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Main thread for Ed and Elaine Brown vs the evil IRS, Part 28

Started by JosephSHaas, May 03, 2008, 08:59 AM NHFT

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My phone call AGAIN to Fed. Rep. Carol Shea-Porter's office in Washington @ 1-202-225-5456 got to Robert AGAIN who AGAIN said that they did get my e-mail of June 4th (almost a month ago), and that they were working on it. http://shea-porter.house.gov/

I asked: how? by it's purpose of the printout to collect more dust!?

My e-mail was a SAMPLE letter she should write of: "Dear Mrs. Tarlton of the G.S.A., Boston: According to the Federal Archivist at Waltham, MA they have no receipt of federal filing from 1-8-17 U.S. Const. to NH RSA Ch. 123:1 Would you please file the required papers with the N.H. Secretary of State."

Has she made a phone call to General Services Administration at least?  Answer: we're working on it.  Hey bub! She is my public servant and if I were ever to get this type of crap in the private sector, she would be long-ago fired by now!  The members of the public ought to hear about her taking $pay without doing her job! 

And so Robert said that there's a forum tonight in Manchester at the UNH Auditorium there at 400 Commercial Street @ 6:00 p.m.  WHO in the area would like to go to ASK her about this? http://shea-porter.house.gov/?sectionid=26&sectiontree=4,26&itemid=408 Maybe too fast? Yeah: I told Robert I'd give her until just before Friday, July 18th at the ALTON forum @ 9:00 AM in the morning to get with it: Alton Museum Complex, 123 Main Street (RT 11& 140) 03809.

THEN she's off to the SMALL BUSINESS FORUM -- LACONIA Fri., July 18th (same day) @ 12 Noon @ The Belknap Mill, 25 Beacon Street East, Laconia, NH 03246 Tel. 603: _________ to call to see IF reservations are needed. ___  http://shea-porter.house.gov/?sectionid=26&parentid=4&sectiontree=4,26&itemid=414 Yeah! Maybe that's THE time and place, since a lien or seizure is UNDER the power to issue a "writ of elegit" (see Reply #__ above). That's where the debtor has elected to have up to one half of the net profits taken out of the business to satisfy the debt.  In Elaine's court case that I attended Day #__ there, I remember them not even having this $figure! Then HOW in hell can there be an election without this input!?  They are WAY "out of order"! The state subordinating it's claim to $x,xxx to UNDER the Feds, when the state is supposed to be OVER the Feds, by our 1883 offer for them to file to do business here, but for whatever reason(s) they chose NOT to do so, but do business anyway!?  This crap has got to stop! STOP in Grafton County, as well as to PREVENT such from happening in the future in BELKNAP County, or already has, for Mr. & Mrs. ____________ to step forward and listen to their complaints too to Shea-Porter who deserves NOT to be re-elected UNTIL the AFTER she does her job!

Yours truly, - - - - - - - - - -  Joseph S. Haas, P.O. Box 3842, Concord, N.H. 03302, Tel. 603: 848-6059 (cell phone).

pc: attendees at these forums, and before that for a group complaint! #______


P.S. Heidi at the Manchester office (641-9536) gave me the list of speakers for tonight's forum:

1.) Tom Blair, PSNH
2.) Patrick Quinn, Amtrak
3.) Mike Whitten, Manchester Transit
4.) Tara Payne, NH Higher Education
5.) Leon Topolosky, NH Employment Security
6.) Richard Archand, N.H. Banking Dept.
7.) Andy Cadoretti, NH Housing Finance Authority
8.) Jessica Scott, US Dept. of Housing & Urban Development
9.) Daphne Feeney, US Dept. of Agriculture
10) Sarah Varela, Consumer Credit Counseling
11) Katrina Loughlin, NH Healthy Kids
12) Nancy Sevigney, N.H. Service Links




- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 

News Flash: Sullivan County Sheriff's Department escorts "The Wall That Heals" to Newport, N.H. http://www.unionleader.com for Wed., July 2nd '08 @ pages B1+2 by KRISTEN SENZ. See also http://www.vvmf.org/index.cfm?SectionID=688

What say ye Mike Prozzo?, http://www.sullivancountynh.gov/sheriff/

Sample reply:

Prozzo: to escort is to pay honor, as in to bestow, and confer. This is from the Latin word conferre meaning to bring together, contribute. It's too bad that some of our former residents like the Browns did not "contribute" when the federal gov't said to jump: he was supposed to say: how high?

