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Building Fun at Jim-n-Lauren's

Started by TackleTheWorld, September 15, 2006, 05:39 PM NHFT

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Tom Sawyer

Don't worry while they are away I'll go over and finish it all...

Hope they don't mind if I deviate from the plan a little. >:D  ;D

Kat Kanning

Tom Sawyer

Vital Signs - RUSH
Words by Neil Peart, Music by Geddy Lee and Alex Lifeson

                            Unstable condition:
                            A symptom of life
                            In mental, and environmental Change

                            Atmospheric disturbance ---
                            The feverish flux,
                            Of human interface And interchange

                            The impulse is pure ---
                            Sometimes our circuits get shorted, by external interference.

                            Signals get crossed ---
                            And the balance distorted by internal incoherence

                            A tired mind become a shape-shifter
                            Everybody need a mood lifter
                            Everybody need reverse polarity

                            Everybody got mixed feelings
                            About the function and the form
                            Everybody got to deviate
                            From the norm

                            An ounce of perception ---
                            A pound of obscure,
                            Process information At half speed

                            Pause: Rewind --- replay ---
                            Warm memory chip
                            Random sample Hold the one you need

                            Leave out the fiction ---
                            The fact is, This friction,
                            Will only be worn by persistence

                            Leave out conditions ---
                            Courageous convictions,
                            Will drag the dream into existence

                            A tired mind become a shape-shifter
                            Everybody need a soft filter
                            Everybody need reverse polarity

                            Everybody got mixed feelings
                            About the function and the form
                            Everybody got to elevate
                            From the norm


Quote from: Tom Sawyer on February 22, 2007, 08:37 AM NHFT
Don't worry while they are away I'll go over and finish it all...

Hope they don't mind if I deviate from the plan a little. >:D  ;D

Wha? We went to the store and now there is a brass fireman's pole in the barn.

Jim Johnson

Quote from: Tom Sawyer on February 22, 2007, 08:37 AM NHFT
Don't worry while they are away I'll go over and finish it all...

Hope they don't mind if I deviate from the plan a little. >:D  ;D

There will be no deviation from the ten year plan.
The planning the scheming... nothing is left to chance.
Unless you mean the plan for the house...do what ever...Lauren will have the controls for three weeks.

Tom Sawyer

 ;D Fireman's pole  8) William would like that.

I have but one word to describe Jim and his plan... Diabolical!


Quote from: Tom Sawyer on February 22, 2007, 09:36 PM NHFT
;D Fireman's pole  8) William would like that.

I have but one word to describe Jim and his plan... Diabolical!

A diabolical plan is afoot?
To the Batcave!  :batman:          ;D

Jim Johnson

Happy happy joy joy, the furnace works!
The fuel pump was rusted solid.  I had to clean it twice, make a pump gasket and only one thermal incident later Porc Manor is now forced air heated. 

:bdance2:  :broc:  :wav:

Pat K

 ;D 8)

Uppity, folks got automanic heat now.

Probably won't even talk to us.


Quote from: Facilitator on February 24, 2007, 01:12 AM NHFT
only one thermal incident later Porc Manor is now forced air heated. 

"Thermal incident"...  ;D Do you still have eyebrows?  ;D

Congrats on the hot air!

Kat Kanning

Lloyd Danforth

Lloyd Danforth

I was thinking about your new oil burner and wondered if you had a CO detector


Good idea, Lloyd.
I'll get one when I go into Keene for supplies.

Lloyd Danforth