet used to spend numerous ammounts of time defending many of it's practices.

And who also is a warmonger who fully supports US state interventionalism abroad.

Yet Mike is an anarchist as he doesn't believe in the need for a final arbitrator, the people shold be allowed to choose their own arbitrarors vs the monopolistic government court systems.

Yes, Mike is a conundrum of confusing contradictions.

But we love him anyway, I mean. He's helping to create the free town. He might be my neighbor someday  :o so we have to get along.



Quote from: tracysaboe on August 26, 2006, 05:29 PM NHFT
But we love him anyway, I mean. He's helping to create the free town. He might be my neighbor someday  :o so we have to get along.


I don't know Mike enough to say that I love him (I don't think I've even met him but I'm not good with names) so don't say "we" love him. What is Mike doing in Grafton? Has Mike ever even been in Grafton?


Mike says he's moving to Grafton with they're own version of the free town project. Unless they've changed plans.



Quote from: tracysaboe on August 27, 2006, 01:41 PM NHFT
Mike says he's moving to Grafton with they're own version of the free town project. Unless they've changed plans.

Before I moved here this would be interesting news but now that I'm here all of this Free Town Project stuff seems pointless.

What would be the purpose of this "project" and it's "goals"?

You don't need a project to move here and work for less government. The Free State Project has been excellent example of how a bureaucracy is very inefficient, if it wasn't for this forum and the group of people that hang out here a lot less people would have moved - proof that a discentralized individualist approach works. So, a "Free Town Project" would automatically imply a concerted effort to... to do what? Do you think a bunch of anarchists, libertarians, constitutionalists, republicans, what have you can decide on what the goal of the "Free Town Project" would be?

You forget Tracy that we are all very different and have different ideas of what freedom means or even just how we want to live our lives. We don't need no stinck'n projects. Just plain old friendships, relationships, trust and sincerity will do a lot more than any so called "project".

If you are thinking of a project as a unit that gets a lot done would you consider Kat and Russell a "project"? They are just nice people working on their dreams. That's all it takes.

We have to practice what we preach. If we want a decentralized society then we have to reach that society via decentralized means.

Besides, Grafton is too small of a town to need anything official. If you want to plan something or talk to someone just invite them for dinner. No need to have any official names for things or official goals. Your home is your base, if everyone just protected their homes and looked after their best interest and helped their neighbors then everything would fit into place.

I'm probably just rambling now...  :P


Well, when Mike originally stated the goals of the people moving there. He said the point was to hopefully get rid of every government function except roads, and instead of local police his goals were to get rid of the police dept and the 3 selectmen would have to do part-time police work and be the local constabulatory.

I guess, my main gold is abolishing property taxes. If Grafton is low property taxes already, that shouldn't be too difficult.

Of course 1 eyar later when I asked Mike about it in his forum, he yelled at me to take my utopianism else-where. Except -- see this was his vision, not mine. I was just asking if everybody was still moving there or not after the whole fiasco w/ Zack Bass, so they could strive to accomplish these goals.




Quote from: tracysaboe on August 27, 2006, 03:18 PM NHFT
Well, when Mike originally stated the goals of the people moving there. He said the point was to hopefully get rid of every government function except roads, and instead of local police his goals were to get rid of the police dept and the 3 selectmen would have to do part-time police work and be the local constabulatory.

I guess, my main gold is abolishing property taxes. If Grafton is low property taxes already, that shouldn't be too difficult.

Of course 1 eyar later when I asked Mike about it in his forum, he yelled at me to take my utopianism else-where. Except -- see this was his vision, not mine. I was just asking if everybody was still moving there or not after the whole fiasco w/ Zack Bass, so they could strive to accomplish these goals.



Not quite accurate, Tracy.

FTP arose in the minds of several, and I'm sure each person has their own goals. I personally don't care to impose my goals on others, and I generally don't have anything against Graftons Police Chief, he's proven himself to be of the 'peace officer' variety that we have no trouble living with, in contrast to the gestapo type we unfortunately experience in other parts of the state. Grafton wasn't even originally the target, we examined a number of towns after the Meade Paper lands in northern NH, that we were looking to raise the funds for, were sold to a private buyer represented by Wagner Woodlands.