Haas: But Mike, Doesn't "Simon Says" have to register with Bill Gardner's Office of Secretary of State in Concord, in accordance with N.H. R.S.A. Ch. 123:1* from 1-8-17 U.S. Const.**? BEFORE they can talk to: "lay and collect"? [16th Amendment].

Prozzo: Yes, but in my county I AM the law! It's called "prosecutorial discretion" and I decide what court action is lawful** +/or legal*. You see that wall over there?  Some of my high school buddies died over there in Vietnam, and they did NOT die in vain!

Haas: Sorry to hear that Mike, but that they DID die in vain.  They died in vain because you're living proof.  You've got this give and take out of order.  To prosecute is to take a step forward.  You have this power, but when another power prosecutes, as in the federalies, you're supposed to honor your RSA Ch. 92:2 oath of office to the N.H. Const., and in particular Art. 12 for protection. Instead what you have become is an element in this "protection racket"! You're like one of the strings on the tennis racket.  A racket held by a liar and a thief: "Big Brother".   What you need is a good volley, as in "The simultaneous discharge of a number of missiles." You have become the "target". The object of to fire, throw, drop or otherwise project at you, are the legal bullets of the words in the Const. You SAY you honor your fallen friends, but DO otherwise.  That's the sign of a hypocrite.  When are you going to realize this?  Before or after the volley? Wise up: now!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Kat Kanning

Quote from: JosephSHaas on July 02, 2008, 11:58 PM NHFT

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 

News Flash: Sullivan County Sheriff's Department escorts "The Wall That Heals" to Newport, N.H.

Oh, I drove by that yesterday.


Events: [and hoped-for comments] "The Wall that Heals" in Newport, N.H. through Sunday:

1. "An opening ceremony with a military* aircraft fly-over is scheduled for 3 p.m." today. "U.S. Sen. John Sununu*** is expected to attend" [and declare that, along with Rep. Carol Shea-Porter, whose office he visited upon a request of a constituent, a few months ago, found out that what the constituent was saying and writing was correct**: that there is no receipt of federal filing to N.H. RSA Ch. 123:1 from 1-8-17 U.S. Const., and that the Feds are illegally and unlawfully withIN this state of New Hampshire.] Tom Alciere, in the crowd yells: what are you going to do about it!? http://www.tomalciere.us/ for Congress in 2008 from Hudson, New Hampshire against Sununu.

2. "The wall will be staffed and open to the public from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m." today, "8 a.m. to 8 p.m. Friday and Saturday, and 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Sunday."

3. "A closing ceremony with a civilian* aircraft fly-over in the 'missing man formation' is scheduled for 6 p.m. Sunday."

* notice the two different types of fly-overs: first the military and THEN the civilian. Is the first one going to land a man on the State House Dome? with the RSA 123:1 filing papers?  No! [Sununu thanks the crowd for being sprayed with the chem-trails, and continues on his way back to Washington with gas mask on.  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jc4tWmzhdps him telling the crowd that the antidote will arrive on Sunday, and in the meantime to ponder what he said as the truth to the federal non-filing: your duty is to take the truth, and for those wanting to see what attacking the truth does: here's a placard of the visiting days and times you can see and talk with two inmates who dared take a stance, being "corrected" at the Merrimack and Strafford County "Correctional"** Facilities here in Boscawen and Dover, New Hampshire. Sununu leaves with the comment that: you are Number 6.  Alciere replies: Who are you?  Sununu reply: Number Two. Alciere: Who is Number One? Sununu: You are Number Six. Alciere: I am not a number, I'm a free man.  Sununu can be seen laughing as he puts his gas mask on and departs. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Prisoner , http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0061287/ and http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9TfdA9fWb_g 2:32 min. plus http://technorati.com/videos/youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3D14eUKogPF7s at 2:58 minutes. ]


