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"Let them march all they want, as long as they pay their taxes."  --Alexander Haig

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Property Tax Revolt?

Started by FTL_Ian, April 24, 2005, 09:04 PM NHFT

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Michael Fisher

Agreed, Ian.  These two are heros in my book.

On another note, I think refusing to pay property taxes may not be considered a "crime" in the legal sense.  Nonpayment of taxes is not covered under the criminal code in New Hampshire's statutes.


Where are these NH "neutral" web forums.


Kat Kanning

I'm in CT.  I don't really like the changes to the press release.  I doubt I will use the money directly for Kira's education.  The schools are one of the biggest evils in our society and I think it's wrong to pay for them.  It's my money, not theirs.


Quote from: DadaOrwell on April 30, 2005, 07:16 PM NHFT
<<They will still get their tax money. They will merely borrow the money until they can take your house for taxes.>>

Unless there is something keeping them from taking the house.  We need to be thinking about that in case this really happens...what are the things that could keep a state or city bureaucracy from taking a tax protestors house without violating the Zero Aggression Principle?   

There's always the Howard Roark gambit.   :D

Dave Ridley

the two most active ostensibly neutral web forums in NH are




nhindymedia.org is supposedly leftist but starting to catch the liberty virus

Michael Fisher

Quote from: katdillon on June 22, 2005, 04:16 AM NHFT
I'm in CT.? I don't really like the changes to the press release.? I doubt I will use the money directly for Kira's education.? The schools are one of the biggest evils in our society and I think it's wrong to pay for them.? It's my money, not theirs.

Okay, I've deleted out that version of it so nobody uses it by mistake.

If you are not going to use it directly for her education, are you going to spend more money because she's not in school?  When someone's in school, both spouses can work full time.  When a child is homeschooled, there is a lot of lost "opportunity income" because you must raise her rather than sending her to the local jail-school government babysitting service.

So another possible quote is:

"How can people afford to raise and homeschool children if they are forced to pay for public schools at the same time?"
"It is immoral to force a family to pay for public school, especially when they have children that are in private school or homeschool."

Hmmm... well that sounds like an allusion to vouchers, which would be a disaster for everyone involved.  I'm trying to find a way to make the protest more obviously just to more people, but perhaps that is not necessary.

Perhaps, as with our previous protests, the result of the action will prove that the cause is obviously just.


Quote from: FTL_Ian on April 24, 2005, 09:04 PM NHFT
What would happen if all liberty lovers in NH just decided to stop paying property tax??

Just editing first message to show what's happening on this.? KD

Family to defy school property tax

From NHfree.com
Keene, N.H.; June 15 2005

38-year-old Kat Dillon isn't satisfied she's getting her money's worth
from government schools.? In fact, she says she isn't getting anything
from them at all.

"My child is homeschooled," says Dillon.? "She's never gone to public
school and never will.? I don't get any use out of it, so it's wrong for
them to make me pay for it."

To drive her point home, Dillon will appear at Keene City Hall on June
30 with a check for only a fraction of what the city says she owes.

"The part that would have gone to public schools...I'm keeping it.?
It's my money."

After handing over her truncated check, Dillon will stand outside city
hall urging others to "recalculate" their taxes as well. She says she
has no idea whether her act of noncompliance will inspire others to do
the same, but that she will "do this alone if necessary."

Dillon is no stranger to protest. On June 11 her husband Russell
Kanning made national news when he chose arrest over compliance with TSA
regulations at Manchester airport.? And it was Dillon who received the
infamous nail buff from "Outlaw Manicurist" Mike Fisher.? ?In May, Fisher
gave her an unlicensed manicure in front of the state licensing board
and also went to jail for it.? ?

The soft-spoken computer programmer says she recognizes her act of
civil disobedience will probably trigger retaliation, but "it's the right
thing to do."