The idea was, like FSP, to attract 100-200 FSP members to Grafton to create a voting block capable of deciding any election vote. How that block would vote would be decided by those members, not by any self appointed extremist/absolutist fetishist like Zack Bass, who injected himself into the process by cybersquatting the Free Town Project.com domain name and putting up his own idea of what the FTP would be, refusing any editorial oversight from any others.

Of course, Tim Condon and I tried to explain all this to the people of Grafton, but they had been totally preprogrammed by our enemies before hand using Zack's absurd site as "proof", even though he was never an FSP member, so it was hard to communicate with people whose minds were already made up, or simply opposed to us politically and intent on making the event a public lynching (much like the people in Jaffreys town government who lied about the Life Free or Die event down there recently).

Beyond building that block, we were looking to help FSP members from other parts of the country find a place where they could preserve their capital and standard of living, as most NH real estate is much higher priced than their equivalents in other states. If we could accomplish this by building a neighborhood by libertarian principles, even better.

First and foremost, no matter what project I got or get involved in, I won't publicly disclose what my own goals are, particularly in public forums, like the FSP forum, that practice an insufficient regard for information security, or to people who have a poor relationship with the word 'discretion', because our enemies are doing their best to monitor us and neutralize our efforts (the presence of John Richard here is proof of that).

Money Dollars

From: Mike Lorrey
Date: Fri Feb 27, 2004 7:14 pm


Why Grafton? It has been declared "The Free Town" by a group of Free State Project members investigating and planning its establishment and development.

Population: 1,000
Registered voters: 700
Actual ballot casters: 460
Libertarian leaning voters: 125

Grafton was rated the safest town in the northeastern US in the event of nuclear war by one academic study.

Area: 40 square miles

Location: 15 miles south southwest of the geographic center of New Hampshire, it is 40-45 minutes drive from the state capital, Concord.

Geography: mountainous/hilly with ponds, lakes and valleys

Geology: granite/schist/mica/quartz rock, late holocene glacial moraines, bogs, it is the eastern reaches of the ancient glacial Lake Mascoma.

Landmarks: Ruggle's Mine, a colonial mica mine, is a significant tourist draw. The town is otherwise highly undeveloped.

Development advantages: No zoning codes, no town building inspector, no building permits. A rather ineffectual town planning board is pretty much a rubber stamp.

Once we've transplanted 200-250 activist libertarians to the free town, we will be a functional majority of the town. When this happens, the following will occur:

- Divestment of the public school system, instituting private schools and homeschooling.

- Deestablishing the town police department, the town selectmen will wield their proper constabulary authority directly on a rotating basis, deputizing a volunteer constable corps, much like the volunteer fire department.

- Privatization of non-state roads.

- Encouragement of residential migration to off grid power.

Free Town Land Development: Building the "Habitat for Liberty", with raised capital and sweat equity of working members, on 300 acres of beautiful wooded terrain surrounding Ruggle's Mine.


Money Dollars

Quote from: mlorrey on August 26, 2006, 03:39 PM NHFT
Quote from: Keith and Stuff on August 26, 2006, 01:32 PM NHFT
Quote from: Lex Berezhny on August 26, 2006, 09:33 AM NHFT
Both post office ladies are nice to me and they both know I'm a Free Stater and I've had to go to the post office quite a few times especially when i had just moved to pick up mail I was there every day for the first month or so.

I didn't know there were two ladies.  The lady that was super nice to me in 2004 was a little bit on the heavy side.  So maybe Mike and I was talking of different ladies...

I don't recall which one was the bad one, but John Babiarz can tell you, she was responsible for sending out the secret slander letter by general delivery the day before the town lynching, and was showing people our sites on the post office computer (which is against postal regs).
So yall don't blame me for that any more?  :'(
I wouldn't trust what John Babiarz says about this stuff. He makes guesses and presents it as fact.

Debra is the main mail lady, and she has always been nice to me.

Money Dollars

Quote from: tracysaboe on August 27, 2006, 01:41 PM NHFT
Mike says he's moving to Grafton with they're own version of the free town project. Unless they've changed plans.
At the meeting on june 19th 2004 Mike said he would be moving to Grafton in 9-12 months, so I guess plans have changed.


Quote from: Money Dollars on August 27, 2006, 08:11 PM NHFT
- Divestment of the public school system, instituting private schools and homeschooling.

As far as I understand you can't do this unless the school district decides to allow Grafton to leave the system. So you can have a 100% voting block in Grafton and you still won't be able to vote yourself out of the district without permission of the other towns.