*** Modification: Sununu a member of the 151 Club?



More: [ ] 's:

1.) Soviet MIG Chasing UFO  [ 1:31 minute]


2.) Cloaked UFO ? [at 3:00 p.m. today?]  8)    [ 17 seconds]


- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

3.) George Carlin: "Who owns you Americans?"

     http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9KVTfcAyYGg&feature=related (3.26 min.)



Don't forget to take your "Priest Off" to today's event.  :snake:



It's good for spraying "woodpecker"s* too, [as in the one on Sununu's shoulder.]  >:D  Check out this video of the mother's comment then laugh of to report the abuse to the internal workings of that establishment, as a big joke, needing this external check-and-balance!

See http://freedominourtime.blogspot.com/2008/06/martial-law-license-to-loot-permit-to.html 
for the "distinction between 'police' and 'civilians'".

Prozzo is guilty of: "disobeying a citizen", reference: when Bernie alerted the Plainfield Selectmen to either protect by their RSA Ch. 92:2 oaths to Art. 12 in the N.H. Const. or return the property tax money to Ed & Elaine Brown. To protect them from federal outlaws to N.H. RSA Ch. 123:1 from 1-8-17 U.S. Const. who use the word militate of force as evidence, when THE evidence (the judge refused to enter into an exhibit #, McAuliffe for Ed & Elaine, and Singal for Danny's case, for the jury to weigh) was and still is (for the sentencing hearings) the gold-sealed certificate of non-filing by Mrs. Tarlton of the G.S.A. in Boston to Bill Gardner in our N.H. Secretary of State's Office, under the gold dome at the Capitol Building in Concord, or do the Feds not respect the word capitol, or capital letters? Instead preferring a never-ending sentence!?

We are supposed to be living in an Art. IV. Sec. 4 U.S. Const. "republican" form of gov't, but with this take-over by the sociopaths who claim that the end justifies the means, in their saying: to hell with procedural due process of law!

*Their god is "Mars, the Roman God of War". http://www.meridiangraphics.net/mars.htm

So with the military fly-over now at the time of this writing, over the Moving Wall in Newport, N.H., maybe some newspaper reporter might be reading this for their write-up tonight for tomorrow's newspaper for the masses to put more emphasis on the civilian fly-over on Sunday: just how many #___ planes were used today v.s. #___ more in three days?

Yours truly, -- Joe



Open letter to Sven Wiberg, Attorney in Portsmouth, N.H.

THANK YOU for trying to present that certificate of non-filing to N.H. R.S.A. Ch. 123:1 from 1-8-17 U.S. Const. during Dan Riley's trial as his court-appointed legal counsel, and during your cross-examination of Cirino Gonzalez after U.S. Assistant Attorney** Robert Kinsella asked Reno if he tried any peaceful attempts to resolve this dispute with the U.S. Marshals, that you tried to expand to this June 20, 2007 petition signed by Reno and others in my presence in Ed Brown's house on that afternoon concerning the governor, but disallowed by the judge.

My guess is that it is now time for some SPECIAL MOTION* FOR JUDICIAL NOTICE REQUIRED, as outlined in that CAlif.ornia case over at http://www.geocities.com/tthor.geo/coramnonjudice.html?20085 as a template for to substitute the two California statutes in the heading with the above New Hampshire statute, see http://www.state.nh.us and http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coram_non_judice that could use this next MOTION* as an excellent footnote there.

