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Lauren Canario arrested in New London

Started by Kat Kanning, September 22, 2006, 10:16 AM NHFT

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Quote from: FTL_Ian on September 26, 2006, 12:09 AM NHFT
Quote from: Incrementalist on September 25, 2006, 09:40 PM NHFT
Denis, I agree with you.  Lauren's actions have had some impact, but the impact is negligable.

Talk is cheap, Lauren is doing what she thinks is right.

You're right, talk is cheap.  But talk is all that we can do on message boards.

QuoteMaybe Lauren's actions will cause one or two porcs on the fence to swing to her side.

Wrong.  Lauren's actions will bring more Liberty lovers to NH.  I'm seeing to that personally.   ;)

If by "liberty lovers", you mean "people already interested in the FSP/anarchism and on the fence about moving who are brought over the fence by Lauren's actions" then I don't contest your point, as I say in the message you quoted above.

Quote"Cost effective"?  Lauren considers her actions effective and so do a lot of others.

What some individuals consider "effective" is irrelevant.  Effectiveness in a fight, in this case the political and social fight for liberty, is determined by the effect an action has on the battlefield.

QuoteI talk about her actions on my radio show.  What political incremental things have you done recently?  Do they deserve international radio coverage?

First, I think your WAY overhyping the kind of exposure your show gets.  Second, I'm a professional campaign manager, so for the sake of your position in this debate,  you don't want to get into the kind of media exposure I get for people.

Michael Fisher

Quote from: Incrementalist on September 26, 2006, 08:49 PM NHFT
QuoteI talk about her actions on my radio show.  What political incremental things have you done recently?  Do they deserve international radio coverage?

First, I think your WAY overhyping the kind of exposure your show gets.  Second, I'm a professional campaign manager, so for the sake of your position in this debate,  you don't want to get into the kind of media exposure I get for people.

You clearly know nothing of what you speak.

FTL is one of the most famous radio shows in the industry. They're in many markets, they have many viewers, their advertisements are prominent in major talk radio magazines, and the show has been recognized repeatedly for its success.

Russell Kanning

Lauren's #334457

No word on her gold star.


Quote from: Michael Fisher on September 26, 2006, 08:54 PM NHFT
Quote from: Incrementalist on September 26, 2006, 08:49 PM NHFT
QuoteI talk about her actions on my radio show.  What political incremental things have you done recently?  Do they deserve international radio coverage?

First, I think your WAY overhyping the kind of exposure your show gets.  Second, I'm a professional campaign manager, so for the sake of your position in this debate,  you don't want to get into the kind of media exposure I get for people.

You clearly know nothing of what you speak.

FTL is one of the most famous radio shows in the industry. They're in many markets, they have many viewers, their advertisements are prominent in major talk radio magazines, and the show has been recognized repeatedly for its success.

To summarize your points, I "clearly know nothing of what <I> speak", and FTL is "one of the most famous radio shows in the industry".

There's really no reason to respond, as you're doing a lovely job of burying yourself.

Michael Fisher

Quote from: Incrementalist on September 26, 2006, 09:10 PM NHFT
To summarize your points, I "clearly know nothing of what <I> speak", and FTL is "one of the most famous radio shows in the industry".

There's really no reason to respond, as you're doing a lovely job of burying yourself.

Did I say it's one of the most famous talk radio shows in every talk radio industry in the world?  ::)

Le moi est ha?ssable.


Quote from: Incrementalist on September 26, 2006, 08:49 PM NHFT
QuoteI talk about her actions on my radio show.  What political incremental things have you done recently?  Do they deserve international radio coverage?

First, I think your WAY overhyping the kind of exposure your show gets.  Second, I'm a professional campaign manager, so for the sake of your position in this debate,  you don't want to get into the kind of media exposure I get for people.

Not really.  While Mike Fisher might be hyping us, claiming FTL is international is not "overhyping" nor is it hyping.  It's an accurate statement.  Here's proof: http://map.freetalklive.com

So congrats, you're a "professional campaign manager".  What successful pro-liberty campaigns have you been behind?

