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"Let them march all they want, as long as they pay their taxes."  --Alexander Haig

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Something is going on at Error's apartment!

Started by Recumbent ReCycler, October 05, 2007, 01:43 PM NHFT

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Quote from: Sheep Fuzzy Wool on October 07, 2007, 10:09 AM NHFT
SFW completely understands the sentiment. However, perhaps a simple adjustment within the approach may garner a wider support.  You are not refusing to pay taxes. In fact, you volunteer with check book and pen in hand to pay legal taxes.  All you need is for the government to show you the law. The undisputed law. You are not a tax protester nor a tax evader.  You simply want to abide by the U of s Constitution, and wish for our government to do the same.

In general when you say you are a tax protestor, the public believes you are anti-government, anti-american, etc., etc., etc.  It should be clear that you support the Constitution.  :)

SFW if that is the way you are going to approach the situation fine but I do like Ian's argument that by saying "there is no law" get you in to the legal mambo jumbo world but if you take the principled stance that taxes on your labor is nothing more then a form of slavery and if a law is not right you should not obey it. I am not saying I know there is a law and I am not a lawyer and no practically nothing about the "legal system". I have made the argument to a few people that taxes are slavery and after a discussion they began to agree with me. I know I am not the best person to be throwing stones in a glass house because I have not left the plantation, yes I still pay taxes mostly because of the line of work I am in companies entrust me with sensitive information and if they do not believe I am trustworthy I probably would not have the employment that I currently hold. If I could find a company that did not care if I paid income taxes I would probably then step off the plantation. This is one reason why I joined the FSP because I would think that with FSP members there would be a better chance of finding that company.

SFW even if I do not think your approach is the way that I would approach the issue I would still support you for not paying income taxes.


Quote from: ArcRiley on October 07, 2007, 09:55 AM NHFT
Quote from: Russell Kanning on October 07, 2007, 09:25 AM NHFT
I think you should stop paying taxes in whichever way is most comfortable to you.
That's a good statement.

I have never, in this life, paid a red cent in federal income tax, and it has all been entirely legal.  If anyone feels likewise morally obligated to refrain from "feeding the beast" but is worried about the beast bearing it's teeth at you for it, get in touch with me privately.  It's actually easier than you'd think.

Yeah, I am envious of you. I have tried for years and years to resist the mob but they just hijack my paycheck w/o telling me they are going to do it. I think the best way to go about this is finding a "friendly" job. I tried filing the legal pleadings requesting my

Ivy, I have to tell you that it gets easier to talk to feds every time you do it. I am going to court right now on three different court issues and the first time I was as nervous, or more so, than you sounded in the video. Now I am actually looking forward to busting this cops balls. He lied on his official police report and I got him. The only out he has is not to show up. If he does, he is caught perjuring himself on his official police report.

Few people properly understand the psychology of dealing with cops. Your normal person will enter fight or flight mode. This is wrong. The easiest way to deal with them is to pander to their egos: "Did I do something wrong? I am so sorry. How can I help? No sir, I just can't remember anything that has ever happened, anywhere, ever. How can I help?" If it works for all of those in office, why not for us too?

You want to make it sound like their goals are your goals while telling them nothing. I could be wrong and it would be a terrible shame but its worked for me so far.


Quote from: enloopious on October 07, 2007, 10:58 AM NHFT
Yeah, I am envious of you. I have tried for years and years to resist the mob but they just hijack my paycheck w/o telling me they are going to do it. I think the best way to go about this is finding a "friendly" job.
As was just stated, you simply make your W4 exempt from employer witholding.

Next challenge, since they know how much you earned, is putting yourself under the taxable limit.  Talk to me privately about achieving this.  No I'm not selling anything, just sharing wisdom best left off these forums.

Quote from: enloopious on October 07, 2007, 10:58 AM NHFT
Few people properly understand the psychology of dealing with cops. Your normal person will enter fight or flight mode. This is wrong. The easiest way to deal with them is to pander to their egos: "Did I do something wrong? I am so sorry. How can I help? No sir, I just can't remember anything that has ever happened, anywhere, ever. How can I help?" If it works for all of those in office, why not for us too?
Don't pander.

Cop at door, you answer and ask who (s)he is, they identify themselves as bla, "do you have a warrant?", if they answer no you close the door and do not answer it again. If they persist you call the police to report harassment.

They do not have the right to order you out of your home without a warrant.  They do not have a legal right to detain you without probable cause, if they ask you to do so it is a request which you can choose to deny their request.

Why?  There is only one reason for them to talk to you if they don't have a warrant; to obtain evidence for arresting you or someone else, so practice your 5th amendment right against self incrimination by refraining to talk to them at all.