In the meantime to see also:

1.) 15 Statutes at Large, Chapter 249 (section 1), enacted July 27, 1868 @ page #____ of the (c)_____ book and Chapter _______ [with the Roman numerals] that somebody just e-mailed me that reads that "Any failure to disclose the true jurisdiction is a violation of" this Title __ U.S. Code, Section #______. And:

2.) Although the two cases in the footnotes to this reference refer to a "private" corporation, the same common denominator principles apply to a "public" corporation, such as the United States of America, and that is for APPEARANCES at page 670 over at http://www.google.com for the words: Writ Corum Non Judice (mis-spelled by me, sorry) gets over to the below website for "The Encyclopaedia of Pleading and Practice: Under the Codes and Practice" with the sentence for footnote #2 being that: "The appearance of a corporation by an attorney** must be while the corporation is still in existence.2" Or in other words: is it in legal and lawful existence here in this state BEFORE the N.H. RSA Ch. 123:1 filing?  And if so, what TYPE of existence?  In the power to own property yes as their "territory" (reference the territorial courts in the CAlif. website), but NOT with any jurisdictional authority!

footnote #2. "Murray v. Vanderbilt, 39 Barb (N.Y.) 141; McCormick v. Pennsylvania Cent R. Co., 79 N.Y. 303." (____)

footnote #4: "If a corporation appears to a suit it cannot deny its own existence.  It either exists or it is an nonentity; and if it be a nonentity the whole proceedings would be coram non judice and utterly void."

The website is:


Yours truly, - - Joe Haas

P.S. When State Rep. Dick Marple of Hooksett brought out this fact of the military fringe on the U.S. Flag he had the one in Reps Hall, Concord, N.H. stripped of this extra color, brought back to the original Title 4 colors of only: red, white and blue, plus added RSA Ch. 3-E:1 to the books, but there being no penalty clause inserted for any such violations.  Or in other words for each person complaining to have to argue these same facts individually on a case-by-case basis over in the L.O.B. where they still are displayed, even though in violation of Army Regulation #________ (above?) with copy on file with the Sergent at Arms Office (Deb Nielson, "The Old Lady of the Mountains"), and to where my visit to the Army Recruiter Office on the heights resulted in them saying: we don't care. The regulation reading that the U.S. Flag "may" have the gold-fringe applied but ONLY when in the presence of a military flag! NOT the substitution therefore!! So yet to read these citations in the motion of this California court case. ____


1.) 15 Statutes at Large, Chapter 249 (section 1), enacted July 27, 1868 @ page #____ of the (c)_____ book and Chapter _______ [with the Roman numerals] that somebody just e-mailed me that reads that "Any failure to disclose the true jurisdiction is a violation of" this Title __ U.S. Code, Section #______. And:

Joe...The above is the "RIGHT of EXPATRIATION" which is now codified in 8 USC 1481(a)(2) wherein one must make an OATH to recover state citizenship in the REPUBLIC of his choice. The preamble is "Rights of an American Citizen in foreign States" and is a part of the statute.

My lawful political status is "A freeborn American sovereign, sojourning in the Republic of New Hampshire as defined in Article 4, Section 4 of the constitution for the united States of America". I used the "Oath Purgatory" (Page 1071, in Blacks Law Dictionary 6th Edition) which removes all presumptions, charges or suspicions standing against him, or from contempt.
Such action was required to recover my loss when I joined the U.S. Navy for 4 years and "contracted" away my birthrights to become a United States Citizen, subject to the Uniform Code of Military Justice. When they call my name and I stepped forward as demanded, I left all my constitutional rights behind me. The has to be an "ACT" to lawfully reverse such action,which is remedy and recourse. This is what congress did the day before the 14th was adopted with 15 Statutes at Large, Ch. 249 establishing the 2nd classification of citizenship for those of color who formerly were slaves. The free blacks who fought in the Blue & Gray were state citizens but the slaves were not, hence congress had to create United States Citizens as their classification, presuming they were born in the District. Read the complete statute and both American citizen and United States Citizen are contasted as for remedy available by statute. Today 8 USC 1481 has a "NOTES" clarification which if you click on the "NOTES" and scroll to the bottom, you will see the actual "Right of Expatriation" as was written into law on July 27, 1868.  I caution anyone who uses 15 Statutes at Large, Ch. 249, to have actually expatriated themselves from the CORPORATE GOVERNMENT and filed and recorded their required OATH as I did many years ago.



