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"Let them march all they want, as long as they pay their taxes."  --Alexander Haig

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Main thread for Ed and Elaine Brown vs the evil IRS, Part 21

Started by Nicholas Gilman, August 17, 2007, 05:11 AM NHFT

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Can I see Ed's list?

Richie/Romo, what is your source?

Thanks in advance.



Quote from: kola on September 05, 2007, 03:35 PM NHFT
Richie/Romo, what is your source?

From:  http://www.betterthanyourboyfriend.com/behind-the-scenes-with-tax-protestors-ed-and-elaine-brown.htm

QuoteHe frequently told us that this would end in violence. It was the only way, he said.

"Let them shoot me. Let them shoot my wife. For each of us, five of them will die. I'll take that exchange any day, gentlemen."

He always called people gentlemen.

"I have a wish list with 50 people on it. It's already out there. If they take me out, they go too. Not their families. They'll come after my family, but I don't do that. It's not right."


And from that same article (Nobody tell Dada about the wasted chlorine or he'll be heartbroken...)

QuoteWe sat out on the porch for a few hours. Once we got up to test out a homemade M-80. It was successful. Then Jason tried a bomb that he made from chlorine and alcohol. It seemed like a failure until we'd all given up and it exploded and shot chlorine everywhere.

QuoteThese guys are on a mission fighting for survival. They weren't making chlorine bombs to play a prank, they were making them because they will be at war some day in the forseeable future.


Things have changed since I was there, I walked right up to the side door and could've walked right in if I wanted to. Was carrying openly and wasn't even asked about it. Was treated with respect, cant say a bad work about the way they welcome people into their home. My main issue has always been threatening innocent people, and the way they are going about things.


so Ed has a list.

I am sure there are more than 50 people that want to kill him or will kill on order.

If I were Ed, my list would be much larger.

You can bet the feds have their lists too.



Quote from: richardr on September 05, 2007, 02:13 PM NHFT
Quote from: TruthFire on September 05, 2007, 02:06 PM NHFT
We ARE facing the threat of total global domination from a very small, powerful group of people.

You mean all those evil Hollywood jews you so desperately want to kill?

Thank you for making my point. Your response is utterly a distortion. Why are you so desperate to twist and contort?

Don't you agree we face a threat? Don't you agree that Zionist Jews are RIDICULOUSLY VITUPEROUS whenever a bare fact is noted? I would be very reluctant to cause the death of a human being. But some of these people ARE NOT HUMAN. And they CAUSE MASS MURDER. It is purely a DEFENSE position to STOP THEM. All I am saying is we need to ADDRESS THIS WITHOUT the 180-degree-flip job like you just tried to pull.

TruthFire wrote on her Ed Brown blog entry:
Quoteif you simply acknowledge that virtually EVERY person at the top of the food chain in Hollywood and the banking system is Jewish, why does all hell break loose? Loud cries of "anti-Semitic" echo throughout the land and they try to squash you like a bug. Totally out of proportion. Unless they have some pretty ugly things to hide. Maybe it's because when THEIR activites are observed, they are NOT watching Bambi. They are plotting murders and overthrow of the entire globe. And if that weren't enough, they do it with the smugness of superiority. Last time I did a gut check, cold-blooded murder made you SUB-human! And they have to sneak around in total darkness and behind everyone's back. That's just plain sleazy. Hardly anything to be smug about. And they are so stone-hearted, they murdered millions of their fellow Jews in concentration camps. Not human at all. Maybe it's not so horrible after all, to kill something that does so much harm—especially when it isn't even human.



Quote from: TruthFire on September 05, 2007, 05:30 PM NHFT
Thank you for making my point. Your response is utterly a distortion. Why are you so desperate to twist and contort?

Don't you agree we face a threat? Don't you agree that Zionist Jews are RIDICULOUSLY VITUPEROUS whenever a bare fact is noted? I would be very reluctant to cause the death of a human being. But some of these people ARE NOT HUMAN. And they CAUSE MASS MURDER. It is purely a DEFENSE position to STOP THEM. All I am saying is we need to ADDRESS THIS WITHOUT the 180-degree-flip job like you just tried to pull.

