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Free State UN Flag Burn December 18th 2005 noon

Started by Russell Kanning, October 07, 2005, 06:28 AM NHFT

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Russell Kanning

The guy was a lot more helpful than we thought he would be ..... but he still thinks we need a burn permit. We told him we were not going to bother with one of those. :)

Russell Kanning

Quote from: Roger Grant on December 13, 2005, 12:38 PM NHFT
We are planning on getting there a little early and getting a nice bed of coals going to cook some sausages over. Wouldn't it be fun to cook sausages on a pitch fork. I think thats what I'm going to do!
Last year we found wood all over the place to burn .... maybe too much snow this time. I might bring some oil .... but that might be over the top. :)
We are going to have a party afterwards at our house. The park is not very user friendly in the winter .... no water or restrooms.


Russell, I sent a message out to Brian Mattson on Sunday.  He didn't respond yet, so I sent a second email.  Is there someone I should carbon-copy to if I have to send a third request?  Basically, my letter asks him what state statute we're supposedly breaking.


Russell Kanning

I had to delete a president post so that ours are next to each others. :)

He probably started to tell me, but I wasn't really listening. The fire guy is the one with the fire problem. I am sure.
Brian responded to me Monday morning.

He is worried about a slippery slope of home garbage burning. I asked him if that had ever been a problem and he admitted "no".


My friend is currently obtaining his EMT and is doing ride alongs with the Keene FD. Supposedly any fireman can grant the permit to burn. His father knows the director of parks and Rec., the strings are currently being pulled. More Thursday evening.


Russell Kanning

They must find it interesting how we are interacting with them in 4 or 5 different ways.
If you want to get a burn permit .... go ahead. I would prefer to bring down a bad system than manipulate it.

Ron Helwig

Some UN humor from one of my favorite comics

[attachment deleted by admin]


Quote from: russellkanning on December 13, 2005, 06:34 PM NHFT
I had to delete a president post so that ours are next to each others.
No, you had to delete it because you are a forum Nazi.


Quote from: president on December 07, 2005, 11:52 AM NHFT
Did you check the link I provided?

QuoteIV. Camp or cooking fires may be kindled only with written permission of the landowner or the landowner's agent and written permission of the forest fire warden of the town in which the fire is to be kindled and only at suitable times and in suitable places when the fire will not endanger woodlands; except in such towns as have adopted bylaws or regulations equally as stringent as provided in this paragraph. Camp or cooking fires may be built without written permission on public camp or picnic grounds when such areas are open for public use or private camp and picnic places where suitable fireplaces approved by the forest fire warden are provided for such fires. As used in this paragraph, a camp or cooking fire shall be a small fire suitable for cooking purposes used in connection with camp, picnic or lunch purposes and does not include the burning of household rubbish, or large amounts of brush or other flammable material. Whoever shall kindle or cause to be kindled any such fire or use an abandoned fire in or near woodlands shall totally extinguish the same before leaving it and, upon failure to do so, such person or persons shall be subject to the same liabilities and penalties as prescribed in this section.

I think the UN flag counts as "household rubbish".

And here are the state statutes dealing with this stuff:


Quote from: citizen_142002 on December 14, 2005, 12:38 AM NHFT
Supposedly any fireman can grant the permit to burn.
But can they grant written permission from the official caretaker?

227-L:17 Permits; Damages; Penalties. ?
    I. It shall be unlawful for any person to kindle or cause to be kindled a fire upon the land of another without first obtaining permission from the landowner or the landowner's agent, or upon public land without the written permission from the official caretaker, excepting that upon a public recreational area where fireplaces and a supervisor are provided, presence of an official supervisor or caretaker upon such land shall constitute permission.

Tom Sawyer

Hey... I got a cool pitchfork to cook sausage on. William is real excited to have a little fun. :)
Any other kids coming out for some fun?

It's time to ROAST THE WEENIES!!!

US OUT of UN and UN OUT of US
Printed some signage... >:D

Kat Kanning

Russell Kanning

I don't know about any other little kids. We have highschoolers. 8)
The park is interesting. It has a little lake and a little waterfall by our fireplace. Sherwood forest seems like a good place for our activities.

Tom Sawyer

Quote from: russellkanning on December 14, 2005, 04:22 PM NHFT
I don't know about any other little kids. We have highschoolers. 8)
The park is interesting. It has a little lake and a little waterfall by our fireplace. Sherwood forest seems like a good place for our activities.

Hey... maybe if you are Robin Hood, I could be Little John... who would be Friar Tuck?
And I wonder if the Sheriff of Nottingham will make an appearance?