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Main thread for Ed and Elaine Brown vs the evil IRS, Part 29

Started by DonnaVanMeter, May 03, 2008, 05:45 PM NHFT

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Kat Kanning


Keith: Thank you.  Plus maybe one of the reasons they "lied" that he was "in transit" was because he was still sitting in Essex and "they" didn't want me to mail to him that MAss. Bar Counsel stuff, maybe "them" thinking that once he's out of state his case against his attorneys closes!?  That's a bunch of B.S. He can file against his attorneys from ANYwhere. I'll * get out the hold-up packet of papers to him to the P.O. by 11:00 a.m. later this morning.  - - Joe

Quote from: keith in RI on September 12, 2008, 06:15 PM NHFT
jason is still being listed as in transit on the b.o.p. inmate tracker, but i took the liberty to call the brooklyn metropolitan center just now to inquire if he was there or not, jason told me he thought that was where he would be sent initially after leaving strafford, and that is where bob was sent. they tell me that jason just arrived there today. which is odd because where the hell has he been until now? over a week to go from new hampshire to brooklyn??? sounds to me like jason is getting some shitty treatment...... but at least we know where he is now and can write again, hopefully.........

JASON GERHARD     20229-045
P.O. BOX 329002

Modification: * try to, that is, so resulting in a Monday mailing for all, because http://www.amctv.com/ is Saturday Morning westerns time, with Kirk Douglas as John W. 'Jack" Burns in "Lonely Are the Brace" http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0056195/ wow! (1962), see the Reviewer comments from highlandhome from the Colorado Plateau! of 30 May 2004 getting another star from me as 1 of 55 on 6 pages.

Kat Kanning

Jason's listed in their system now as being in Brooklyn.


Quote from: JosephSHaas on September 12, 2008, 10:48 AM NHFT
Here's a re-type of my e-mail about:

"Paul Hodes v.s. 'The Rule of Law'

No feedback yet from the I.C.J.P.

See my latest post #4 of 4 so far over at: The "Politicker NJ" website of= http://www.politickernj.com/matt-friedman/23345/rothman-no-new-chairman-until-after-november-4th where my "comment" is, as re-typed below:

"Very good judgment there Rothman of not to seek a special election while the acting Chair is doing O.K. Plus speaking of Chairs, as in your fellow Rep. Paul W. Hodes from New Hampshire as the national co-chair with: ________ (?) of Obama's campaign, and you his NE Regional Co-chair (with: _______)(?) I think there needs to be a shake-up from within the ranks, reference: Hodes in violation of the International Council of Jewish Parliamentarians (ICJP) Mission Statement to 'promote the rule of law'.  A copy of my complaint to them of yesterday (Fri.,Sept.12) to your offices on Monday to please look into this.  Thank you, Joe Haas, P.O. Box 3842, Concord, N.H. 03302, Tel. 603: 848-6059 (cell phone). P.S. What's your correct zip code for Jersey City? 07601* or 07306-2188** per two different websites." 09/13/08 9:10 am

-* http://www.rothman.house.gov/

** http://www.sourcewatch.org/index.php?title=Steven_Rothman#Contact

*** "Got Jew?" 7/26/2007 Posted by Jennifer Siegel http://www.forward.com/blogs/tags/campaign-confidential/paul-hodes/ [of: "The Jewish Daily" FORWARD, 45 East 33rd Street, New York City 10016, Telephone (212) 889-8200, see also http://www.forward.com/authors/jennifer-siegel/ with thanks to her for mailing too, plus an e-mail invitation to over here c/o: website at forward dot com "For questions or comments", see also Letters to the editor= letters at forward dot com].

**** http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Steve_Rothman [born: Oct. 14, 1952 Attorney/Judge Steven R. Rothman, of Fair Lawn, N.J. on The "Committee on Appropriations" - no wonder Hodes would NOT endorse my complaint to the Sub-Committee of the House Judiciary Committee to investigate these illegal expenditures of money out of the First Circuit toward these attorneys and their illegal billings for travel and attendance at those illegal hearings in Portland, Maine, in violation of 18USC3232 is because it would reflect back on his buddy Rothman as proving him with corruption in NO or lousy oversight!

pc: Congressman Steve Rothman

1. 2303 Rayburn HOB, Washington, D.C. 20515-3009, ph: 202-225-5061; fx: 202-225-5851;

2. 25 Main Street, Suite 101, Hackensack, N.J. 07601-7089, ph: 201-646-0808, fx: 646-1944;

3. 130 Central Avenue, Jersey City, N.J. 07306-2118 [or: 07601?] phone: 201-798-1366; Fax: 201-798-1725



Reno has fired his attorney David Bownes again today at about 1:30 PM.

