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Building Fun at Jim-n-Lauren's

Started by TackleTheWorld, September 15, 2006, 05:39 PM NHFT

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Russell Kanning

Tom Sawyer

Yeah, just a little twinge of jealousy watching others working on Porc Manor.

Kat Kanning

Tom Sawyer

Quote from: Kat Kanning on June 24, 2007, 09:06 PM NHFT
And we had sticky buns.

That's ok Jim imported some to PorcFest for me.  ;D

Jim Johnson

Friday The 13th Roofing party.    :toothy12:

When:  Friday July 13th at 9:00 am.

Where:  Porc Manor on the Ashuelot.

Major Events:   9:00  The eating of the pastries
                      9:30  The blessing of the hammers, by The Archbishop of Keane, if Russell wants.
                      9:31  The carrying of the shingles, the hammering and the talking.
                      1:00  The eating of the hamburgers and hotdogs.
                      5:00  The Blessing of the Beer, by the bishop the manor.
                      5:01  The Drinking of the Beverages, the eating of the dinner and more of the talking.
                      7:00  The Bonning of the Fire

Special Challenges:  Confront your unfounded and irrational fear of Friday 13th or prove your superstition
                            Bring a hammer and your favorite curse word, just in case of hammer and thumb disease.

Russell Kanning

We may make it for half a day .... I might make it for the full day.


Sounds like you'll have ladders to walk under.  Will you be dying the cat black?   :icon_pirat:

Jim Johnson

Quote from: 41mag on July 09, 2007, 09:31 PM NHFT
Sounds like you'll have ladders to walk under.  Will you be dying the cat black?   :icon_pirat:

There will be plenty of ladders.
There is no need to paint the cat, she is already totally black.
Her name is Lucky and she was born in Las Vegas.   :_storm__by_clairebearer:
At Porc Manor a little black Luck is fuzzy.

Tom Sawyer

For those folks that just can't get enough speechifin' the President of the Underground will be giving the Keynote Address.


Tom Sawyer

Jim Johnson

The President of the Underground is scheduled to speak from 7:15am to 8:59am.   :soapbox: :glasses7:
And then he will be speaking all day long.  :blahblah:
Press should arrive early.

Tom Sawyer

Kat Kanning

I wonder how El Presidente feels about being usurped by a 6 year old?

Russell Kanning

Did we use the diebold machines or paper ballots this year?