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How's the chem

Started by SAK, March 20, 2007, 05:32 PM NHFT

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Russell Kanning

If the government is dumping stuff .... I would guess it would be for weather modification or for some sort of weaponry I don't understand. President Bush does breath much of the same air as the rest of us. :)


Global warming is the pretense.  There are books, journals, government documents, and much more on the topic of spraying the atmosphere with aluminum oxide, barium salts, and other substances to "combat" global warming.  Scientists on the OTHER side (not working for the gov't) claim that dumping things in the atmosphere could actually contribute to and cause global warming.  Either way, if you're wondering how a ton of people could be involved in spraying substances over their own people -- look no further than the IMMINENT THREAT of GLOBAL WARMING.  Classify the operation and you're set.

Hundreds of thousands (if not millions) are seeing what's going on.  Thousands of residents up in Canada actually petitioned their government about it.  They found a friendly representative that asked about the issue to their form of congress (whatever it's called).  The woman was told simply, "we don't have to tell you anything about that."



There are plenty of videos out there.  Why don't you watch some of them.  OR BETTER YET.  Step outside and watch the skies.  Watch your innocent "contrails" spread out all day long and turn into a nasty haze that covers the entire sky.

Watch as 1 plane flies by and leaves a "contrail" and another plane at the same or higher altitude flies by and does not.  Normal planes will sometimes (under certain conditions and altitudes) have a small contrail trailing behind them.  It disappears quickly, usually acting as a small "tail" behind the plane.  It doesn't stay in the sky, spread out, and turn into a haze.

Here's a question for a jet pilot.  If you were flying, and you all of a sudden shut all engines off, what would happen?  How far can you "glide" with your engines completely off :)  Then ya just flick em right back on, eh?

You can watch chemtrail sprayers shut it off, go quite a distance, then turn it right back on.  My understanding is that if they are shutting their engines off, they would be coming down very fast.  So how can they leave a "contrail" and then stop leaving a contrail for a period of time, turn around in the sky, come back over and start leaving a "contrail" again?

They aren't contrails, people.  Wake the hell up.  Do you think jet fuel took down the 2 trade towers and building #7 (which wasn't touched by a plane) as well?

money dollars

Quote from: Russell Kanning on March 23, 2007, 07:04 AM NHFT
If the government is dumping stuff .... I would guess it would be for weather modification
China shoots the clouds...

FRAGRANT HILLS, China ? When he's not tending cherry orchards outside Beijing, Yu Yonggang can be found behind the twin barrels of a 37mm anti-aircraft gun, blasting shells at passing clouds.
Yu is one of 37,000 peasants enlisted by the Chinese government to help produce rain in parched areas. The 45-year-old farmer works with China's other trigger-happy rain men to water the crops, break up damaging hailstorms and put out forest fires. After a sandstorm blew through the capital in May, he lobbed shells and rockets skyward to coax rains that washed sand and grit from city streets.

Now Yu and the other rainmakers face their toughest challenge: making sure it stays dry for the opening ceremony of the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games. The idea is for the peasant gunners to work with meteorologists watching radar in the capital. Together, they will hunt pregnant rain clouds and pound them with rockets containing silver iodide. The hope is that any moisture will fall before the clouds can threaten the parade of athletes and lighting of the Olympic flame at the new National Stadium.

money dollars

Quote from: SAK on March 23, 2007, 12:05 PM NHFT
Here's a question for a jet pilot.  If you were flying, and you all of a sudden shut all engines off, what would happen?  How far can you "glide" with your engines completely off :) 
Depends on the plane. They are not all the same.



watch some you-tube videos, or step outside and watch it live.  It took me a very long time to believe it.  A family member was telling me about it, and I completely doubted/denied it for a year.  It sounded entirely implausible -- the expense, the number of people that would have to be involved, you name it.  It wasn't until I did my own research and simply spent some time looking at the sky (as I hadn't done since I was a kid) to realize it was true.

Now the skies are hardly ever deep blue like they are supposed to be.  They are always silvery-white, washed-out, disgusting.  You can see the spraying and the haze it causes.  Many areas have experienced terrible and unexplainable health problems right after a big spray.  It happened in my town.  Lots of kids and elderly people died with unexplainable flu-like or respiratory problems.  A friend of our family is an ER nurse.  She told us she was "not supposed to talk about it." (the people dying)

money dollars

Quote from: SAK on March 23, 2007, 12:27 PM NHFT

Now the skies are hardly ever deep blue like they are supposed to be.  They are always silvery-white, washed-out, disgusting.  You can see the spraying and the haze it causes.




Funny, NASA has a "Contrail Education" website now.  I guess too many people don't understand what's going on, so they need to be educated :)

Russell Kanning

Quote from: money dollars on March 23, 2007, 12:18 PM NHFT
China shoots the clouds...
the ultimate in central planning .... government deciding when it should rain ... and spending money altering it.

Russell Kanning

Quote from: money dollars on March 23, 2007, 12:35 PM NHFT
Quote from: SAK on March 23, 2007, 12:27 PM NHFT

Now the skies are hardly ever deep blue like they are supposed to be.  They are always silvery-white, washed-out, disgusting.  You can see the spraying and the haze it causes.

I have seen really clear blue skies in various places. :)


I started reading this thread and was going to read the rest of it, but I need to pick the lint out of my belly button.


Quote from: SAK on March 23, 2007, 12:05 PM NHFTDo you think jet fuel took down the 2 trade towers and building #7 (which wasn't touched by a plane) as well?


Anyone with any appreciable knowledge of physics can verify the failure mode of the towers.

The far-fetched theories of demolitions and whatnot are just silly.  If the government was responsible, why engage in a massive conspiracy at huge expense, when you can easily hire a few fanatics to fly planes into buildings?  It's just plain cheaper and easier to do it that way.

FYI, I also think that the government did, in fact, land several people on the moon.

Conspiracies of the magnitude you're talking about just don't work.  The only way to do what you're suggesting would be to sneak additives into the fuel, so you wouldn't have to bribe every single jet pilot in America.  Okay, so let's say you have a much smaller number of people placing additives into the fuel at one or more centralized locations (refineries, tank farms, etc.)... why don't the people who heat with jet fuel have clouds coming out their chimneys?  Because many jet mechanics use waste jet fuel (once a plane has been defueled, that fuel cannot be put into another plane) as home heating oil.  Where are the massive clouds of chemicals?


Russell Kanning

Quote from: MaineShark on March 23, 2007, 02:02 PM NHFTIf the government was responsible, why engage in a massive conspiracy at huge expense, when you can easily hire a few fanatics to fly planes into buildings?
They might fly them into the wing of the pentagon that Rumsfeld was in.

Sometimes they probably do just hire a few fanatics .... but they didn't that day.

Kat Kanning

I saw something strange today.  A jet went overhead with 4 distinct contrails coming out.  Two were kind of fluffy and speading out.  Two stayed real crisp and thin.  Is that normal?  I haven't seen anything like it before.


Quote from: Russell Kanning on March 23, 2007, 07:02 AM NHFT
Quote from: error on March 22, 2007, 08:58 PM NHFT
All the sources that promote the chemtrails theory have trouble constructing complete, coherent sentences and paragraphs.
That is not true.

Perhaps it isn't true, but if that's the case, I have yet to see any such source.