If anyone knows of any legal advocates, agencies, investigators who might meet with Reno please let me know.


Quote from: lastlady on September 13, 2008, 03:59 PM NHFT
Reno has fired his attorney David Bownes again today at about 1:30 PM.

If anyone knows of any legal advocates, agencies, investigators who might meet with Reno please let me know.

The N.R.A. to the rescue? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d-QevraCQUc

BTW S.N.L. Season Premiere is tonight on NBC-TV at 11:30 p.m.   - - Joe

Kat Kanning

The Enemy

By "Patriot Paul"

The enemy is on our shore
And The Constitution is no more
The enemy has snuck in using Apostasy
They speak with forked tongues of hypocrisy
The enemy dwells in capitol cities
and puts The People through shames and pities
The enemy is a bunch of cowards
They hide behind their phoney powers
The enemy gives us phoney money
We accept it, and they think it's funny
The enemy thinks we are all dumb
We take their lies, which makes us numb
The enemy uses their mighty banks
to terrorize The People with their tanks
The enemy gives us corrupt elections
So they can always make their selections
The enemy loves their corporations
They are used to conquer nations
The enemy is many a mason
Who are out to destroy our nation
The enemy wants us to stop praising our Savior
Something that will never be part of our behavior
The enemy hates Justice and Liberty
It doesn't fit with their tyranny
The enemy hates our God-given Rights
The People surrender them without any fights
The enemy's leader is none other than Satan
and it's about time for him to take his beatin'
The enemy a permit for this, a license for that
Enough is Enough, arat atat tat
The enemy hopes you do not know who they are
It's the International Banksters, here and afar
The enemy seems to have no fear
They should, because of me and you, my dear
The enemy knows The People are well-armed
If they decide to use 'em, they become alarmed
The enemy knows if The People Awake
They haven't got a chance, for Heaven's sake
The enemy's days are numbered
as long as The People awake from their slumber
The enemy knows The People will win
and The Constitution will reign again


Thanks for posting Kat. My favorite line is

"The enemy's days are numbered"


Dear Friends and Supporters of Cirino Gonzalez aka RENO

Reno has asked for your help. He is being denied the ability to press charges against his own attorney, prosecutors and judge for illegally taking him to Maine for a plea agreement hearing. He was asked to waive his constitutional and all rights to have his hearing in the District of New Hampshire, which he DID NOT do. They took him to Maine anyway and violating his rights, this act is against the law and no one is being held accountable. Reno is being denied the ability to file charges against those who have violated his rights and have broken the law.

Please write / email The Concord Monitor and The Union Leader and ask them to report this injustice on behalf of Reno.

With all my heart I thank you for everything you have and continue to do on behalf of our dear freedom fighter and friend.

Kat Kanning

I got a letter from this lady, who is housed with Elaine:

http://www.jonahhouse.org/Woodson0704.htm  (that's not her current address in the article)

Wow.  She's been in 10 out of 25 years for her peace activism.  :o



Quote from: lastlady on September 12, 2008, 03:44 PM NHFT
Reno's sentencing is still scheduled for 9/26/08....