Thanks for proving my point.


Nicholas Gilman

  Short of telling us to "just walk away",some of the
statements made in this thread today reminded me of Lord Humungous.


  If you replace "gasoline" with income, the parallels are

     " Just walk away, give your pump, and oil, and gasoline,
and the whole compound, and I spare your lives.
Just walk away." -  Lord Humungous



There seems to be a great deal of misunderstanding regarding the portion of my TruthFire post that was labeled "rant." Of course, if you take a snippet out of context, the soundbyte can certainly seem nonsensical. And the scope is so big, it is difficult to encapsulate for the uninitiated. Please allow me to fill in some missing pieces.

Are you aware of the history of Prescott Bush (George W's grandfather) funding Hitler's war machinery? And laundering millions upon millions of Nazi dollars after WWII? That might give you better context to understand how the SAME GROUP of people--in fact many direct blood relations--are REPEATING the cycle, but in a much more sophisticated manner, due to the vastly improved technology available today. They don't need to use IBM punch card numbers tattooed on prisoners, they can now use Social Security numbers in databases, etc.
Hitler himself did not call the shots. It was a small group of very powerful people--call them what you will--who have salivated for decades, perhaps even centuries, over the FINAL PRIZE of TAKING PERMANENT CONTROL over the ENTIRE GLOBE. They are VERY CLOSE TO GRASPING that ultimate brass ring RIGHT NOW. The last obstacle in their way is America, largely because of our Constitution. Aren't you aware of this group and its plan to make indentured servants of us all--at least the ones left alive after the rest of us are rounded up into one of the 800 FEMA camps already built on US soil (Google Video "FEMA Camps").
These are the SAME PEOPLE who thought it was a great idea to exterminate over 12 million people during WWII, many of which Jews, just like them. They are setting up to DO IT AGAIN, but on a MUCH GRANDER SCALE. I guess you guys aren't aware of that yet. Many people won't be aware until after several million are already disappeared. THIS SMALL GROUP are the people who MUST BE STOPPED. For lack of a better collective noun, I refer to them as Zionist Jews, because most of them are exactly that.
If there EVER was justification for removing people from the planet via deadly force, this would have to be it, don't you agree?
Part of the problem is, if you try to identify these people, the less-educated jump to the conclusion that it is some sort of anti-Semitic rampage. Hardly. If you could have singled out those responsible and prevented them from staging World War II, wouldn't you try? Right now, they are staging World War III, and very few people have fully grasped the significance of that. Please get educated and help to stop it! Thank you.


Quote from: TruthFire on September 06, 2007, 07:24 AM NHFT
There seems to be a great deal of misunderstanding regarding the portion of my TruthFire post that was labeled "rant." Of course, if you take a snippet out of context, the soundbyte can certainly seem nonsensical. And the scope is so big, it is difficult to encapsulate for the uninitiated. Please allow me to fill in some missing pieces.

