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"Let them march all they want, as long as they pay their taxes."  --Alexander Haig

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Main thread for Ed and Elaine Brown vs the evil IRS, Part 19

Started by Recumbent ReCycler, July 08, 2007, 07:49 AM NHFT

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Quote from: error on July 19, 2007, 10:13 PM NHFT
I'll put my balls of steel up against their brass balls any day.

I can't imagine anyone feeling violent toward the kind and gentle error that I know.  :angel1:



One of the DOJ bureaucrats is at the office late tonight. Very late.


Quote from: error on July 19, 2007, 10:48 PM NHFT
One of the DOJ bureaucrats is at the office late tonight. Very late.

Probably the poor schmuck whose turn it is to play "duty officer" in the HQ. There aren't a lot of terrorists to catch in the middle of the night, so it's a good time to stalk bloggers.


Hows my buddy Joe H doing?

I put the garden hose and paperclips right by the oaktree.
See you and the King at 3pm..when the moon splits.


Recumbent ReCycler

I asked one of the feds what constituted "aiding and abetting", and he told me that just visiting isn't aiding and abetting.  From what he said, bringing food is probably not aiding and abetting, but if they find out about it, they will probably watch you a bit closer and try to find out if you are doing anything else.

Lloyd Danforth

I wonder if they qualify for the local 'meals on wheels' program


That would be a riot -- should they call the government and attempt to sign up for welfare now?   :D


So error has been visiting... that shouldn't make him worthy of being stalked. It's not like anyone HELPED the Browns not pay their taxes...they did that themselves. No one else was involved.


If supporters are charged it will be with aiding and abetting a fugitive, not aiding and abetting a tax crime.


Quote from: richardr on July 20, 2007, 11:27 AM NHFT
If supporters are charged it will be with aiding and abetting a fugitive, not aiding and abetting a tax crime.

Aiding and Abetting a fugitive, is the willful or negligent assistance (or attempting to assist) of a fugitive with the intent to avoid capture, punishment or judgment by someone of authority; in a situation in which the fugitive has been found guilty, charged with or is suspect of a crime.


Here is an interesting article in the LA Times:

What disturbs me is this part:

"Residents are anxious, he says, because of the steady stream of out-of-towners — white supremacists, anarchists and other activists — roaming through Plainfield and showing up at community meetings. Neighbors with children worry about what could happen if the standoff ends in gunfire."

White supremacists? Who in heck is that? I thought these were all 'open up the borders to everyone' people? Then again this is the LA Times, a trashy sort of paper.

Then it goes on to say:

"MacNab, who has studied tax protesters since 1997, says some supporters of the Browns have compiled a list of enemies — including judges and journalists — and their families. People have warned that if the couple die, retaliatory killings will follow."

Is this true? I also thought everyone there was non-violent. Then again, I suppose I shouldn't believe what I read in the LA Times of all papers....where are they getting this crap?

Kat Kanning

Doesn't the media always call Randy Weaver a white supremacist?


Quote from: Kat Kanning on July 20, 2007, 11:46 AM NHFT
Doesn't the media always call Randy Weaver a white supremacist?

Oooh yeah, him...but I thought he was not a supremacist, but a separatist, which means exercising one's freedom of association I suppose. Has he done anything bad to minorities in the past to earn that title? I always thought that to qualify as a crime it had to be something you DID to someone?

I general it's sad to see the press drumming up hatred for people in the court of public opinion for minor violations so that when they go in and shoot them, people will be sympathetic to that.

The trick is, I guess, to live in Massachusetts where the liberal judges let off child molestors and people with gun violations, scott free in many cases!  :-\