L.L.: Only two weeks from now, or in other words: in a "fortnight". As soon as Reno can get a new attorney, either by: (1)  the in-house firing process,   :hammer: like what Danny did to get Sven, and so Reno to have the judge fire Bownes and get a new one, at least for sentencing, then that new attorney by this process, or: (2) from a private attorney who might like to volunteer or base such an Appearance on a fee contract of to receive the standard 1/3rd of all proceeds from a subsequent civil lawsuit for $x,xxx,xxx.xx damages because of him or her believing to the point of almost knowing that Reno will win a reversal of mis-fortune here, that THEN that attorney can finally file a "Motion for Discovery" that should have been filed months ago, BEFORE trial, thus proof of David Bownes' screw-up as "ineffective assistance of counsel" since if the jury knew of that that was one of the reasons for WHY we petitioned the governor on June 20, 2007 to look into this, then to have proven that the end does NOT justify the means, and which "look into" I refer to as for what Danny talks about at about 4 minutes into his 9-minute video tape over at: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=abFglO1ZIKs entitled: "Dan Riley 'The Dog Walker' on Free Minds TV" of the Maine and MAss.achusetts military vehicles up there on June 7, 2007 but were they under an RSA Ch. ___:____ cooperative agreement, or "on loan" from them to N.H. as verbally told to me AFTER-the-fact when I did inquire at the N.H. State Police hut by the National Guard buildings on Airport Road in Concord on ______ __, 2007, but MAYBE not put into writing because this was yet another lie and "cover-up" of more illegal activities!! So did ANY of the four co-defendants EVER at ANY time get the answer in writing, or first off: was the question even presented to THE government by ANY of their attorneys!? Re: if this was an "on-loan" application, then WHERE is the paperwork, or if not, then is this THE reason WHY the governor is NOT answering me to please do his Art. 41 duty to enforce all legislative mandates by the "shall" word in R.S.A. Ch. 123:1 from 1-8-17 U.S. Const. is because he had already signed that R.S.A. Ch. _____ cooperative agreement, and to do so would prove him a hypocrite!?  8)

Yours truly, Joe Haas

P.S. A copy of my Reply #____ from page no. __ of my Archives here dealing with this R.S.A. Ch. ____ Cooperative Agreement to follow...


My guess is that when I called back to the State Police on or just after Mon., June 18th after the RSA Ch. 91-A five days were up, was when I was told verbally that this was NOT an RSA Ch. 106, but that they merely were loaned the vehicles from Maine and MAss.achusetts, and that a copy of the contract regarding this is not for public inspection, but had to be requested by one of the attorneys for the four co-defendants.  So was it ever requested?  And if so, did they get it but kept hidden from their clients because it was not a request of "the administrative head of the state police" but a request of that other hydra-like head of Troop C in Keene, and isn't a loan request of this type really a violation of RSA Ch. 106 and thus illegal? since there has to be that "concurrence of the governor"? To get to the bottom of this mess in September so that his/ the governor's political opponent can expose this corruption in October, so that John H. Lynch of Hopkinton is voted OUT of office by the General Election in November to get us away from this His Excellency in bull shitting to a man of honor: integrity to a code: the U.S. Code and 18USC3232 that would NOT have been violated if only he/ John H. Lynch, our governor had done his Art. 41 duty! He and the Director of the State Police ought to be given a subpoena to provide this evidence at the sentencing for Reno!  >:D A subpoena duces tacum, to bring their paperwork on this with them, since they refused to honor their RSA Ch. 92:2 oaths to my written request by RSA Ch. 91-A, in that these papers exist, but they refuse to produce them because it would be very damaging to "them"! Then "they" can call upon RSA Ch. 123:1 as the Federal papers having NEVER been filed as to offset them NOT having to appear on federal soil, and so to result in Reno filing an Article 91 Petition for a Writ of Habeas Corpus in Merrimack County Superior Court in Concord and be granted an immediate release!  ;D  Sincerely Yours, - - Joseph S. Haas

Quote from: JosephSHaas on June 09, 2007, 01:35 PM NHFT
Quote from: wholetthedogin? on June 09, 2007, 05:15 AM NHFT
Ted Craft would probably need authorization to be retained by Ed or Elaine Brown.  If either were to agree to retain Craft--- donations would fly in in a matter of days.   I am sure at a later time the Browns could pay it forward for the next case similar to theirs.  Excellent as always Joe!  Joe has already laid out the ground work for a competent attorney.