What: Civil disobedience against school property tax, followed by
protest.? ?
Why:? ?"It's my money!"
How:? By handing over a check that does not include the "school
portion" of the tax, then leading a protest.
Where: Keene City Hall: 3 Washington St. (at the traffic circle),
Keene, NH.
When:? 10:00 A.M. June 30, 2005.?
Who:? Kat Dillon, supporters from NHfree.com, whoever wants to join us.
Contacts:? Kat Dillon or Russell Kanning (603) 357-2049, backup: Dave
Ridley (603) 721-1490.? Updates will appear at NHfree.com

Don't pay taxes...get arrested again.  At some point you will learn.  Your daughter is homeschooled?  Oh boy!  Probably a good idea...those kids in the public schools would tease her to no end I bet.  It must be hard being the by-product of a couple like yourselves....whoa! :o


Hey Kat...your money helps EVERYONE.  Stop being so @#%! self-righteous and egotistical.  We are a SOCIETY.  We help one another.  We give into a pool to fund schools so ALL can be educated.  It's nice that you have the time to school your little troll, but not all are afforded that opportunity.  Public schools serve their purpose.  As long as parents raise their children properly, they can excel in public schools.  Not everyone teaches their children to resist everything that is not their idea.


Quote from: foreverfree on June 22, 2005, 12:49 PM NHFT
Hey Kat...your money helps EVERYONE.  Stop being so @#%! self-righteous and egotistical.  We are a SOCIETY.  We help one another.  We give into a pool to fund schools so ALL can be educated.  It's nice that you have the time to school your little troll, but not all are afforded that opportunity.  Public schools serve their purpose.  As long as parents raise their children properly, they can excel in public schools.  Not everyone teaches their children to resist everything that is not their idea.

You are the troll.  And apparanly a communist as well.

I recommend everyone ignore this waste of bits.


You want to ignore me because you know I speak the truth.  You can't substantiate your lies and disillusioned thoughts.

Ron Helwig

Quote from: foreverfree on June 22, 2005, 02:34 PM NHFT
You want to ignore me because you know I speak the truth.  You can't substantiate your lies and disillusioned thoughts.

Oh I get it now. You're not a troll, but a comedian.  :)

Of course the money taken from us all to give to the government schools is causing harm. That's self-evident.

What I don't get is how anyone can possibly say that government schools are part of "helping one another" when they clearly are not.

Lloyd Danforth

From Dada in an earlier post.

We're about to have a problem which is, as they say, the kind of problem you want to have...because only successful web forums have it.

Sooner or later as this site gets more popular it will, like all web forums, start attracting a lot of trolls, i.e. people who are here to destroy the environment of our little web community.  Some will make personal attacks or start flame wars, others will resort to sexual references.  Still others will simply try to eat up your time with debate. They'd rather see you debating them than taking action for liberty.  The important thing is not to give them what they want. 

Every troll has a slightly different motivation but most of them want one or more of the folllowing:

1) Attention, hateful or otherwise.

2) To drive away people from the forum by making it a less friendly place

3) To force moderators to delete their posts so they can accuse someone of violating their free speech

The important thing is generally to not give them what they want.   Don't respond to them, don't leave the forum because of them and (in the case of moderators) don't delete their posts unless it's really necessary and deletion appears to be supported by the other participants.

Take trolls for what they are:  A sign of success and a test of your will.  Pass the test by sticking with us and giving the bad guys no aid and comfort. 

Report to moderator    Logged 

Is your state rep a tax thug?  Find out:

Russell Kanning

Quote from: DadaOrwell on June 20, 2005, 08:02 AM NHFT
Couple thoughts...? I haven't yet heard anyone articulate why *Keene* public schools should not get our money.? ? People seem to want to know that.? ?General disagreement with public schools may not cut it in the debate that will ensue.? ?Personally I don't know much about Keene public schools can anyone enlighten me about their faults and saving graces if any??

don't negotiate with terrorists or thugs

Russell Kanning


Quote from: foreverfree on June 22, 2005, 12:49 PM NHFT
Hey Kat...your money helps EVERYONE.  Stop being so @#%! self-righteous and egotistical.  We are a SOCIETY.  We help one another.  We give into a pool to fund schools so ALL can be educated.  It's nice that you have the time to school your little troll, but not all are afforded that opportunity.  Public schools serve their purpose.  As long as parents raise their children properly, they can excel in public schools.  Not everyone teaches their children to resist everything that is not their idea.

Her money can BETTER help everyone it it's spent through volentary interactions w/in society, instead of having it confiscated and monopolised by top-down bereaucracies.
