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"Let them march all they want, as long as they pay their taxes."  --Alexander Haig

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Started by Kat Kanning, March 23, 2005, 11:48 AM NHFT

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Lloyd Danforth

Menken must have known this one:

"the world will only be free when the last king is hang by the last priest's intestines"


All I ask is this: Do something. Try something. Speaking out, showing up, writing a letter, a check, a strongly worded e-mail. Pick a cause -- there are few unworthy ones. And nudge yourself past the brink of tacit support to action. Once a month, once a year, or just once. -
Joss Whedon, writer and film director


I suggest we learn to love ourselves, before it's made illegal.  -- Incubus


I have ever deemed it more honorable and more profitable, too, to set a good example than to follow a bad one. --Thomas Jefferson

Pat K

But how is this legal plunder to be identified? Quite simply. See if the law takes from some persons what belongs to them, and gives it to other persons to whom it does not belong. See if the law benefits one citizen at the expense of another by doing what the citizen himself cannot do without committing a crime."
~ Frederic Bastiat, The Law


Quote from: Friday on October 17, 2009, 01:41 PM NHFT
I have ever deemed it more honorable and more profitable, too, to set a good example than to follow a bad one. --Thomas Jefferson

Few things are harder to put up with than the annoyance of a good example. - Mark Twain


Patriotism is supporting your country all the time and
the government when
it deserves it.
-Mark Twain, author and humorist (1835-1910)


Unless life gives you water and sugar, your lemonade is gonna suck. -- Unknown

Lloyd Danforth

Russell Kanning

Quote from: Lance on October 05, 2009, 09:28 AM NHFT
Quote from: Pat K on October 05, 2009, 12:51 AM NHFT
"All the extravagance and incompetence of our present Government is due, in the main, to lawyers, and, in part at least, to good ones. They are responsible for nine-tenths of the useless and vicious laws that now clutter the statute-books, and for all the evils that go with the vain attempt to enforce them. Every Federal judge is a lawyer. So are most Congressmen. Every invasion of the plain rights of the citizens has a lawyer behind it. If all lawyers were hanged tomorrow, and their bones sold to a mah jong factory, we'd be freer and safer, and our taxes would be reduced by almost a half."
    —H.L. Mencken (1880-1956), "Breathing Space", The Baltimore Evening Sun, 1924-08-04.

Advocacy of mass murder seems a bit out of place with most of the other stuff I've read on this forum.  :-\
wwe can give all lawyers 1 year to find a new job
then we sell their bones for game pieces


Fear is perhaps the greatest enemy of candor. How many men fear to follow their conscience because they would rather conform to the opinion of other men than to the truth they know in their hearts? How can I be sincere if I am constantly changing my mind to conform with the shadow of what I think others expect of me?

— Thomas Merton, No Man Is an Island [1955]


Quote from: Russell Kanning on November 02, 2009, 05:47 AM NHFT
Quote from: Lance on October 05, 2009, 09:28 AM NHFT
Quote from: Pat K on October 05, 2009, 12:51 AM NHFT
"All the extravagance and incompetence of our present Government is due, in the main, to lawyers, and, in part at least, to good ones. They are responsible for nine-tenths of the useless and vicious laws that now clutter the statute-books, and for all the evils that go with the vain attempt to enforce them. Every Federal judge is a lawyer. So are most Congressmen. Every invasion of the plain rights of the citizens has a lawyer behind it. If all lawyers were hanged tomorrow, and their bones sold to a mah jong factory, we'd be freer and safer, and our taxes would be reduced by almost a half."
    —H.L. Mencken (1880-1956), "Breathing Space", The Baltimore Evening Sun, 1924-08-04.

Advocacy of mass murder seems a bit out of place with most of the other stuff I've read on this forum.  :-\
wwe can give all lawyers 1 year to find a new job
then we sell their bones for game pieces

Excellent. A prohibition against the provision of advice for dispute resolution will result in a healthy increase in my hourly rate.  :icon_pirat:

Lloyd Danforth

Unless you end up as a Crack, Bam or Flower.


Quote from: Lloyd Danforth on November 15, 2009, 05:26 AM NHFT
Unless you end up as a Crack, Bam or Flower.

Had to google that.  :)

Seriously though - the absence of a coercive government won't end the phenomena of interpersonal disputes.  I have a hard time understanding why some people think that there will not be a need for lawyers in a voluntary society.

Pat McCotter