Thanks WLTDI.  I've yet to read Ted's website.  But from what he did for the others against the I.R.S. he has an excellent track record, and I right now hereby pledge $1000 toward that $5000 retainer, and can forward that money order the court refused to accept the other day to him upon learning that $4000 mysteriously showed up in his mailbox for this cause.  8)

BTW, over at http://www.google.com I typed in: "Beverly Farms" Massachusetts IRS raid, and found another interesting attorney by the name of Alvin F. Rymsha, and his wife: Maureen.  The IRS word is in that "All That Glitters" story at pages 125-129 of 142 at the 80% print-out and tells of how a client of his found 157 gold coins in a treasure chest under a hatch in the floor of his father's basement, French coins bound for Washington's army during the Revolution that had shipwrecked on Lovell's Island where his ancestor was the lighthouse keeper.  Coins worth a month's wages each back then now worth $4000 each so totaling: $6 million! him getting to keep one as his fee for telling the Lovell brothers to "trickle the coins onto the market", but what of the treasure chest and 74 guns on the ship?  as reported by Edward Rowe Snow in his book.  At the local historical museum?  Or do you want to go scuba diving for one of the cannons?  See last Friday's June 1st pages B1+4 story by Stephanie Ebbert in The BOSTON GLOBE (Vol. 271, No. 152) for the Marblehead Neck cannon worth $1000 just found, but needing $7000 to restore. Also there's an island down in the Caribbean where you can even dig for some of these cannons from the water, now under dry land if you're interested.

But getting back to Ed's case and the e-mail report I just got about Danny Riley, the dog walker.  According to him it was a botched raid, with the service of papers for the seizure of the Lebanon property used as an excuse.  I tried to find out yesterday by my call to Henry up at Ed's whether they threw the papers onto his doorstep by that abode service, and Henry said there was some envelope there marked refused. So was it a raid, or service?

And WHY the "overwhelming police presence in Plainfield was a conglomerate of heavily armed New Hampshire, Maine and Massachusetts State Police"? as reported on page A12 of yesterday's http://www.unionleader.com "Agents" article by Kristen Senz.  According to N.H. RSA Ch. 106-D:1 for Compact Ratified http://www.gencourt.state.nh.us/rsa/html/VII/106-D/106-D-1.htm in Article VII Mutual Aid from: Article II of: "Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island and Vermont" can be by Art. VII, B. "request(ed) of the administrative head of the state police department" for only when there is a "case of emergency" defined in N.H. RSA Ch. 106-C:1,I "means a riot, as that term is used in RSA 644:1, and a natural disaster of major proportions, such as a fire, flood, hurricane, earthquake" etc. See http://www.gencourt.state.nh.us/rsa/html/VII/106-C/106-C-1.htm and http://www.gencourt.state.nh.us/rsa/html/LXII/644/644-1.htm and in particular, see section I(a),(b), + (c).  So which one was it?  It cannot possibly be (a) or (b) as both these sections use the word "engages" as at page 239 defined as "4. to enter or bring into conflict with".  The word bring, page 91 defined as "3. To lead into a specific state or situation. 4. To induce. 5. To cause to occur" or happen, as in to bring: about, forth, off, etc.  There's an interesting postcard for sale in the State House Museum Store of how the army "repulsed".  The key word: pulse, and then a re-pulse.  So WHO does the first act?  See my Reply #3344 above @ 3:36 a.m. today about the "Governor of Hopkinton" and the last sentence of paragraph #2 about who is misleading who in the WRONG direction! So it must be under section (c) of "He assembles with 2 or more other persons with the purpose of commiting an OFFENSE against the person or property of another who he SUPPOSES to be guilty of a violation of the law...." (emphasis ADDed, but then again really not this one either, because it goes BEYOND mere supposition, but PROOF in the certificate to NO RSA 123:1 filing by the Feds for NO jurisdictional authority, and in a DEFENSive position on his own property! This is the ONLY way I can see for HOW the State Police from both "Maine and Massachusertts" have ANY authority up here in The Granite State.

There is that RSA Ch. 106-B:11 Cooperation With Other Police Forces, over at http://www.gencourt.state.nh.us/rsa/html/VII/106-B/106-B-11.htm but that reads that "The director and employees shall cooperate and exchange information with any other law enforcement agency both within and without this state, including federal authorities, for the purpose of preventing and detecting crime and apprehending criminals...." Ed deemed a "criminal" needing to be apprehended, and for the State Police to cooperate with the Feds, BUT only when the Feds comply with the law! Art. I, Sec. 8, Cl. 17, U.S. Const. to NH RSA 123:1 of NO such paperwork on file.  So the N.H. State Police, instead of demanding to see the paperwork of the Feds on file, that it is not, does "request aid from without the state"? by RSA Ch. 106-D:3 Powers of Director. http://www.gencourt.state.nh.us/rsa/html/VII/106-D/106-D-3.htm and "pursuant to Article VII B of the compact" but only AFTER "he has received the concurrence of the governor" who I've alerted to of this non filing by the Feds.  A NON-FILING by the Feds!! NON-FILING,  get it!? So a copy of this as to underline here over to Gov. John H. Lynch and Director Frederick Booth on Momday asking for a copy of this request as granted with the governor's signature thereon that or attached thereto, for delivery to me within five (5) business days in accordance with RSA Ch. 91-A Right to Know, and so by __:_ o'clock a.m./p.m. on Monday, June 18th.

