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Russell jailed in Waco, 7/5/11

Started by Russell Kanning, June 29, 2011, 06:04 PM NHFT

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Russell Kanning

It is time for me to put on my Don Quixote hat, pick up my chalk and resume the campaign against the Federal Empire. I can't stand by silently while they bomb, imprison, grope, and steal from people.

I have been trying to decide what are the best ways to show my disagreement with the U.S. government. If I don't stand up to them, even in some small way, the world may think that I agree with their actions. I also want to embolden others who oppose the Empire and to convince others to withdraw their support from it.

When I heard about what they are doing to Naz ( http://www.wesupportnaz.com/?page_id=2 ), I began to think of what I could do. He is being "detained" and might be deported because a few years ago he plead guilty to possessing substances that the regime has outlawed for the last 50 years or so.

So I want them to:
Free Naz
release Bradley Manning
let Elaine Brown go (and Ed too) :)
stop bombing innocent Libyans
stop "liberating" Iraq and Afghanistan with guns and zip ties
set the captives free!

I am looking for good ideas. I will be headed for the Federal Courthouse in Waco soon. It is time for another character of the Shire to take up his non-violent tools of revolution. :)

Kat Kanning

Russell's in jail for writing 'Free Naz' and 'Free Bradley Manning' on the federal building in Waco.  I was detained for about an hour also just for taking pictures.  I don't know where Russell is yet, or how long they're going to keep him.  The feds erased all my pics.  The district attorney (?not sure if that's the right office) cussed Russell out royally and acted like his hornet's nest had really been stirred.  I haven't looked up phone numbers yet, but it was federal marshals who took Russell.  They talked like they'd hand him over to Waco police, but I don't know yet.  I don't know if anyone feels like helping, but Russell could use some phone calls on his behalf.  He said this morning he's going to start his prison ministry and try to help guys in prison find a better path.


Kat Kanning

Kat Kanning

They said he'd wind up here, but the co jail said they didn't have him.  I didn't get an answer at the detention center.

McLennan County Detention Center
www.co.mclennan.tx.us - 520 Columbus Avenue, Waco - (254) 759-8121
Mc Lennan County Jai
www.co.mclennan.tx.us - 3201 E State Highway 6, Waco - (254) 757-2555


I told them that I'm calling from NH, and that I'm am a minister at Peaceful Assembly Church. I told them that Russell Kanning is one of the most Peaceful men they will ever know ... I asked that they Please handle Russell as kindly as they possibly can, and to Please release him as soon as they are able.
The woman said that she will pass the information along.

Woman at that answering "service" for the U.S. EMPIRE'S MARSHALS OUTPOST OFFICE says she has no information on any "prisoners." Does not know where held, when court - nothing. I asked who would know. She said to call U.S. Marshals office (same number) between 8 and 5.
PLEASE call NOW. And also call in the morning.



Update not at this one = McLennan

Jail at 254-757-255 ... woman says computers are down for about 15 or 20 min. so that she is unable to check to see if Russell is there ... I left told her that Russell is one of the most Peaceful people they will probably ever know, etc. ...

I'll try to call them back soon.


Also left similar message with sheriff's office ...


Been trying other numbers around Waco and getting no answerers.

Woman at McLennan gave me the number for the Jack Hartwell Detention Center - 254-759-5900.
She thinks Russell may be there, because its federal guys who stole him from us.

The "overnight" guy (254-759-5900 plus several hoops) there says he does not know if Russell is there. ... He says to call back in the morning.

I told him that just in case Russell is there that I wanted to let people there know that I have worked with Russell at Peaceful Assembly Church, etc. and, then the same message about Russell being one of the most Peaceful men they'll ever know, etc. ...

I asked him to share that information with "the other guys." He said "OK, thank you sir."


That sucks.  :-\

I can tell you from my personal experience, that when someone is first arrested by any federal agency, they disappear into a black hole, as far as information is concerned.

The first problem is knowing who actually arrested them, and the second is knowing who took custody. And then, because the USMS and FBI and other federal agencies always rely on contract jails (which might be government jails, or might be privately operated jails, and in either case might be very far from the scene of the arrest), you have to know where custody was transferred.

It's almost impossible to track down where someone went after being arrested. "It's a feature, not a bug." They intend it to be that way, so that the arrestee can spend days or even weeks "lost in the system", unable to contact or be contacted by friends, loved ones, or competent counsel. It's the modern, "more humane" version of "gettin' yo mind right, boy!"


Quote from: KBCraig on July 06, 2011, 03:08 AM NHFTIt's the modern, "more humane" version of "gettin' yo mind right, boy!"

Shall we call it what it is?
Its intended to be - and it is -  a form of mental and emotional TURTURE.

These monsteroust empire government criminal gangsters are out of control.
They more than likely enjoy torturing their prisoners, and only wish they could get away with more.
And most of the sick bastard court jesters in their black dresses also like that it is happening.
And the sick evil pigs who are at the head of the evil criminal government like it also.

Kat Kanning

Thanks for all your phone calls John.  Thanks for the info, KB.

Kat Kanning

Called the federal court and they don't think Russell's being brought in this morning, but if he were, it'd be at 11.  The court clerk actually got my number and said she'd call me if he came up on the docket.  I still don't know where he is.

Kat Kanning

Court lady called me back and said they were filing federal charges and Russell was being arraigned at 11.

Dave Ridley

Creating a RidleyReport bulletin and linking it to this thread.

"NHFree.com co-owner Russell Kanning has been arrested by Federal operatives for attempting to chalk one of their buildings.  He's perhaps best known as the Outlaw Leafletter for his "illegal" attempts to distribute liberty lit in IRS offices.  In accordance with traditional Fed practice, Kanning has temporarily disappeared but may re-appear for arraignments...one of which was scheduled for 11 a.m. July 6.
See video descrip for details."

Kat Kanning

Russell has a bond hearing on Monday at 2:00.  They will determine if there's enough evidence to call a grand jury.  The charge was willfully damaging US Property of an amount not exceeding $1000 - a misdemeanor charge. They appointed an attorney for him.