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Incident that happened on 8/25/08 need advice/help *updates 7/07/09*

Started by leetninja, August 25, 2008, 09:19 PM NHFT

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Quote from: leetninja on September 12, 2008, 07:04 AM NHFT
Quote from: AntonLee on September 12, 2008, 05:19 AM NHFT
people will still be against you because you have the gun, protecting life and property. 

what a silly world we live in

they can be against it if they want but i will try to educate them about things only once.  if they listen then great maybe just maybe they will get it.  if they dont want to hear it and they just want to label me as "evil guy with gun" then that is their problem, not mine.  i can only try to explain and show them.  i have had a couple people come up to me and explain how they basically think i am "evil guy with gun" and by the end of the conversation they changed their minds.  Hopefully i live around good people.  Most of my neighbors seem to understand what really happened.  at this point the only people that dont like me and label me as such are the families of these kids.  as far as my neighbors and i are concerned they are just little terrorists and it is time for their reign of terror to end.   :)

+1 you're doing the right thing, amen brotha!


kids on the property again - kicked out by a neighbor today at around 3pm - police didnt bother to show up at all ... how nice ... i just found out about this from the neighbor.  also, the APIA which is basically the beach association has sent out some email about a "crime watch" and how we now have a zero tolerance policy so they are all BANNED from the beach



Quote from: leetninja on September 11, 2008, 09:57 PM NHFT
finally decided to go the flickr route.  some things have happened.  my bathroom window was shot with a BB gun for one.  pics included in the set.

Wish you were there to have seen them shooting at your house.  If it were at my house, the brat would be dead.


so with everything going on i have decided it would be a wise idea to invest in a safe.  I want the best I can buy so I located one that looks like a mini fort knox.  In fact i think they might even use this model.  The problem is I now need to figure out how to move it from Manchester to Salem.  Anyone have any ideas?  Right now I am thinking moving company but I dont know any good ones that will move just one large item.  It weighs about 1350 pounds  ;D


I've got a truck.... Where ever you buy can put it in a truck for you. 2 people can lift 1350 with some straps. Are you on the 1st or 2nd floor?


Quote from: Hubbard on September 15, 2008, 11:18 AM NHFT
I've got a truck.... Where ever you buy can put it in a truck for you. 2 people can lift 1350 with some straps. Are you on the 1st or 2nd floor?

Well its quite large.  http://www.libertysafe.com/safe_presidential.php that is series and the model is the 40 so the dimensions and weight are quite hard to deal with. 

pickup is from first floor of a home, out the sliding glass door, down a short staircase maybe 6 steps or so, and then delivery is the same deal in reverse.

I have called around all day today (from work lol!) and gotten everything from 400-1800!!!  Never knew that it would be this bad!


A few folks can move that, easily.

We just moved a piano, which weighs approximately that much, is top-heavy, and much bulkier than a safe.  In terms of actual people lifting it, we had three (including one with a bum knee).



Y'all are a bunch of maniacs. 

It would take me, my 12 closest friends, a 40 foot lever, several rollers, and two weeks to begin putting together a plan to move 2/3 of a ton of metal. ;D


Quote from: DigitalWarrior on September 16, 2008, 01:06 PM NHFTY'all are a bunch of maniacs. 

It would take me, my 12 closest friends, a 40 foot lever, several rollers, and two weeks to begin putting together a plan to move 2/3 of a ton of metal. ;D

Heck, I install indoor wood boilers, some of which weigh in excess of a ton.  A few rollers, a come-along, and a helper, and we're good to go.

I'm tempted to invest in a winch, just for convenience.



lol im starting to agree with DigitalWarrior - i think you guys are crazy. 

Ive gotten estimates from 325 all the way up to 1800 so I am going with the $450 guy since it fits into the budget :)

Will have my pretty safe this saturday  8)


Quote from: leetninja on September 16, 2008, 01:25 PM NHFTlol im starting to agree with DigitalWarrior - i think you guys are crazy. 

Ive gotten estimates from 325 all the way up to 1800 so I am going with the $450 guy since it fits into the budget :)

Will have my pretty safe this saturday  8)

Bah.  Post a request on here (as an event, not in this thread), and you'll probably be able to get it moved for the cost of a couple cases of beer and some pizza.



Quote from: MaineShark on September 16, 2008, 01:31 PM NHFT
Quote from: leetninja on September 16, 2008, 01:25 PM NHFTlol im starting to agree with DigitalWarrior - i think you guys are crazy. 

Ive gotten estimates from 325 all the way up to 1800 so I am going with the $450 guy since it fits into the budget :)

Will have my pretty safe this saturday  8)

Bah.  Post a request on here (as an event, not in this thread), and you'll probably be able to get it moved for the cost of a couple cases of beer and some pizza.


Seriously...Joe's not kidding  :icon_pirat:


QuotePost a request on here (as an event, not in this thread), and you'll probably be able to get it moved for the cost of a couple cases of beer and some pizza.

If you combine moving 2/3 a ton of steel and a couple of cases of alcohol, the results may be "sub-optimal".  The question becomes who would mop up the blood and dig the teeth out of the floor with a chisel?  


a bunch of kids decided that in front of my house was the place to skateboard.  didnt care at first.  then they started taunting my dog and making him bark etc.  he wouldnt bite anyone ever even if antagonized but he is a big boy (Purebred American Bulldog) and looks mean.  Really full of love lol.  he is a wuss.  anyhow, once they started taunting him i started snapping the pictures and stuff and calling police.  the lady on the other end when informed that they saw me taking their pictures so they started leaving said "oh well then ok" and i said "well is someone going to respond they are trespassing on private property using fence posts as momentum and potentially damaging property and aggravating my dog. with all the things happening up here i dont feel like putting up with this.  also out of all the places they could chose to be doing this they chose in front of my house and one of them was involved in the attempted arson we had a few weeks ago."  she then responds with "well they are leaving you said?" and i replied "yes but that really doesnt matter does it? IS SOMEONE GOING TO RESPOND???"  at that point she said "it might take a few minutes because we are in the middle of a shift change"

they dont want civilians to do their job for them but they dont want to do it either ... wow!!!