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"Let them march all they want, as long as they pay their taxes."  --Alexander Haig

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Main thread for Ed and Elaine Brown vs the evil IRS, Part 21

Started by Nicholas Gilman, August 17, 2007, 05:11 AM NHFT

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QuoteEd Lewis: family Brown said:

I am exposing the men under the sheets. They're everywhere. Nackey Loeb and Bill Loeb that founded that paper, the Union Leader, were Lady Loeb and Sir William Loeb of the Order of St. John of the Freemasons of Manchester, New Hampshire.

What do you do if someone won't stop stealing from you? You tell them to cut it out. You warn them again and again and again to stop stealing from you. What's the one way to stop them?

Here, you are meeting two people who really are the Real Deal ... and will take full measure.

[me] I don't want to say.

[Ed] I know you don't. That's the trouble. That's why this nation's in deep shit. You will—excuse me—FUCKING KILL THEM!

You say, "but you're not a violent person." [pounding his chest to punctuate each word] NEITHER—AM—I....

Here, you are meeting two people who really are the Real Deal. And have no ego involved here. And will take full measure.

We're going to have to stop them, and stop them HARD. They're coming here with guns. They're killing Americans. They're killing people all over this world....

I've had it. I'm not asking them any more, you see. I'm here to tell them. WE HAVE TO KILL THEM. They are are a disease. They are an absolute plague.


But Richardr the defenders of Ed Brown have been telling you and I all along that he hasn't threatened to kill innocent people at all. They've been telling us we are nuts and we have no idea what we are talking about. He has told me directly that there are a lot of people that need to be killed. The problem with most on here who support this man is that they are new to the area and haven't seen how he has acted over the past ten years or so. Here Richardr I'll say it for you since no one else on here will, you and Romak were right all along and Ed Brown has crossed the line in threatening to kill innocent people and deserves to be held accountable for those actions. Regardless of your position on the legality of the income tax he is now beyond a simple tax issue since his statements about killing agents of the US Marshall agency and those of their families.


Hi. I am the editor of the TruthFire blog. After spending a day with Ed, I believe I can state this quite accurately: Ed has NEVER threatened to kill INNOCENT people. He has also stated he won't kill ANYBODY--that will be left to his "back-up" rangers, in case HE is killed.
If marshalls come onto his property and shoot at him and/or his wife and/or his guests, he has EVERY PERFECT RIGHT TO SHOOT THEM. They have ALREADY come onto his property and SHOT at people. Not everyone is INNOCENT just because they have others commit their murders in secret. Those GUILTY persons MUST BE STOPPED. They are NOT innocent!

Quote from: Romak on September 05, 2007, 09:40 AM NHFT
...you and Romak were right all along and Ed Brown has crossed the line in threatening to kill innocent people and deserves to be held accountable for those actions. Regardless of your position on the legality of the income tax he is now beyond a simple tax issue since his statements about killing agents of the US Marshall agency and those of their families.


There must be many trolls on the government payroll in here (using OUR tax dollars) because Ed Lewis Brown and Elaine Alice Brown told me DIRECTLY that they paid EVERY SINGLE LEGAL TAX until 2007. The Income Tax is NOT legal, or are you STILL debating that elementary point?

Would you rather believe the media and law enforcement that has LIED, LIED, LIED and LIED some more about the nature of this case?

If they SHOW ED THE LAW, he has ALWAYS promised to pay it. They DON'T HAVE ANY LAW to show them. That's the point. DUH!

Quote from: KBCraig on May 24, 2006, 06:51 PM NHFT

"In various contexts, Mr. Brown has stated he and his wife have not paid taxes and has raised in his defense several shopworn and frivolous reasons for not paying taxes," Assistant U.S. Attorney Bill Morse said.



   Ed doesn't have any backup rangers as you call them. He may have a few people that are willing to fight for him, but he doesn't have thousands across the country ready to go to war over a tax issue(as he has stated numerous times). He talks big and always has. This wasn't a problem for most until he started threatening peoples families with death. If this was a gun issue which he used to always talk about as a reason to fight a war against traitors to this country I think you'd see thousands in NH alone ready to go at it. Hell is this was a gun issue the revolution would've been in high gear by now. That is the main issue Ive talked to Ed about in the past, and the one issue we completely agree on. Problem is he's gone off the deep end with this situation. No one would argue the point that he has a right to defend himself and his family in his own home, but thats not all he's said. He has said numerous times that people would hunt down Sheriffs, US Marshalls, and their families and kill them all when the time comes. That is completely against everything I and others stand for.


Quote from: TruthFire on September 05, 2007, 11:06 AM NHFT
Hi. I am the editor of the TruthFire blog. After spending a day with Ed, I believe I can state this quite accurately: Ed has NEVER threatened to kill INNOCENT people. He has also stated he won't kill ANYBODY--that will be left to his "back-up" rangers, in case HE is killed.
If marshalls come onto his property and shoot at him and/or his wife and/or his guests, he has EVERY PERFECT RIGHT TO SHOOT THEM. They have ALREADY come onto his property and SHOT at people. Not everyone is INNOCENT just because they have others commit their murders in secret. Those GUILTY persons MUST BE STOPPED. They are NOT innocent!

I heard Ed's Murder List has more than 50 people on it now.  You have a copy of that list, Truthfire?  Why don't you point out to us all how the various kill targets have been given due process, or is it just good enough that a mentally ill, stir crazy guy has tapped them to die because he wants it that way?