Yours truly, - - - - - - - - - - Joseph S. Haas, P.O. Box 3842, Concord, New Hampshire 03302, Tel. 603: 848-6059 (cell phone).

P.S. #1 Notice in RSA Ch. 644:1 Riot, III that "Upon the request of a police officer, any person present during a violation of paragraph I or II SHALL render assistance, other than the use of force, in the suppression of such violations.  Any person REFUSING to render such ASSISTANCE is guilty of a misdemeanor."  (emphasis ADDed for to render, is @ page 598 of: "1. To submit" as to buckle-under to their claimed authority!?  To that I say: bullshit! The real definition is in "2. To give or make available: render assistance." So what? To give your gun over to them, or else? At page 304 "1.c. To deliver in exchange..." for what? Proof that they finally complied with RSA 123:1? That is the ONLY way I see Ed giving up his guns, for AFTER the State and Feds have complied with the law, proving that Ed had to go into these actions beyond words to correct these public servants Proverbs 29:19 style!

P.S. #2  Maybe somebody in MAss.achusetts (and Maine), can get their State Papers dealing with this Raid #2a+b too.  For the former, see http://www.masspress.org/public_access_handbook/copscourts.htm


Hey!  Did you see CBS-TV's "60 Mintues" tonight? at from about 7:40 - 8:02 o'clock p.m. for about 1/3 hr. after the football game. This was about the faulty lead-bullet analysis of fragments at the scene matching the metals from the same ammunition box in the possession of a defendant and landing him in prison unlawfully, as has been proven after-the-fact by The Innocence Project, resulting in the release of #__ victims so far, not including the one profiled tonight: Lee Wayne Hunt, next, who has been wrongfully there for over 22 years! http://www.tv.com/60-minutes/september-14-2008--award-winning-episode/1230014/summary.html?om_not=convert&om_clk=episodesh&tas=episode;title;0 about how the CBS team with The WASHINGTON POST both investigated to expose this corruption that the F.B.I. knew about what was wrong but the spokesman saying that that was not his duty to resolve being that of the Office of the U.S. Attorney. See also http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2007/11/16/60minutes/main3512453.shtml

So spotlight: New Hampshire as THE proving ground of this 1-8-17 U.S. Const. start of exposing this corruption from a double filing state in non-compliance with the law, and in particular R.S.A. Ch. 123:1 from Larry Becraft's good website [from Huntsville, Alabama http://www.constitution.org/juris/fjur/1fj-ba.htm ] that would be great if only he had an index of single filing v.s. double-filing states and further subdivided as to which of the latter are in non-compliance with the law.  Your mission, should you decide to accept it, Innocence Project manager, is to compile such a list AFTER Cirino Gonzalez blows the lid off this case with the subpoena of the governor duces tacum style, and him either refusing to step onto federal soil;, or prove that there was an RSA Ch. 106-B Cooperative Agreement with the Feds that could never have legally occurred since the original agreement request of June 14, 1883 had not yet been fully consented to under the RSA 123:1 conditions, as yet to have been met!

LL: You might want to contact the http://www.washingtonpost.com and/or The http://www.innocenceproject.org/ to talk with them about Reno's case involving this basic common denominator of the unlawfulness of his case that could be applicable to #__ other states in our union, like MAss.achuseets and Florida that I've investigated and found to be double-filing states in non-compliance too [BTW Maine + Vermont of single-filing states in-compliance], and the illegality of his case by those illegal transports over to Maine against 18USC3232. I'd call them tomorrow morning to see if you can get him an attorney to file an Appearance before the end of the week, and then file whatever motion(s) they think are appropriate, like maybe THE motion to dismiss for double jeopardy, since the Feds screwed up, tilt went the case, and so like in a game of pin balls: GAME OVER! Case closed.

