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Main thread for Ed and Elaine Brown vs the evil IRS, Part 19

Started by Recumbent ReCycler, July 08, 2007, 07:49 AM NHFT

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Kevin posted this, over on the other forum http://www.nhteaparty.org/index.php/topic,165.0/topicseen.html

For those of you who weren't at EdStock the short story is that a helicopter was buzzing the property all day long. The pilot was commiting numerous acts in violation of FAA regulations, including flying below the 500' minimum and even flying after dark with absolutely no lights on. As a public service I hereby present the registration information of this aircraft:

N-number                       : N187AE
Aircraft Serial Number         : 3846
Aircraft Manufacturer          : EUROCOPTER
         Model                 : AS 350 B3
Engine   Manufacturer          : TURBOMECA
         Model                 : ARRIEL SERIES
Aircraft Year                  : 2004
Owner Name                     : U S DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY
Owner Address                  : 425 I ST NW RM 3064
                                 WASHINGTON, DC, 20536-0001
Type of Owner                  : Government
Registration Date              : 16-Feb-2005
Airworthiness Certificate Type : Standard
Approved Operations            : Normal

Here's some information on the type:

And, here are some regulations:


Note that subpart (d) allows helicopters to operate at lower altitudes "if the operation is conducted without hazard to persons or property on the surface." I don't believe that buzzing 50 feet above the treetops adjacent to a gathering of people qualifies as operating without hazard.


This regulation is quite clear; no person may, during the period from sunset to sunrise,  "Operate an aircraft unless it has lighted position lights".

The closest FAA Flight Standards District Office is located in Boston, MA. This is the agency that the FAA wants you to contact to report low-flying aircraft:

Boston FSDO:

One Cranberry Hill
Fourth Floor, Suite 402
Lexington, Massachusetts 02421

Phone: (781) 274-7130

Fax: (781) 274-6725


Complaining to the FAA sounds like something Ed would do...


Thats unfortunate. Seems like someone is getting tired of all of this bs. I have to say though it was a very bad move on the Govts part. There are a lot of people in this country who see the DOHS as a new type of gustapo. I personally would've chosen a different agencies chopper to borrow. From the chatter I hear it seems as though DOHS has overtaken the ATF as the most hated Govt agency. They would've been better using an FBI chopper. Im guessing Mr Brown may get a few more supporters that may not have chosen to join him before. If I were a betting man Id say they are going to go in within the next two weeks. All the hoopla has died down and ed and Elaine will most likely be alone shortly, this whole thing may be over soon. Just hope no one gets hurt and thats includes every federal agent involved for those of you who wish them harm. Now its time to sit back and watch it end. For those of you who actually had a debate with me thanks for your time, for the others hope you wake up to the errors of your ways soon. Be well.


firecracker joe

I went to the browns party and saw nothing but a bunch of people celebrating the fact that the browns are still walking and talking and the only time i felt fear for my life was when that helicopter swooped in right over our heads and instead of running some gave them the bird. no doubt in my mind it is home land stupidity .all there doing is bringing us all closer to one another . good job feds!

firecracker joe

Quote from: Romak on July 15, 2007, 02:07 PM NHFT
Thats unfortunate. Seems like someone is getting tired of all of this bs. I have to say though it was a very bad move on the Govts part. There are a lot of people in this country who see the DOHS as a new type of gustapo. I personally would've chosen a different agencies chopper to borrow. From the chatter I hear it seems as though DOHS has overtaken the ATF as the most hated Govt agency. They would've been better using an FBI chopper. Im guessing Mr Brown may get a few more supporters that may not have chosen to join him before. If I were a betting man Id say they are going to go in within the next two weeks. All the hoopla has died down and ed and Elaine will most likely be alone shortly, this whole thing may be over soon. Just hope no one gets hurt and thats includes every federal agent involved for those of you who wish them harm. Now its time to sit back and watch it end. For those of you who actually had a debate with me thanks for your time, for the others hope you wake up to the errors of your ways soon. Be well.

instead of saying they i think you should be saying WE! dont you think


Quote from: hook on July 14, 2007, 05:27 PM NHFT
Quote from: error on July 14, 2007, 05:24 PM NHFT
The helicopter flying around the Browns' place all day has been identified as N187AE, registered to the Department of Homeland Security.

Wonder what it costs per hour to fly a helicopter around in circles.