A case of making wild claims without being "on the ground" and understanding the situation.

Quote from: Money Dollars on August 27, 2006, 08:11 PM NHFT
- Deestablishing the town police department, the town selectmen will wield their proper constabulary authority directly on a rotating basis, deputizing a volunteer constable corps, much like the volunteer fire department.

The fact that Mike has gone back on his word saying that now he has no problem with the police chief again shows that you can't make wild claims without having lived here and learned the ropes of the town. Grafton is not your typical town so you can't make general assumptions.

Quote from: Money Dollars on August 27, 2006, 08:11 PM NHFT
- Encouragement of residential migration to off grid power.

The only goal I think even MD can live with ;)

Money Dollars

Quote from: mlorrey on August 27, 2006, 07:33 PM NHFT
Of course, Tim Condon and I tried to explain all this to the people of Grafton, but they had been totally preprogrammed by our enemies before hand using Zack's absurd site as "proof", even though he was never an FSP member,

If Zack wasn't a FSP member, why did the FSP say they kicked him out?

Why was this letter sent to him a few days before the meeting?
Date: Wed, 16 Jun 2004 08:45:13 -0400


Mr. Xxxxx Xxxxxxxxx,







For Responsible Liberty,

John Barnes, J. D.
Vice Chair, 2d District, L P N H
Chair, Welcome to the Granite State Committee
Voice or Fax:
Inside USA: 1-888-221-8628 (Toll-free)
Outside USA: 1-312-893-0715 (Not toll-free)
E-mail: jbarnes@lpnh.org

I wonder if it is because yall didn't want him there, because you planned on blaming him for everything... ???

Money Dollars

Mike Lorrey mlorrey at yahoo.com
Thu Jul 8 15:11:02 MDT 2004


For instance, the fellow who created the 'save grafton' website is a
DNC party operative who moved to grafton two months ago to coordinate
the attack on the Free Town movement as a 'local'.

The real target of the attack on us is Governor Benson (R) who endorsed
the FSP last year, and who the Dems are unable to mount a credible
opponent against in this years race. They may not care about us. They
do care immensely about who sits in the governors office in NH, since
the state has so much influence on Presidential politics. Smear us, and
by association, they smear him.

Who told you that, Mike?


Quote from: Mike Lorrey on February 23, 2004, 09:22 AM NHFT
The LPGC will be a county chapter of the LPNH. The actors involved are involved in the Free Town Project, which is intent on implementing a plan for FSP members to explore settling in NH. It is part of our two pronged strategy here:

a) building solid liberty majorities in small towns that already lean our way. This will allow the election of all-libertarian Town Selectboards and divestment of many public entities to incubate truly libertarian communities as petri dishes of our agenda.
b) building king-making voting wedge blocks of FSP members in 'battleground' towns that tend to lean slightly Democratic. If we can anoint libertarian candidates running the fusion strategy, with support and endorsements from the NH Republican Liberty Alliance, we can get our candidates into typically Democratic seats in these towns and build a solid liberty caucus in the Legislature.

I can't seem to find the specific quote I was refering too.

I apolagize that Zack screwed up your plan. It'd still be nice to have a concentration of liberty people in a small place, regardless of our differing goals.



Quote from: tracysaboe on August 27, 2006, 11:52 PM NHFT
It'd still be nice to have a concentration of liberty people in a small place, regardless of our differing goals.

Tracy, here is my advice to you: Stop wishing, hypothesizing, babbling and JUST MOVE! The NH Underground Forums are fun but not as much fun as it is being in NH. ;)

To give you a perspective, if it wasn't for my wife announcing a date for our move and making us stick to it we probably would still be in Morris, IL (also important, the date was 3 months from when she announced it, so we had 3 months to finish improving our house, get all our stuff out of the house and into a moving truck, sell the house and make our way east). I now truely believe that it's not an issue of finding the perfect time but JUST DOING IT! There are lots of jobs in Lebanon and Concord and all along the way to there from Grafton, and there are apartments to rent/properties for sale in Grafton. There is no real excuse. (When we were thinking about moving some of the constant questions where: "Well, are we sure Grafton is the right place, it's so far from everything..." even though Morris was like an hour and a half from Chicago, "Are you sure we want to live in a trailer?" even though we didn't particularly even like our house we were living in. Doubts will always cloud your mind, you just have to go on faith and haul your butt over here. You have no excuses.)