RE: the "Pre-sentence" investigation report.

This afternoon my visit with Danny in Dover was that he got this #___- page report, of: ______ ___, 2008 but it seems to be lacking:

Isn't an investigation supposed "To observe or inquire into in detail; examine systematically"? From the Latin word: investigare, to trace out.  So WHY didn't the public investigator make mention of the fact that he FAILED to "locate or discover" the cause for both sides? Or is he/she just limited to examining the "person"?  See the very definition of the word examine in the dictionary: "To inspect or analyze (a person, thing, or situation) in detail."  WHO pays this public servant?  I'd like to complain to his boss that this was and is an in-complete examination.  Here in New Hampshire we're supposed to have "complete" legal remedies by Article 14 of the N.H. Const. & Bill of Rights that the Feds ought to respect when they are on our turf! I demand and claim that my tax money my boss extracts from my pay at work and sends to the federal gov't is being spent correctly!  There "shall" or must be a complete "analysis" of the "situation"!

An analysis is: "The separation of a whole into constituents with view to its examination and interpretation." Thus the adjective word: constituent is defined as: "Serving as part of a whole; component." And so therefore I ask the investigator who I hired indirectly to answer these questions for me too:

1.) DO YOU ADMIT: that the whole of the federal gov't has its capitol or heart in Washington, D.C. and its arms allowed to reach into each state of the union, but only upon the "Consent" of being invited in by that particular state? Answer: yes, as pre-scribed in Article I, Section 8, Clause 17 of the United States Const.  +

2.) DO YOU ADMIT: that consent was given from the N.H. State Legislature or General Court to the Feds on June 14, 1883, but that the TYPE of Consent was conditional, as in upon the condition that certain papers be filed with our N.H. Office of Secretary of State?

3.) DO YOU ADMIT: that these R.S.A. Ch. 123:1 papers were NOT filed?

I demand and claim that THE analysis of the "situation" be not merely upon the individual defendant, but that of the question of the lawfulness and whether it be legal too of the jurisdictional authority of the Feds here in our state withOUT these RSA 123:1 papers! In other words the situation or "position" being of: yes or no? whether this 55 Pleasant Street, Concord be an "appropriate place"? The word: appropriate word in the adjective leading to yet another question of: 4.) Is this court suitable or proper?, or im-proper?, as I've written before of the imp in improper meaning a small demon!  Yes, what we're dealing with are liars and thieves who REFUSE to recognize that the State Capitol is higher than all surrounding buildings for a reason! The position, status or rank is that of the superior to the inferior: the creator always above that of what it created as its creature! The state above the Feds! So to the Feds: WHERE are your papers?!


P.S. There must be a systematic examination! An "orderly" inter-action!  WithOUT the documents on file the Feds are NOT in harmony with the state, and we as its citizens ought to exert our rights to revolt against such insubordination! See Article 10 of our Bill of Rights of not just a right but a duty!! The authority is supposed to be of an Art. IV, Sec. 4 U.S. Const. republican form of gov't of laws, not an arbitrary injustice by man!  When the latter is the case in such a topsy turvy situation it is tyranny! of the absolute claiming sufficiency, but that is in-sufficient.  There "shall" be this filing! without which there is an insufficiency to be dealt with. Another word for such is: inadequate, defined as: in NOT adequate. And the word adequate, defined as: "Able to satisfy a requirement" as in the "shall" word in RSA 123:1.  So Mister Public Investigator, please: get back to work with your supplement, or you will be cross-checked by my entering this into the record as a PRIVATE pre-sentence report! because I will again take a stand with my "Point of Order" at Sentencing, but this time, with #__ State Representatives to back me up!