And what do you think of Ed's followers hunting down and shooting the judge's and prosecutor's children and grandchildren?


Richardr more than 50?? Mine has probably 200 million. Im a big advocate of dropping the population by 2/3 so I dont have to sit behind some moron driving 45 in a 65 in the left hand lane. Now thats a hit list Id support  :o


I wouldn't be surprised if Romeo-ak and Richie were on the list.



Quote from: richardr on September 05, 2007, 12:35 PM NHFTI heard Ed's Murder List has more than 50 people on it now.

Murder list?  A list of people Ed is calling for the death of?


Is Ed doing this so if and when they do haul him off he can argue mental insanity?


Quote from: lildog on September 05, 2007, 01:11 PM NHFT
Murder list?  A list of people Ed is calling for the death of?

Yep.  His list had four people on it way back in January (technically, it was four people "plus their bloodlines") and according to Ed has now grown to more than 50 people.

QuoteIs Ed doing this so if and when they do haul him off he can argue mental insanity?

I don't think Ed needs to pretend to be insane.


You still don't seem to get it. Ed never said he had "thousands" across the country, or that this is even over a "tax issue." Neither is true.

So what if Ed IS is a big-talker? (I wouldn't call him a blow hard, because he is very willing to follow through on his statements.)

What about the greater issues: the globalists who are taking us into war after war AGAINST OUR WILL OR CONSENT; who are undermining our economy to merge us with Canada and Mexico AGAINST OUR WILL OR CONSENT, who are committing similar acts throughout the world AGAINST EVERYONE's WILL OR CONSENT?

What are YOU doing, if anything, to prevent martial law and our enslavement?

At least Ed is determined to do everything within his power to stop it. Even if he is misdirected, he is aiming (pun intended) in the right direction. What are YOU doing besides distracting us from the greater issue? Are you a Constitution Ranger?


Could you please explain? This is about as "real life" as it gets. We ARE facing the threat of total global domination from a very small, powerful group of people. It is only "common sense" to address this. Yet, you call anyone who will get up from typing on their computers to actually DO something as "crazy." What's crazy is just sitting there, and being afraid of "a death sentence" for exercising free speech? My god. How cowed you are.

Quote from: Malum Prohibitum on September 05, 2007, 01:54 PM NHFT
This thread has regressed to the kind of talk the Feds would love to print out and show a jury to justify burning a compound to the ground with all souls on board and then salting the earth.

Please exercise some common sense here and in real life.  I dont want to be the only one standing between any of you and a death sentence sometime in the future.


Quote from: TruthFire on September 05, 2007, 02:06 PM NHFT
We ARE facing the threat of total global domination from a very small, powerful group of people.

You mean all those evil Hollywood jews you so desperately want to kill?

TruthFire wrote on her Ed Brown blog entry:
Quoteif you simply acknowledge that virtually EVERY person at the top of the food chain in Hollywood and the banking system is Jewish, why does all hell break loose? Loud cries of "anti-Semitic" echo throughout the land and they try to squash you like a bug. Totally out of proportion. Unless they have some pretty ugly things to hide. Maybe it's because when THEIR activites are observed, they are NOT watching Bambi. They are plotting murders and overthrow of the entire globe. And if that weren't enough, they do it with the smugness of superiority. Last time I did a gut check, cold-blooded murder made you SUB-human! And they have to sneak around in total darkness and behind everyone's back. That's just plain sleazy. Hardly anything to be smug about. And they are so stone-hearted, they murdered millions of their fellow Jews in concentration camps. Not human at all. Maybe it's not so horrible after all, to kill something that does so much harm—especially when it isn't even human.



Quote from: kola on September 05, 2007, 12:45 PM NHFT
I wouldn't be surprised if Romeo-ak and Richie were on the list.


Naa Kola don't think he would want to go there, we make his gun collection that he allowed to be confiscated look like a pile of rubbish.

Quote from: TruthFire on September 05, 2007, 01:46 PM NHFT
You still don't seem to get it. Ed never said he had "thousands" across the country, or that this is even over a "tax issue." Neither is true.

So what if Ed IS is a big-talker? (I wouldn't call him a blow hard, because he is very willing to follow through on his statements.)

What about the greater issues: the globalists who are taking us into war after war AGAINST OUR WILL OR CONSENT; who are undermining our economy to merge us with Canada and Mexico AGAINST OUR WILL OR CONSENT, who are committing similar acts throughout the world AGAINST EVERYONE's WILL OR CONSENT?

What are YOU doing, if anything, to prevent martial law and our enslavement?

At least Ed is determined to do everything within his power to stop it. Even if he is misdirected, he is aiming (pun intended) in the right direction. What are YOU doing besides distracting us from the greater issue? Are you a Constitution Ranger?

You are talking about completely different things here. If you want to talk about the issues you mentioned and how imperative they are we can completely agree on that point. The North American Union is a complete contradiction to our Constitution and will be fought by all Patriotic Americans. The "war" in Iraq is an illegal war, agree on that was well. The soon to be "war" in Iran will be the downfall of their empire. That is what we've been preparing for. Things are about to get real dicey. If you don't have the weapons, ammunition, food, and water to survive the next 18 months then you haven't been paying attention. But again the situation with Ed Brown is vastly different than the others you mentioned. Heck I have three cousins, one in the FBI, and the other two are Border Patrol who are ready to right against all of those things you mentioned. I'm sure if you asked the Marshalls involved in this they are just as tired as we are at seeing our borders open and our great country being overrun with illegals. You might be surprised how much you have in common with them.