A Eurocoptor runs about $850-$1100 an hour to fly (fuel and maintenance only). So, it's official that Homeland Security is involved now, eh?

Quote from: TackleTheWorld on July 14, 2007, 09:35 PM NHFT
When I heard that the Plainfield government would not protect anyone at Ed & Elaine's concert today I was happy.  Government would at last leave us alone.  I walked amongst crowd giggling about our "lawless gathering".  Many people were open carrying and there were no shootouts, even when that annoying helicopter tried to drown out the music.  People filled a trash can with donations, no one had to guard it.  The grounds were kept free of litter voluntarily, no fines needed to be levied.  Food and beverages were enjoyed, no one payed taxes on it.  I was sad when it was time to leave Ed & Elaine's stateless territory and return to the police state.  Maybe some day we can all get our towns to eject us from the "protection of the state". 

The flames of Freedom, how lovely, how just. Ahh, my precious Anarchy...
"O beauty, 'til now I never knew thee"

Sheep Fuzzy Wool

I got to watch part of the concert via the links. Cool!
How about a summer long concert series?


Sheep Fuzzy Wool

Quote from: error on July 14, 2007, 11:31 PM NHFT
Quote from: penguins4me on July 14, 2007, 11:30 PM NHFT
Quote from: error on July 14, 2007, 05:25 PM NHFTThe helicopter flying around the Browns' place all day has been identified as N187AE, registered to the Department of Homeland Security.

Explcitly stating the unspoken question: why is a *DHS* chopper buzzing overhead at the Browns' place?

Probably the marshals borrowed it.
Perhaps borrowed it under a MADD program?

Lloyd Danforth

I'm emailing every editor I can think of about the helicopter.  The LTEs are along the lines of the ones,brlow,  I sent to Gregg and Sununu, but, shorter.

Hello.  I attended the concert for the Browns yesterday, in Plainfield. It was the first time I was there. The press has described their house as 'fortresslike'.  It is lovely, designed for the view. The place is parklike.
At least one of the NH papers mentioned the helicopter(s).  A helicopter circled from shortly after i got there at 1PM and had stopped shortly before I left at 6PM. As it was only about 10 feet over the trees, a couple of passes the number could be read.  Who knew that one could GOOGLE an FAA number and get information on a specific aircraft?
Who would think, that in their stealthiness, Homeland Security would be listed as that crafts owner?
I joke, but, why should they hide their identity?  They are here to tell everyone, you included, that THEY are in charge.
Wouldn't you think if such surveilence was necessary, there is a more appropriate agency to do it?
Think what you might about taxes and the Brown's,  but, what can justify the cost of keeping that bird in the sky for hours on end?  What can justify 'buzzing' all of the Brown's neighbors?
Lloyd Danforth


Quote from: error on July 15, 2007, 02:40 PM NHFT
DOHS? I don't know that one.

Department Of Homeland Security, headed by Officer Simpson:


QuoteThe LTEs are along the lines of the ones,brlow,  I sent to Gregg and Sununu, but, shorter.

Can't you just see the conversation now?

Congressional Staffer:  Sir, we're getting complaints that the DHS used helicopters to surveil a rock concert in New Hampshire.

Senator Sununu:  That's awful.  What in particular are people complaining about?

Staffer:  They helicopter flew around for hours, made a lot of noise, and used the lights to look around.

Politician:  That's outrageous.  Let's make a campaign issue out of it.  Tell me more about the conference.

Staffer:  It was a benefit to assist Edward and Elaine Brown, convicted felons who have had arrest warrants outstanding for the past six months.  They were convicted on 19 felony counts back in January but refuse to turn themselves in.  They've threatened to shoot anyone who comes in to arrest them, and they have a growing hit list for followers to kill the judge and prosecution team in the even of their arrest.  IN fact, Mr. Brown has been talking all week about the national "list" he's been assembling (including home addresses) of judges, press members, politicians, and anyone else he thinks should be targeted for being part of a 2000 year old jewish conspiracy.

Politician:  [Jaw drops]

Staffer: Sir?

Politician:  I'm on the Homeland Security committee, for pete's sake.  Why the heck haven't these criminals been arrested after all this time?  And who the heck is allowing fugitives to throw a rock concert?  Let's make sure that DHS provides the Marshals with any and all assistance they need.  


A hit list of a bunch of people is a bit ridiculous. What about hard targets and installations? What about things that would matter to save lives during a government crack down.