Open letter to:

The United States Marshals Service
District of New Hampshire / Headquarters
Warren B. Rudman U.S. Courthouse
55 Pleasant Street, Suite 207
Concord, N.H. 03301
603: 225-1612

Attention: Freedom of Information Officer

Dear Ms. ________________:

--This is to follow-up my visit with inmate Dan Riley yesterday afternoon over at the Strafford County Jail in Dover, where he showed me through the glass the hand-written reply in black ink on a half-sheet of the white paper folded and given to him from one of the C.O.'s there (Correctional Officer) that the Transport Order for the Thu., June 26th trip over to Portland, Maine for that hearing before Judge George Z. Singal in this N.H. case is with your office, and so as THE place to inquire for a copy.

--Danny reminded me that in your contract with the Strafford County Commissioners "so-called" since they have yet to correctly sign their RSA Ch. 92:2 oaths of office to the U.S. Constitution IN-cluding Art. I, Sec. 8, Cl. 17, the agreement is for two of your deputies to escort the transport by Sheriff's Office, your office giving the initial order, and so it's return to you of mission: accomplished.

--Now please be advised by whoever reads this website for you that they relay to you a printout/copy of this Reply so that when my arrival there at __:__ o'clock p.m. this afternoon takes place that when I present my signed copy to you then, that I'll immediately get a copy of this Transport Order with the return markings thereon indicating by this proof of who took these steps toward what I perceive as a violation of Title 18 U.S. Section 3232, them two deputies needing to be "corrected" by their boss, Stephen R. Monier, http://www.usmarshals.gov/district/nh/general/marshal.htm cc: to him to please further mark this return as them getting a FAILing grade in NOT being the "law enforcement" officers they are supposed to be with some executive check-and-balance here against whatever Order your office received from the court, (document No. ___ in the 2007-cr-169 file) since you are not merely court bailiff's or the arm of the court, but under an oath to execute only lawful precepts! This last precept of: June ___, 2008 to transport to Maine outside the district, clearly illegal, and so after-the-fact to mark it so, or else I'll take it to a New Hampshire judge to so mark in either a civil +/or criminal* case of $damages and "kidnapping"* respectfully, because as a taxpayer I expect the money my boss sends to Washington, D.C. is spent legally!

Yours truly, - - - - - - - - - - Joseph S. Haas, P. O. Box 3842, Concord, N.H. 03302, Tel. 603: 848-6059 (cell phone)

pc: (1) Federal Rep. Paul Hodes, http://hodes.house.gov/ and (2) Federal Senator Judd Gregg http://gregg.senate.gov/public/ - to re-visit both Concord, N.H. offices today to remind them to endorse my complaint with the sub-committee of the House Judiciary Committee to look into this matter of illegally spent money from the: (3) First Circuit Judge Jeffrey R. Howard, our former N.H. Attorney General who has an office on the top floor there above you that I find revolting, and so a call over to the G.S.A./ General Services Administration at: ______________ in Boston to also get a copy of just WHO actually rents space there, as to sub-let to him from the "district" of New Hampshire? a copy likewise to (4) the GSA agent in Room #___ of the Js. C. Cleveland Building.  He is supposed to be in Boston, withOUT this branch office! There needing to be an appeal worth appealing to a court that be in compliance with the constitution too! that is NOT the case, and so this corruption to (5) The President of the United States himself, currently: George W. Bush, my relative through our common ancestor: John Howland of the Mayflower, to let him know that the Marshal he appointed has marked this latest fiasco as a FAILing grade, or if not then for his replacement by the next President of the United States who can go ONE STEP BEYOND to a pardon to the victims here of: Danny, Jason, Bob, and Reno**!!!

