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Building Fun at Jim-n-Lauren's

Started by TackleTheWorld, September 15, 2006, 05:39 PM NHFT

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Russell Kanning

We will not be hosting a movie night here tonight. The party will just have to keep going at Lauren's. :)

Caleb and I will be watching the game tonight.

We are heading out in a little while.

Tom Sawyer

Gathering together tools I imagine I'll be there about 10:30.

Russell Kanning

We got something done .... and had fun.

Tom Sawyer

Those Kanning's are some fine snow shovelers. :D


Thanks to everyone for all the help and generosity.
Everyone made my day entertaining with all their witty banter and amazing feats of skill.
Roger and Lloyd were in a framing frenzy, we couldn't get them to stop.
Cathleen and Don installed mega-shelves.
Russell and Kat shoveled snow and brought in firewood.
William and Kira helped fetch and carry things.
Elizabeth made mac & cheese supreme even though she had a sore throat.
Our town elders who brought sticky buns.

(Thanks especially to Cathleen who brought yummy fudgy moist brownies.  Chocolate... drool.)

Tom Sawyer

Wow... we truly are wonderful people aren't we. ;D

Pat K

Tom Sawyer

Hey I wanted to say thanks to Lloyd for the cool handmade wooden toys... :)

He amazed us with one were he balanced 6 nails on the head of the seventh nail. 8)

William is really enjoying playing with the toys... thanks Mr. Danforth. :)

Lloyd Danforth

Your welcome.  Lauren, I found my keys.  You canstop looking ;D

Jim Johnson

Tomorrow, 2/20/07, we will be laying a cement pad for our furnace fuel tank.  For anyone who would like to come by and laugh and point or help out, the cement truck will be arriving at 1:00 pm.

Tom Sawyer

Quote from: Facilitator on February 19, 2007, 01:33 PM NHFT
Tomorrow, 2/20/07, we will be laying a cement pad for our furnace fuel tank.  For anyone who would like to come by and laugh and point or help out, the cement truck will be arriving at 1:00 pm.

The midget and I will come over.
Ya'll are all high-falutin' with your fancy concrete deliveries... indoor plumbin'...  trips to Las Vegas!!! ;D

Russell Kanning

yea ... the rest of us have to winter in NE ... and these jetsetters are off to Vegas when it get below 0.

I will be there tomorrow with my rubber boots on. :)
I can keep the cat out of the mix.



Thanks to Russell and Tom Sawyer for each bringing a car-load of helpers.
Thanks to the Midget, Error and the Unnamed Teenager for coming along.
I'ts always a good day when no one gets hit with a out-of-control chute or embedded in concrete.
When the cement truck got here the serious construction folks jumped into the mix and shoveled it into the corners.
Most of us were just mesmerized seeing concrete pouring out of a big truck.

Ayuh, we New Englandas are easily entatained.  It helps us get through the long wintas, Ayuh.

Pat K

:) glad all went well.

But what do you mean there was no bodies
buried in the cement!!!

That's just not right, in fact in some NY and NJ area's
a body in the mix is required by code.