Good luck, -- Joe

Quote from: JosephSHaas on May 02, 2008, 01:23 PM NHFT
Here's a re-type of the letter I did receive yesterday in the #10 envelope:



April 28, 2008

Mr. Joseph S. Haas
P. O. Box 3842
Concord, New Hampshire 03302

  Re: Advice issued regarding RSA 123:1
       Signs not conforming to RSA 635:4

Dear Mr. Haas:

--You have posed to several Executive Branch Officials questions regarding whether the Attorney General's Office has provided advice to the Governor of the State of New Hampshire regarding RSA 123:1.  I am responding on behalf of all of those Executive Branch Officials and this Office.  Whether the Attorney General has provided advice and if advice is provided, the substance of the advice provided, is privileged information and not subject to public disclosure by this Office.  New Hampshire Rules of Professional Conduct 1.6.
Very truly yours, Orville B. Fitch II, Deputy Attorney General ...
Cc: Governor John H. Lynch....


L.L.: It looks like the I.P. only does DNA, see the "Other Innocence Organizations" from the http://www.innocenceproject.org/about/Contact-Us.php page.  Maybe there's one in New Hampshire. ____ to check and modify in a few minutes ...

Quote from: JosephSHaas on September 14, 2008, 09:17 PM NHFT
LL: You might want to contact the http://www.washingtonpost.com and/or The http://www.innocenceproject.org/ to talk* with them about Reno's case...

Good luck, -- Joe

Quote from: JosephSHaas on May 02, 2008, 01:23 PM NHFT

* Modification: not talk, but write, and not by a friend or relative, but that the inmate must contact them in writing directly, and with:

(1) the 15-page Questionnaire http://www.newenglandinnocence.org/site/content/documents/NEIP - Questionnaire1/NEIP.Questionnaire1.pdf  [yes, this is the correct pdf file, but cannot be gotten to directly since it's not NEIP_-_ but with the spaces, not able to highlight here, and you need to access by going to: http://www.newenglandinnocence.org/site/content/instructions.php ]

(that I've just printed out to copy and send to Reno and Danny plus Jason because technically Jason has been/ past tense "convicted" by sentencing as my friend F. Tupper Saussy, R.I.P. said you are NOT convicted until AFTER sentencing: read the N.E. Mission Statement over at http://newenglandinnocence.org/ =

"The New England Innocence Project ('NEIP') provides pro bono legal assistance to inmates who are challenging their wrongful convictions.  The organization's mission is to identify, investigate and exonerate wrongfully convicted individuals who are currently incarcerated in New England...NEIP considers cases from Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Maine, Vermont, Connecticut and Rhode Island in which actual innocence is claimed. - - In addition to its work on behalf of individual inmates, the NEIP also supports legal reform that will hasten the identification and release** of innocent prisoners and ensure that wrongful convictions are, to the extent possible, prevented*** in the future...with corrective legislation and improve training for law enforcement..." - yeah! ** (a) to set free from confinement by Petitions for Writs of Habeas Corpus because the gov't can relinquish a claim of jurisdiction when it is proven they have none! as by the N.H. R.S.A. Ch. 123:1 proof in the gold-sealed certificate of federal non-filing from 1-8-17 U.S. Const. or be forced to release! AND (b) prevented as in to keep from happening again, avert: ward off, thwart: oppose DIRECTly with not "corrective legislation" needed to be filed as by a House or Senate bill, but to correctly apply the current statute that our N.H. governor refuses to do by his Art. 41 job description!, thus YES: to "improve training for law enforcement" over at the Police Academy: PS&T/ Police Standards & Training over on Fort Eddy Road in Concord, N.H. so that warped minds never make it into the Town Police Dept., County Sheriff's Office, and State Police as what has happened this time, them needing to be straightened out by a FIRM adherence to their RSA Ch. 92:2 oath of office! to enforce the law, not side-step it!  and;

(2) The 1-page Waiver, see http://newenglandinnocence.org/site/content/documents/waiver.pdf

The list of Trustees and Staff to follow...