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Rally in support of HCR6

Started by Fluff and Stuff, February 19, 2009, 07:07 PM NHFT

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Fluff and Stuff

WHAT: Rally in support of HCR6
WHEN: 8:00 AM, Wednesday, March 4th
WHERE: NH State House, 107 N Main St., Concord [ Map ]
WHY: The Federal government has gone far enough. We need to draw a line in the sand. If there is further egregious, serious disrespect of the US Constitution by the Federal government, then New Hampshire must reclaim its sovereignty. See the interview on Glenn Beck here; longer interview here.
WHO: YOU! Not "somebody". Not "those people". YOU!!

HCR6 came out of committee with a surprise "Inexpedient to Legislate" recommendation.

If you need to call in sick to work in order to be at the Capitol at 8AM Wednesday March 4th, then please call in sick to work.

For those that remember it, this is a replay of the resistance against the bills to get NH out of Real-ID. This is unacceptable. Fortunately, we have a playbook. We know what it takes to move this forward: MASSIVE PUBLIC SUPPORT!

1. Write LTE in support of the resolution
2. Email or call your State Reps. Simply, courteously, ask them to support HCR6 when it comes to a vote. Their contact info is here
3. Contact the Speaker of the House, Terie Norelli,  terie.norelli@leg.state.nh.us or  (603) 271-3661 and ask her to support HCR6 when it comes to the full legislature for a vote
4. Contact all our delegation to the Federal government. Tell them you demand that they support HCR6! Be bold with them, they need a wake-up call!
        * Judd Gregg
        * Jeanne Shaheen
        * Paul Hodes
        * Carol Shea-Porter
5. Pass this info along to everyone you know

For those on Facebook, there is an event set up there. Go to it, and invite everyone you know:


I thought D Goddard's porc 411 said to meet there at 6:00?


Fluff and Stuff

Quote from: 41mag on February 19, 2009, 07:33 PM NHFT
I thought D Goddard's porc 411 said to meet there at 6:00?

I really couldn't tell you what a porc 411 message said.  I just copied the info from the Rally page which is everywhere on the NHLiberty.org website and forum.  Anyway, I've heard Denis write and talk about this several times and he has always said 8:00AM.  If you want to be there a few minutes early, that is a good thing.

Russell Kanning

Quote from: 41mag on February 19, 2009, 07:33 PM NHFT
I thought D Goddard's porc 411 said to meet there at 6:00?
what ? ... he told me 4am

D Stewart

We could always start the night before, with some beers and a tent...  oh, wait, the parking meters only last 2 hours.   ;D

Ryan McGuire

Quote from: dalebert on February 19, 2009, 08:29 PM NHFT
This rally inspired some new designs.

Browse items with the A version
Browse items with the V version

IMHO, the V version of this shirt is your best shirt yet. (The bloody hands and such on your previous shirts was a little too 'in your face', but this one is just my style). Purchased!


Some shirts might be made available at Liberty Forum at a slight discount if you pre-order. Details here.


Quote from: Russell Kanning on February 20, 2009, 02:49 PM NHFT
Quote from: 41mag on February 19, 2009, 07:33 PM NHFT
I thought D Goddard's porc 411 said to meet there at 6:00?
what ? ... he told me 4am
I could have swore it was 2:00 am

J’raxis 270145



fill in the blank

John Edward Mercier

This isn't to kick the U.S. out of NH. NH is one member of the 50. Its notification that failure to abide by the contract will result in nullification... which is a type of secession, except the other parties have by their action agreed to it.

It shouldn't be a problem for any of the Representatives to vote for... but as Donald stated in other threads the trigger mechanism should be in easily understood terms.

Dan Itse did an interview, but unfortunately used the No Child Left Behind as an example... since this was an open ended contract... its really our bad that we have not ended it.
But several great examples exist from the Brady Bill to McCain-Feingold.

Russell Kanning

Some of the Shire characters might be in attendance

Russell Kanning

Dale .... can you be our ambassador to the US?