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"Let them march all they want, as long as they pay their taxes."  --Alexander Haig

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Free State UN Flag Burn December 18th 2005 noon

Started by Russell Kanning, October 07, 2005, 06:28 AM NHFT

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Quote from: Lloyd Danforth on December 02, 2005, 06:05 PM NHFT
Quote from: russellkanning on December 02, 2005, 12:50 PM NHFT
Not only did our counter protesters not show up ...... we never were punished by the UN for subjecting their flag to "indignities". ;D

Actually, a free trip to the Hague would be cool.

I've been to the Hauge. Not a place I would like to spend a lot of time, but it's a nice stopover to Delft :D


Kat Kanning


Quote from: jgmaynard on December 03, 2005, 11:48 PM NHFT
I've been to the Hauge. Not a place I would like to spend a lot of time, but it's a nice stopover to Delft :D

Good beer in Belgium.  ;D 8)

Russell Kanning

Mr. Kanning,
   We have learned through a local "Letter to the Editor" that you plan another flag burning event in Robin Hood Park.  Last year, after the event, I was informed by the Keene Fire Department that burning in a park picnic area requires a fire permit.  The reason is that the burning is purely for burning and not for cooking food as the fire pits were and are intended for.  I was told that you, or someone in your organization was informed of this last year.   You will need a fire permit from the Keene Fire Department and they tell me the permit requires the permission of the land owner.  In this situation I would be signing off as the land owner.  If presented with signing off, I will refuse.  This use of a picnic area in a park is not appropriate in my view.  They were created and funded by citizens with the intent that people would have cookouts there.   Open burning for the sake of open burning can be done somewhere else.                                                      Brian Mattson
                                                      Director, Keene Parks, Recreation and Facilities Department

Russell Kanning

I am wondering if or how I should respond......any ideas?


Quote from: russellkanning on December 06, 2005, 01:39 PM NHFT
Mr. Kanning,
   blah blah blah
                              Brian Mattson
                                                      Director, Keene Parks, Recreation and Facilities Department

Douchebag.  Looks like the UN burn is going to get much more interesting this time out...


Maybe have a cookout too.  Give people an extra reason to show up!  Be sure to make a point of inviting families, since apparentlly they are who the park is for.   ::)

Kat Kanning

UN is trying to take away our rights

To The Sentinel:

On Sunday, Dec. 18, activists from NHfree.com ? and other local opponents of the United Nations ? will stage the second annual UN Flag Burn at Robin Hood Park in Keene.

The blue flags will blaze starting around noon, and everyone is welcome ? regardless of their opinion.

Strangely enough, the counter-protest, which was supposed to happen last year, never materialized, and the organization that promised it has since dissolved.

As before, participants are invited to bring open-carried, lawfully-borne firearms, that they may peacefully celebrate those gun rights that New Hampshire enshrines but the UN seeks to destroy.

It was an honor to have Erica and Steve from The Sentinel covering the story last year; they and any of your staff will be welcome again this year.

Anyone who would like to know more is welcome to visit NHfree.com or give me a ring at blah, although I should make it clear that I am not in charge.

Fortunately, neither is the UN just yet.

See you there.


Lloyd Danforth

Inform him that he is not the land owner.  The citizens of Keene are the landowners. An emergency referendum has to be held!


Do you have the communication from the Fire Dept from last year that said you didn't need a permit if you used the pits?

Russell Kanning

Last year the parks and rec guy was happy as long as we didn't make a mess. Now he is upping the antte.
There is no such thing as a burn permit in NH when the snow is on the ground.

We can play little games with them or ignore them. We can toast marshmellows over a fire inside the pits with snow on the ground. That should just about cover things. ;)
Or .... we can just ignore them ..... which is the goal of our movement in the first place.

Kat also mentioned that the park may be owned by someone who has allowed public use and the city to care for it. (another fun twist) I definitely agree that the parks and rec guy is not the "owner" no matter how you slice it.

Russell Kanning

Quote from: Lloyd Danforth on December 06, 2005, 02:51 PM NHFTDo you have the communication from the Fire Dept from last year that said you didn't need a permit if you used the pits?
I don't remember that .... they also changed their minds after the event.

Kat Kanning

Nah, it actually says the park was donated to the city.


Quote from: russellkanning on December 06, 2005, 03:54 PM NHFT
There is no such thing as a burn permit in NH when the snow is on the ground.
You still need written permission from the land owner even if you don't need the fire permit.

QuoteI definitely agree that the parks and rec guy is not the "owner" no matter how you slice it.
He is the caretaker.

    227-L:17 Permits; Damages; Penalties
. ?
    I. It shall be unlawful for any person to kindle or cause to be kindled a fire upon the land of another without first obtaining permission from the landowner or the landowner's agent, or upon public land without the written permission from the official caretaker, excepting that upon a public recreational area where fireplaces and a supervisor are provided, presence of an official supervisor or caretaker upon such land shall constitute permission.

Lloyd Danforth

Quote from: president on December 06, 2005, 05:06 PM NHFT
? ? 227-L:17 Permits; Damages; Penalties
. ?
? ? I. It shall be unlawful for any person to kindle or cause to be kindled a fire upon the land of another without first obtaining permission from the landowner or the landowner's agent, or upon public land without the written permission from the official caretaker, excepting that upon a public recreational area where fireplaces and a supervisor are provided, presence of an official supervisor or caretaker upon such land shall constitute permission.

The pits are there, unsupervised, for people to use all the time. People use them, in this park, all the time, unsupervised.

Russell Kanning

It is very important to this guy that noone be having fun in that park on Sunday. ;)