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"Let them march all they want, as long as they pay their taxes."  --Alexander Haig

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Property Tax Revolt?

Started by FTL_Ian, April 24, 2005, 09:04 PM NHFT

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Michael Fisher

Quote from: KBCraig on October 06, 2005, 06:32 PM NHFT
Quote from: katdillon on October 06, 2005, 03:36 PM NHFT
Nada.? They never cashed my partial check.? No letter.? Nothing.

At least you know the law about partial payments from the Londonderry v. Salty affair.? ;D

Quote from: russellkanning on October 06, 2005, 07:03 PM NHFT
it won't matter .... it didn't help him

Salty pled guilty to trespassing the first time.  That's why they ignored the town's refusal of partial property tax payments.


Quote from: russellkanning on October 07, 2005, 03:05 PM NHFT
don't leave if they tell you to? :)

The mortgage I have on my house right now requires me to pay into an escrow at the bank and then they pay my taxes. I can't not pay into the escrow.

Are there banks that don't have this escrow?

Russell Kanning

If you refinance .... just go with one that doesn't bundle it all in.

Are you seriously thinking of not paying property taxes?

"We don't dump tea .... we just don't pay"


Quote from: russellkanning on October 07, 2005, 09:07 PM NHFT
If you refinance .... just go with one that doesn't bundle it all in.

Are you seriously thinking of not paying property taxes?

"We don't dump tea .... we just don't pay"

Boston Tea Party wasn't about taxation...it was about corporate monopoly privilege.

the east india corporation attempted to "dumped" their tea on the NE market to force out their competitors.


England was charging the Colonists tarrifs and wasn't charging E Indian.



Kat's refusal is a major draw towards Keene.  I'd be tempted to participate, once I get settled in.


how many people are in Keen?

Even if just 10% of the homeowners started refusing to Pay, it'd make a huge statement and put a lot of pressure against the system.


"You let one ant stand up to us, then they ALL might stand up. Those 'puny
little ants' outnumber us a hundred to one, and if they ever figure that
out, there goes our way of life! It's not about food; it's about keeping
those ants in line!" - Hopper --  A Bug's Life


Russell Kanning

We have 22-23 in the town and we share a school district with even more. The school tax is what we are not paying .... but if they don' ever cash our check, then we aren't paying the city or county tax either.


Quote from: russellkanning on October 07, 2005, 09:07 PM NHFT
Are you seriously thinking of not paying property taxes?

Just learning and trying to keep my options open :-)

It probably won't be anytime soon, at least not until I can figure out what I would do if they did manage to take my home. Also I have yet to move to NH but that will happen soon :-)

Russell Kanning

I am inspired by the Kelo 7+1. When the government said "go" they said "No". 8)


That's a coincidence, the +1 was inspired by Russell and Kat.


Quote from: eukreign on October 07, 2005, 08:19 PM NHFT
Quote from: russellkanning on October 07, 2005, 03:05 PM NHFT
don't leave if they tell you to? :)

The mortgage I have on my house right now requires me to pay into an escrow at the bank and then they pay my taxes. I can't not pay into the escrow.

Are there banks that don't have this escrow?
I don't have an escrow account on my mortgage.


Usually the bank requires tax escrow when your loan is more than 80% of the value.


Quote from: EZPass on October 22, 2005, 07:25 PM NHFT
Usually the bank requires tax escrow when your loan is more than 80% of the value.

Heh, our loan was 75% of the value.