* pc: also to: A.) Daniel I. St. Hillaire, the Merrimack County Attorney in Concord**, and B.) Tom Velardi, the Strafford County Attorney, in Dover. See http://www.merrimackcounty.net/html/county_attorney.html [4 Court St., Concord, N.H. 03301, 603: 228-0529; e-mail: CountyAttorney at mcao dot net] and; see also: http://www.co.strafford.nh.us/attorneys.aspx at: 259 County Farm Road, Dover, N.H. 03820, Tel. 603: 749-2808 respectfully. And to follow up my other papers: to B.) The State Police, and C.) The N.H. Attorney General's Criminal Unit Director. Also: D.) the Boscawen Police Chief**, and E.) The Dover Police Dept. Plus: F.) The Strafford County Commissioners, http://www.co.strafford.nh.us/commisioners_home.aspx [P.O. Box 799, Dover, N.H. 03821-0799, Tel. 742-1458] + G.) The Gov. John H. Lynch, 271-2121.

** reference: Cirino Gonzales, to please let me have a copy of his transport order too, re: the trip to Maine on Friday, June 13th.

P.S. I find it disgusting that a judge in Maine, in-compliance with the constitution should allow this to happen! especially after being notified both verbally and in writing by Daniel J. Riley!  It going in one ear and out the other without digesting in the cranium if there indeed are positive electrons or whatever in his brain, reference: the Natural Law Party's political platform that all their heads ought to be MRI examined! or commonly said of there being "a few screws loose" in there. Danny's Petition for a Writ of Habeas Corpus to the state court illegally "pulled" by the non-defendant to the U.S. District Court and given the stamp of dis-approval by the thief!? You have got to be shitting me!? And the Strafford County Attorney recommends that for such an opinion that the county executives NOT vote to void the Fed-County contract based upon this opinion!? Do they get a copy of the transport order? I doubt it, but will present at their Thursday, June ____ hearing to show them that even with the contract, the parties involved are NOT in compliance with the law, and so where's the penalty clause, if any, within for such a violation, or does the victim sue for such and where? The U.S. Court of Claims in Washington? Maybe that SPECIAL MOTION FOR JUDICIAL NOTICE for a Writ Coram Non Judice (as indicated in my Reply #7560 above) can be THE solution here.  This all noticed to the governor by me in personally hand delivering it to him of the June 20, 2007 Petition signed by me and Reno plus others from over at Ed Brown's in Plainfield in his house that afternoon, but who refused to, by the "may" provision, in Art. 41, enforce compliance with the "shall" word in RSA 123:1, but that he shall be "responsible" for any wrongs as a result of such non-filings, and so a copy to him too by way of my Small Claims Court Complaint #__________ since my "witness" status to attend these hearings withIN the "district" has been stolen, and it costing me $xx.xx in $4.00+ per gallon gasoline to Concord to be told that the hearing was over in Maine!


Quote from: JosephSHaas on July 07, 2008, 07:42 AM NHFT

... Plus: F.) The Strafford County Commissioners, http://www.co.strafford.nh.us/commisioners_home.aspx [P.O. Box 799, Dover, N.H. 03821-0799, Tel. 742-1458] ....

Update: Jean, the receptionist, is looking into finding out if the County Commissioners will not be on their vacation(s) next Thursday, July 17th at __:__ o'clock a.m. as my request to meet with them then to discuss either: (1) a violation of the contract, or (2) to amend the contract.

In other words the HOW, of the inmate to be put into shackles and handcuffed on their way to court is in there, but does it read of: (2-a) the WHERE in that the transport be a "lawful" and "legal" transport? and (2-b) if not, then a penalty clause for $damages to the victim? Reference: Title 18 U.S. Code Section 3232. If not then for the Commissioners to please amend as such to include these words: that all transports shall be in compliance with the law.  Sort of like the Marshal's oath to execute all "lawful precepts", but like Keith wrote in his Reply #___ above, he has that one question to Monier of: WHO determines whether the precept be lawful or not? Like is there a checklist? A checklist to include 1-8-17 U.S. Const. to N.H. R.S.A. Ch. 123:1 in our state, and for this and the other states to see also: http://www.constitution.org/juris/fjur/1fj-ba.htm from Attorney Larry Becraft of Hunstville, Alabama with thanks, from:

Yours truly, - - Joe


Quote from: armlaw on July 05, 2008, 08:03 PM NHFT

Joe...The above is the "RIGHT of EXPATRIATION" which is now codified in 8 USC 1481(a)(2) wherein one must make an OATH to recover* state citizenship in the REPUBLIC of his choice. The preamble is "Rights of an American Citizen in foreign States" and is a part of the statute...