If they threaten to arrest you, claiming they have the ability to do so at that point, call them on their bluff.  If they really could they already would have at that point as they'd prefer to "question" you in handcuffs.  Further, then it's on record for wrongful arrest and you have a legal case against them.

If arrested first words out of your mouth, ONLY words out of your mouth, "What am I being charged with" and "I wish to speak with an attorney".  It is illegal for them to interrogate you once you've said the latter of these words.





i was not sure if it was suppose to sound like a faint alvin and the chipmonks!


As was just stated, you simply make your W4 exempt from employer witholding.

Next challenge, since they know how much you earned, is putting yourself under the taxable limit.  Talk to me privately about achieving this.  No I'm not selling anything, just sharing wisdom best left off these forums.

Ok, i'll send you a pvtmsg.

Cops and Feds are two different beasts. These guys sounded like they were actually concerned with preventing violence (which is good) but they lied, threatened, and tried to intimidate Ivy (which is bad.) If I can see that in 3 mins of video, living 10,000 miles away in Mexico (so leave me alone feds) then I can only imagine the lies I didn't see... or hear.

I have gotten out of traffic tickets using the "pander" attitude. I have never gotten out of them using the fight or flight mentality. It is worth noting that your attitude should change if you have contraband. For those situations, where the cop seems aggressive and intent on searching the vehicle, I (accidentally) lock the keys in the car. Of course I make sure to drive to a safe place to park (trust me, they will follow you) so the car is not towed and I "call someone." (after the cops leave I use the key copy I have hidden.)

Of course you never consent to any searches but I have had the cops come in to my house w/o my consent. They said that they heard a woman being beaten (cops lie?) and after searching and finding nothing they left me feeling raped. I filed an official complaint with the PD but yeah, nothing happened. I printed out copies of the Constitution and delivered them to the station and told the sgt "you should actually read the document you swore to uphold." Of course this just makes me more of a target... but what ever.


Come home? I haven't gone anywhere! I've been screwing with your video all day. Now I know why Dave doesn't like to edit. What a royal pain.

Pat K

Nice to know you don't shower with your clothes on Ivy. ;D

That would be weird even among this group.


Oh yeah, you are totally right Ivy, don't let it affect your life AT ALL.

The one thing that would scare the "man" the most is, not if we all went out and protested, but if we all went out and protested wearing the same exact outfit. That involves a level of organization that in and of itself will cause the "man" to freak. If every person went out wearing CRAZY clothes etc, it wouldn't even cause them to flinch (insert example link here) but if everyone wore black suits with sunglasses and a brief case, they would REALLY take notice.

PS, msg sent ArcRiley.



Quote from: ivyleague28477 on October 07, 2007, 04:12 PM NHFT
I just got up from a nice afternoon nap (we've been trying to wind down over here), and I got into the shower (yep, I was just wet and nekkid... still a little wet even  ;)), I got to thinking.

I believe it is vital right now for each and every one of us to get back to what is the normalcies of our every day lives.  If we, in one action, stand together and say "Notice, you have had no effect on my life what so ever.  You do not scare me.  You do not intimidate me.  I will not run.  I have nothing to hide.  It is you who are in the wrong here Mr. Federal Agent, not I." it will be a more powerful statement to them if we all go running scared like cockroaches away from the light. 

That being said, I also want to recommend a wonderful book I read about 5 years ago.  It is called "How to turn the other cheek and still survive in today's world."  It is written by a christian author, but do not immediately discount it because of that. It outlines the non-aggression principle in a wonderful way. 

I was speaking with someone at Murphy's the other night that suggested Jesus was a political radical - I would agree.  As he stood in the face of danger, under the threat of bodily harm to himself and those around him, as they slapped him across the face he looked those fu*$@rs straight in the eye, stood up straight, and simply turned the other cheek.  In doing so, he said "Notice, I am not afraid of you at all.  Notice I will not retaliate, but also notice, I will not back down."

Here's to not backing down... come home error.

I always thought that if they would have smacked the second cheek old J H Christ would have opened up a can of martial arts on there roman but (you know what he really learned in those "lost years")

I have been thinking as well and have come to the same conclusions.  Encounters like these shouldn't make us want to stop, they should simply remind us that there is much work to be done. 



Quote from: supperman15 on October 07, 2007, 05:39 PM NHFT
I always thought that if they would have smacked the second cheek old J H Christ would have opened up a can of martial arts on there roman but (you know what he really learned in those "lost years")

As told by Biff;D

Sheep Fuzzy Wool

Quote from: error on October 07, 2007, 05:31 PM NHFT
I think it's finally fixed.

Giving them information only feeds them. They are not going to become your buddies because peaceful people give peaceful and truthful answers.   They (the man wearing the Wal-mart vest  represents who?) were telling the young lady she was lying. This is the reason the 5th Amendment exists.