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Lauren Canario arrested in New London

Started by Kat Kanning, September 22, 2006, 10:16 AM NHFT

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Quote from: Kat Kanning on September 25, 2006, 09:00 PM NHFT
This is not costing Lauren any money.
Sure it is... opportunity cost. If , while free, she does anything with her time that earns her money, that is being taken from her as she sits incarcerated.

Russell Kanning

If we each send a piece of mail each week, then she will have piles of it. :)


Quote from: Kat Kanning on September 25, 2006, 09:00 PM NHFT
This is not costing Lauren any money.

Aside from the money it cost her to continue her efforts in New London after the battle ended, it's costing her lost wages and other earned income.  It's costing her hours to generate new income, or hours to spend working for liberty.  And they might just fine her as punishment.  Perhaps she'll pay, perhaps she won't.  Either way she'll lose more money.

Russell Kanning

Hey this is exciting. We can have half of us doing something to help Lauren and half .....


Quote from: Incrementalist on September 25, 2006, 08:58 PM NHFTin the appropriate place by the appropriate people at the appropriate time.

Dude, Nothing against you personaly but don't you get it?


Quote from: John on September 25, 2006, 09:14 PM NHFT
Quote from: Incrementalist on September 25, 2006, 08:58 PM NHFTin the appropriate place by the appropriate people at the appropriate time.

Dude, Nothing against you personaly but don't you get it?
John... it is like a free speech zone... you can say anything you want as long as it is 'x or y or z' and you say it in this special area.  That is the appropriate place.


Quote from: John on September 25, 2006, 09:14 PM NHFT
Quote from: Incrementalist on September 25, 2006, 08:58 PM NHFTin the appropriate place by the appropriate people at the appropriate time.

Dude, Nothing against you personaly but don't you get it?

I would ask the same of you, but I already know the answer.

Here's our disconnect.  There are two different theories on how to "fight the state".  One theory is to follow your heart, stand up for what's right, draw no quarter, and live life as if you were already free.  The other theory is to think with your head, develop plans and strategies, and implement them in an operational and tactical manner.

Everybody here who thinks that Lauren has profited the cause of liberty by getting arrested subscribes to the first theory.  I subscribe to the second theory.  Why?  Because the first theory is nice, in theory.  In practice, it's a quick way to end up with a lot of people in jail or dead and nothing to show for it.

If you're not in the fight to win the fight, then you will lose the fight.

Dave Ridley

The folks here deprecating what lauren is doing need to think about how it looks from the vantage point of the bad guys.

Here they are after years of fighting to get the land, coming this summer to a point where they think they have achieved some kind of closure to the fiasco.    Then they find to their shock that the battle is in fact still merrily waged by their "defeated" opposition, and is not over at all.  The psychological impact of this kind of thing is hard to overstate.   Remember the Tet Offensive, fought by an allegedly defeated enemy?   Notice the effectiveness of the Iraqi Sunnis years after they were supposedly vanquished?   Lauren is probably having a similar impact on New London bad guys psychologically except in a peaceful context.


Quote from: Incrementalist on September 25, 2006, 09:18 PM NHFT
If you're not in the fight to win the fight, then you will lose the fight.

Do you not think that the word will get 'out' about what Lauren is doing?  That maybe it will wake some people up and say 'Wow that arrested that woman and she wasn't doing anything.'  Now maybe the newly awakened person is someone who will vote and organize a campaign etc.

Maybe more people will move to NH.
Maybe Lauren is doing what she thinks is right and really doesn't care what others think.


Dada, I find it more likely that there was a lot of eye rolling among the police and groans at having to put down their coffees and arrest somebody else.  I'm not depreciating what Lauren is doing, it's really nice and shows that she has a good heart.  But having a good heart and doing what's right doesn't stop evil.  I've seen many protesters arrested by police, and many continuing to harass police.  It's not demoralizing for them.  It doesn't cause them to question their morality or their cause.  They see it as an additional pain in the ass, but a pain in the ass that they are very well paid to have.


Maybe Judge Kevin McMahon, and all his pals in that hellish hall, need a F---ing mental evaluation.  They are the ones who are doing evil.

Lauren Ann Canario HAS HURT NO ONE.

If they can't understand that, maybe they are mentaly incompetent.
Should they be locked up for that?  They are the ones hurting people.


Quote from: Dreepa on September 25, 2006, 09:24 PM NHFT
Do you not think that the word will get 'out' about what Lauren is doing?  That maybe it will wake some people up and say 'Wow that arrested that woman and she wasn't doing anything.'  Now maybe the newly awakened person is someone who will vote and organize a campaign etc.
Not really.  People who wanted to get the word out had their chance, i.e. when the media was paying attention to New London.  That chance is gone.

Maybe more people will move to NH.
Maybe.  But there are far more cost effective ways to get people to move to NH.

Maybe Lauren is doing what she thinks is right and really doesn't care what others think.
That's great.  As I previously stated it's great that she's doing what's right.  My point is that it's not helping the movement.


I gotta agree with Incrementalist on this one.  Doing what's right is ineffective.  Look at that Jesus character.  He went around doing what was right, and look what it got him:  a brutal beating and a death on a cross.

But that Hitler guy ... he thought with his head.  And all you have to do is sell your soul to do it.  Sounds like a win/win proposition to me.  ::)


Quote from: Incrementalist on September 25, 2006, 09:18 PM NHFT
it's a quick way to end up with a lot of people in jail or dead and nothing to show for it.
Incrementalist, you know I am fully in agreement with you most of the time. I'm one of your few vocal fans :)
Keep that in mind when I say, I believe you are wrong in saying there is "nothing to show for it".
It must be acknowledged that, being arrested while being completely passive, for initiating no force nor attempting any fraud, can have a PROFONUD impact on people. It motivates tham to do something. Maybe even to join us in the fight, in whatever way they feel comfortable.

Lauren has nonviolent noncooperation down to an art form. Did you see the video? When the arrested her, she went limp. they drug her across the road on her knees. For many people, they will see this and it will be the straw that breaks the camel's back... they are finally going to DO SOMETHING. Maybe move to NH. Maybe write an LTE against Eminent Domain. Maybe run for office themselves; maybe get arrested themselves.

Have you ever seen the video of Mike Fisher getting arrested? I had no idea who he was when I saw that, but I was almost moved to tears. It's one of the catalysts that made me as active as I am now. He was giving a lady (that I now know to be Kat) a manicure, for chrissakes... and they took him away in handcuffs. Then I heard the interview CNHT Radio did with him. He had studied the textbooks; he knew the proper procedure for giving a manicure, he knew the RSAs he was violating.

Granted, in this instance, Lauren's case is significantly weakened by the fact that she was not the property owner. But that does NOT make her action "useless". It is still a powerfully motivating thing that she has done. And I know you are aware that apathy is our biggest, most immediate enemy.