Michael Fisher

Quote from: FTL_Ian on September 26, 2006, 09:38 PM NHFT
Not really.  While Mike Fisher might be hyping us, claiming FTL is international is not "overhyping" nor is it hyping.  It's an accurate statement.  Here's proof: http://map.freetalklive.com

So congrats, you're a "professional campaign manager".  What successful pro-liberty campaigns have you been behind?

I am not hyping you. Show me any of your direct competitors that even come close to your success.


Quote from: Kat Kanning on September 26, 2006, 07:57 AM NHFT
For Jim

Cats don't know
About nice little pink houses
Stolen from nice little old ladies

Cats don't know
About a delicate woman in chains
Proud, defiant, and serene

Cats don't know
About iron bars and bright lights
Yelling, anger in the face of silence

Cats don't know
About men in robes of black and white
Who think they should control fate

Cats don't know
About quiet heroism, protecting the victims
Nor of tilting at windmills

Cats only know
Of a warm lap on a cold autum morning
Of scrunching claws, rubbing faces, a nap

--Kat Kanning

Thank you for writing this Kat.  It is very nice.
>:D  However, I would take issue with the concept of . . . Never mind.   :-*

Tom Sawyer

Well, I wonder how Lauren is doing tonight... as I kiss my son and wife good night... and settle into my comfortable bed. Is the asshole judge that thought it was just to lock her up for a month, sleeping well in his nice house paid for with tax dollars.

The judge who (I am told) said at the beginning of the court 'you have the right to remain silent'. Then he proceeds to punish Lauren for not speaking... or more precisely, not bowing down to his throne.

The issue at hand is... is the current system legitimate? Ask the drug war victim that never gets to hear the testimony of the person who the police say gave them the information. If you can't see that the system is rotted from the core, your deluding yourself.

If it makes you more comfortable, just forget about all the shattered lives and be glad it hasn't happened to you.

>:( End of rant

Peter Borah

Quote from: Michael Fisher on September 26, 2006, 09:51 PM NHFT
Quote from: FTL_Ian on September 26, 2006, 09:38 PM NHFT
Not really.  While Mike Fisher might be hyping us, claiming FTL is international is not "overhyping" nor is it hyping.  It's an accurate statement.  Here's proof: http://map.freetalklive.com

So congrats, you're a "professional campaign manager".  What successful pro-liberty campaigns have you been behind?

I am not hyping you. Show me any of your direct competitors that even come close to your success.

Sean Hannity? Rush Limbaugh? Michael Savage? Mark Lavinn? Alan Colmes?

Not bashing FTL, I listen every night and it's a huge success from a libertarian standpoint, but it's still relatively small.


Quote from: lildog on September 26, 2006, 02:27 PM NHFT
Quote from: Russell Kanning on September 26, 2006, 02:20 PM NHFT
If there is a rightful owner of that property .... it is that family that recently caved to the government. They do not have a problem with her being there.

But once that family accepted money and willingly signed over that land, they are no longer the owner.  Now they should never have been put into that position in the first place but saying they are still the owner after they've accepted money isn't right either.

They didn't willingly do it. They were extorted into it. They new that if they kept fighting they'd have another several dozens of thousands of dollars of legal fees and were probably going to loose anyway.

That's called signing a contract with a gun to your head. In otherwords, extorsion.



Yes. The technical/legal term is "under duress". I pronounce it "duhr-ress", but it seems you easterners pronounce it more like "dur- ess", with the emphasis on the last part rather than the first part. Some of you also have problems with vowels I've noticed :D

Dave Ridley

After I asked the York guy for lauren's prisoner number I asked him how he felt about imprisoning her, of course.  I told him she was in prison because she had fought for his property rights, and I hoped he would fight for her in return.

I have a big free lauren canario sign ready now with the NHfree.com url at the bottom.

BTW any other sign ideas would be welcome.


Folks I think we're off on a tangent here about FLT's popularity.

I think we can all agree government taking anyone's land is bad.  Government taking land for shear profit sake as they did in CT is down right evil.

So to me the key question is how do you win this over all war to prevent the government from every taking land from person A for benefit of person B?

Lauren did accomplish getting this back on people's minds... now you all need to actually take advantage of that.  Having the conversation turn to whether or not Lauren is mentally competent (And I'm talking the public conversations, the conversations here are irrelevant) distracts from the key argument that the public should be having.

Dave Ridley

The judge who sentenced Lauren...where is his office located?