Are you aware of the history of Prescott Bush (George W's grandfather) funding Hitler's war machinery? And laundering millions upon millions of Nazi dollars after WWII? That might give you better context to understand how the SAME GROUP of people--in fact many direct blood relations--are REPEATING the cycle, but in a much more sophisticated manner, due to the vastly improved technology available today. They don't need to use IBM punch card numbers tattooed on prisoners, they can now use Social Security numbers in databases, etc.
Hitler himself did not call the shots. It was a small group of very powerful people--call them what you will--who have salivated for decades, perhaps even centuries, over the FINAL PRIZE of TAKING PERMANENT CONTROL over the ENTIRE GLOBE. They are VERY CLOSE TO GRASPING that ultimate brass ring RIGHT NOW. The last obstacle in their way is America, largely because of our Constitution. Aren't you aware of this group and its plan to make indentured servants of us all--at least the ones left alive after the rest of us are rounded up into one of the 800 FEMA camps already built on US soil (Google Video "FEMA Camps").
These are the SAME PEOPLE who thought it was a great idea to exterminate over 12 million people during WWII, many of which Jews, just like them. They are setting up to DO IT AGAIN, but on a MUCH GRANDER SCALE. I guess you guys aren't aware of that yet. Many people won't be aware until after several million are already disappeared. THIS SMALL GROUP are the people who MUST BE STOPPED. For lack of a better collective noun, I refer to them as Zionist Jews, because most of them are exactly that.
If there EVER was justification for removing people from the planet via deadly force, this would have to be it, don't you agree?
Part of the problem is, if you try to identify these people, the less-educated jump to the conclusion that it is some sort of anti-Semitic rampage. Hardly. If you could have singled out those responsible and prevented them from staging World War II, wouldn't you try? Right now, they are staging World War III, and very few people have fully grasped the significance of that. Please get educated and help to stop it! Thank you.

You forget one thing my friend. The Jews weren't armed and were easy victims to the Nazis. Americans as a whole are better armed than most armies in the world. Just in my town alone we could equip the NH national guard with enough guns and ammunition to invade a small country. How in the world are they going to round us all up. And who is going to round us up and put us into FEMA camps? Let me guess they are going to use Blackwater? Or our own military? Give me a break half of them are gun owners who shoot at the range with people just like me. For crying out loud by buddies and I shoot in competitions with cops, military, etc. Not one of them that I met would even consider trying to take our guns away and put us into camps. They wouldn't stand a chance in hell. So who is next, bring in foreign troops? Come on man there isn't a country in the world who would invade us. A gun behind every blade of grass is what they would be facing. I'm sure there are those in power who would love for this to happen so they could control America and truly run the world, but just how can they accomplish that? 


QuoteIf there EVER was justification for removing people from the planet via deadly force, this would have to be it, don't you agree?

Do you think that if you repeat your desire for genocide enough times, it will somehow make it justifiable?

You should put down the internet for a while and get some fresh air.


There isn't a gun behind every blade of grass anymore. :(

I heard a recent report that there were only 90 guns per 100 Americans. And they've already done years of work to make it socially unacceptable to be a gun owner. That's how they will disarm us: through attrition. They'll have a new generation of people who know nothing about guns or freedom, and the guns we have now will pass into history. At a certain point, there will be few enough guns out there in responsible hands that effective defense of anything larger than a city block is no longer viable. This is what they did in New York City, Chicago, Washington, D.C., and many other places. (Not to mention that only criminals -- and "criminals" who will protect their rights regardless of whether it's legal to do so -- will have guns.)

Each new gun control law, whether local, state or federal, means fewer honest citizens become gun owners, and more and more people become vulnerable to every street thug and tyrannical government thug to come down the pike.

Yet we see that gun laws and condemnation of gun ownership have gone too far, and gun owners all over the country are beginning to push back, among other things with open carry. Open carry is powerful; not only are you exercising your Second Amendment rights, but you're exercising your First Amendment rights by making a political statement: that guns in responsible hands are a hallmark of a civilized and safe society.


The idea that guns, alone, keep us free is not very sound.

Saddam Hussein allowed his subjects to own machine guns.

To think that Leviathan will drive up to your door, demand your gun and then put you on the cattle car.  ;D They already have most people in a cage, that they voluntarily got into. If you have the drivers license, if you pay the income tax, if you go to the doctor, if you use a credit card etc. etc.

Why put the people in an internment camp? That costs them to maintain you, they are the parasites that want to live off your labor. As a parasite, government shouldn't kill the host, just live off it.

Another tid-bit to chew on. The Minutemen/Continental Army didn't defeat the English, the French did. Are we going to ask another superpower to back us up in the revolution, China perhaps?

The thing that keeps the powers that be in check is the need to appear legitimate. Peaceful, nonviolent resistance is the tool that is most effective.