This is what congress did the day before the 14th was adopted with 15 Statutes at Large, Ch. 249 establishing the 2nd classification of citizenship for those of color who formerly were slaves. The free blacks who fought in the Blue & Gray were state citizens but the slaves were not, hence congress had to create United States Citizens as their classification, presuming they were born in the District. Read the complete statute and both American citizen and United States Citizen are contasted as for remedy available by statute....

Thanks Dick, but that I dis-agree with that "recover"* word. At least for us white folks. The Fourteenth Amendment reads that "All persons born...in the United States...are citizens of the United States AND of the State wherein they reside." (emphasis ADDed from footnote #4 over at http://www.usdoj.gov/olc/expatriation.htm for The "SURVEY OF THE LAW OF EXPATRIATION" of June 12, 2002 by JOHN C. YOO, Deputy Assistant Attorney General, with 14 footnotes.

See the two paragraphs above section II of both: (1) that the "United States citizenship is considered by most to be a prized status", and; (2) of that Matheson case in 532 F.2d at 811 (____) about some woman having expatriated herself to escape a tax liability of several million dollars by becoming a citizen of that ____________ country.

Hey! maybe not to expatriate, but have a dual citizenship, and that "foreign" country to do battle for us with their attorneys if and when the U.S. takes any of us into federal court for some tax "debt" so-called, by asserting these rights of elegit to the fruits and not the principle, plus also that the 16th Amendment "lay" word is to apply as opposed to impose, and so to say: request denied, and maybe that country be: Canada? reference the history of the Code to the tariffs there (in my Reply #__ above) and so to give them a "piece of the action" for their template to use in this and other cases?  >:D Yeah: a dual citizenship for the truth of one country to duel with the liars and thieves in our own country, of us having to go IN SEARCH OF...outside help when the inside be of liars and thieves rotten to the core!

Plus: if there's supposed to be pro-tection from both the federal and state, WHERE was such check-and-balance from the state governor? of New York, New York, Vermont, and Texas, for: Danny, Jason, Bob and Reno respectfully?  As BOTH federal AND state citizens, wasn't it incumbent as in required or obligatory, that the federalies not take the state out of the equation, but notice the governor too of that state that "they" there were supposed to conduct some SHOW CAUSE hearing as to WHY an extraction of one of their citizens to over to New Hampshire should NOT be interfered with?  And so withOUT such notice and opportunity to be heard by the state, isn't there a violation of procedural due process of law, that ought to result in one of the attorneys, at least, to file such a motion to halt the proceedings until the state be notified? The state, by its governor, could inquire into the unlawful and illegal status of the N.H. court and demand that "they" return its citizen to their jurisdiction! by a governor's warrant?  8)

Yours truly, - - Joe

P.S. Maybe this IS the reason WHY none of us in New Hampshire were charged with any offense up at Ed's as I truly assisted him with this Art. 49 paperwork, but did they dare try to indict me?  Maybe they did TRY and there's an "ignoramus" bill returned by the foreman of the grand jury to the court that should have been put into evidence for an exhibit to be weighed in this case, and so as NEW evidence to call for a NEW trial? Plus: maybe this is the reason given in that SECRET memo from the Attorney General to the governor, (alleged to exist by Deputy A.G. Bud Fitch's letter to me, cc: the N.H. Fish & Game, after I complained about the signs not posted proper to RSA Ch. 635:4 since the Feds are NOT the owner but only under a "seizure") about WHY he should NOT assert the "may" factor in Article 41 to enforce compliance with the "shall" word in RSA 123:1 (from 1-8-17 U.S. Const.) because the defendants/victims are NOT citizens of the state of New Hampshire!?