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Grafton Apple Fest 4th annual All welcome !!

Started by Free libertarian, July 29, 2011, 10:20 AM NHFT

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Free libertarian

It's that time once again to gather in Grafton, crush apples into cider and have a good time.
We hope to see all the local activists and friends as well as all those who live a bit farther away.  Feel free to come on up, down or over and bring a friend or two!

When -  Sunday September 25th 

Time - bout 11:00 am - til 5:00 pm or so

Where - Peaceful Assy. Church,  Rte. 4   Grafton, NH

What - bring apples, a container or two to hold the cider you make and what ever else you can think of

Rumor -  Might be a contest for apple related foods....stay tuned more info to follow

Pat K

Russell Kanning

yay .... although for me by that time the temperatures around here might be only down into the 90s

Free libertarian

I still remember the apple procuring /  tree climbing lessons Russell gave at a past Apple fest. It seemed the tree did not want to part willingly with it's apples and bit him back.  Carniverous trees may still lurk out there...use caution when gathering apples.  ;)

Kat Kanning

You'll be happy to know he's all healed from the tree bite.  ;D

Lloyd Danforth

Russell Kanning

Pat K


Quote from: Pat K on July 30, 2011, 11:41 PM NHFT
Maybe I could belly bop the tree.
You could just threaten to belly bop the tree, and it would drop the apples in fear.

Russell Kanning

good idea .... I was thinking of just holding an axe like a cop does a nightstick taser or handcuffs

Free libertarian

I will threaten the apples with the law...the law of gravity.  :P


Quote from: Free libertarian on August 03, 2011, 07:19 PM NHFT
I will threaten the apples with the law...the law of gravity.  :P

Ignorance is no excuse.

Pat K

If I gain 5 more pounds , I can get the apples to assume planetary
orbit around me, which will be handy on fest day.

Russell Kanning


Yup. Same place and same time this year - Peaceful Assembly Church/last Sept. Sunday.
Planning for the 4th Annual Grafton Apple Festival has begun.
The antique apple press will be worked on and readied.
More info soon.