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"Let them march all they want, as long as they pay their taxes."  --Alexander Haig

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Free State UN Flag Burn December 18th 2005 noon

Started by Russell Kanning, October 07, 2005, 06:28 AM NHFT

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Kat Kanning

Invited the monadnock freedom forum folks who wanted to counter protest last year, in case they want to protest us this year.

Pat McCotter

Subject: Monadnock Freedom Forum (MFF) Dissolves

After having been in sleep mode for a while, the Board of Trustees
of Monadnock Freedom Forum (MFF) has decided to dissolve the formal
organization of MFF. We will continue offering the message board for
community members to share news.

Many of MFF's initiatives are being continued by Monadnock Institute
for Community Advancement and Sustainability (MICAS). Many MICAS
members are still strongly committed to the foundational principles
of MFF, such as citizen governance, media reform, the bill of
rights, thwarting corporatocracy, and so on. There will be numerous
opportunities to carry forth the mission of MFF under a new banner.
You can learn more about MICAS at www.micasonline.org or by calling

The Board would like to express our appreciation for the community's
support over the past two years.


John-Michael Dumais, Board President

Kat Kanning

Guess there wont be a counter-protest this year either. 

Russell Kanning

What do these groups know about "sustainability"? ;)


Kat, thanks for trying to contact the opposition. I can't find anyone who belongs to it. There may be a teacher from KHS coming to the protest. Go easy on his philosophy, we're trying to convert him gently. He is a peace activist, and opposes violence in all forms, even that purpotrated by the UN. He might be too much of a pacifist, but I believe that exposure to the Lockian, libertarian point of view may move him to our side.

Kat Kanning

Dave Ridley

Sent this to the Sentinel as an LTE


Dear folks at the Sentinel:

An invite for your readers...

On Sunday, December 18, activists from NHfree.com - and other local opponents of the United Nations - will stage the second annual UN Flag Burn at Robin Hood Park in Keene.   The blue flags will blaze starting around noon, and everyone is welcome - regardless of their opinion.  Strangely enough the counterprotest which was supposed to happen last year never materialized, and the organization which promised it has since dissolved. 

As before, participants are invited to bring open-carried, lawfully borne firearms, that they may peacefully celebrate those gun rights which New Hampshire enshrines but the UN seeks to destroy. 

It was an honor to have Erica and Steve from the Sentinel covering the story last year; they and any of your staff will be welcome again this year!

Anyone who would like to know more is welcome to visit NHfree.com or give me a ring at _____ - although I should make clear that I am not in charge.  Fortunately, neither is the UN just yet!

See you there.

Russell Kanning

Not only did our counter protesters not show up ...... we never were punished by the UN for subjecting their flag to "indignities". ;D

Tom Sawyer

Quote from: DadaOrwell on December 02, 2005, 12:48 PM NHFT
Sent this to the Sentinel as an LTE


Dear folks at the Sentinel:

An invite for your readers...

On Sunday, December 18, activists from NHfree.com - and other local opponents of the United Nations - will stage the second annual UN Flag Burn at Robin Hood Park in Keene.? ?The blue flags will blaze starting around noon, and everyone is welcome - regardless of their opinion.? Strangely enough the counterprotest which was supposed to happen last year never materialized, and the organization which promised it has since dissolved.?

As before, participants are invited to bring open-carried, lawfully borne firearms, that they may peacefully celebrate those gun rights which New Hampshire enshrines but the UN seeks to destroy.?

It was an honor to have Erica and Steve from the Sentinel covering the story last year; they and any of your staff will be welcome again this year!

Anyone who would like to know more is welcome to visit NHfree.com or give me a ring at _____ - although I should make clear that I am not in charge.? Fortunately, neither is the UN just yet!

See you there.

Very well done... in a congenial tone etc. :)

Lloyd Danforth

Quote from: russellkanning on December 02, 2005, 12:50 PM NHFT
Not only did our counter protesters not show up ...... we never were punished by the UN for subjecting their flag to "indignities". ;D

Actually, a free trip to the Hague would be cool.

Russell Kanning

Should we write them a letter and invite them to haul you away? :)

Actually it would be fun to rattle their cage. Maybe I should contact them as a concerned "citizen of the world" that has heard that these crazy NHerites are burning the old powder blue and white.


You're going to waste your time with those clowns?  ;)

Russell Kanning

Because illegal arms sales harm national security and "endanger the well-being of people and their social and economic development," governments should draw up an international instrument to combat the illicit manufacturing of and trafficking in firearms, the UN Commission on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice has recommended. The draft resolution, which was adopted on 30 April at the close of a Commission session in Vienna, is being passed on to the UN Economic and Social Council for approval. Of the 33 countries sponsoring the resolution, 13 are from Africa. The US, in a shift from previous policy, also joined in sponsoring the resolution.

Dave Ridley

Michael Fisher