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They Got Kat Too!

Started by K. Darien Freeheart, September 24, 2008, 12:42 PM NHFT

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J’raxis 270145

Quote from: (V) on September 30, 2008, 04:40 PM NHFT
The prosecutor didn't know what a V mask was.   :P

Idiot thought it was a mask with "a V on it." ::) I liked how Lauren described it in such vague terms—simply a "grinning face."

Quote from: (V) on September 30, 2008, 04:40 PM NHFT
He seemed less "weasel" like than the first prosecutor.

Much more bureaucrat than weasel in my opinion.


Quote from: Tom Sawyer on September 30, 2008, 01:56 PM NHFT
The Pres. loudly proclaimed "You're a brave person Kat."

Smiles from all sides seemed to suggest no one disagreed.

Who is the Pres?


Quote from: peacenic on September 30, 2008, 01:31 PM NHFT
For those who could not attend:

There was a large showing, about 25 or more in the courtroom, and a few who showed up at the original scheduled time.

Kat, clad in orange and shackled, represented herself and called Lauren to the stand.  Most stood when Kat and Lauren entered the room, but of course not for the judge.  Kat made the case that on she and Lauren were not being disruptive, and only peacefully protesting the funding of torture.  She asserted the disruption began when the police showed up.
The "U.S. Government" called no witnesses and deferred sentencing to the judge. 

The judge made what sounded like a prepared statement about how the U.S. Supreme Court struck down the torture at Guantanamo, and that civil disobedience is sometimes necessary to oppose these things, but that it wouldn't keep her out of jail.  She was given 15 days, including time served, and should be out in about a week.

It was great to meet some of you.  It's neat to come to a new place and feel like you know people. 

Thanks for letting us know.  :)   I wanted to come but had to take my daughter to Dartmouth this morning.  :-\


So, was today's trial the for the original charge? Or the failure to appear charge, for which Kat was arrested? Both? Or did they drop the FTA?


Quote from: Coconut on September 30, 2008, 04:55 PM NHFT
Quote from: Puke on September 30, 2008, 03:03 PM NHFT
Good to hear it all went well. (Except for the Kat going to jail part, of course.)

I need more sick time wen stuff like this happens.  :(

Someday you'll know when this is more important than making it to work.

OUCH.  :o


Quote from: Jared on September 30, 2008, 08:06 PM NHFT
Quote from: Coconut on September 30, 2008, 04:55 PM NHFT
Quote from: Puke on September 30, 2008, 03:03 PM NHFT
Good to hear it all went well. (Except for the Kat going to jail part, of course.)

I need more sick time wen stuff like this happens.  :(

Someday you'll know when this is more important than making it to work.

OUCH.  :o

I didn't say that day was today. Nor was it an accusation of laziness. I just believe that we won't have the amount of victory we dream of until it is more important than job security. The time to sacrifice that is not here yet.


I hope to spend more time now getting my business going so that I can hire freestaters and allow them the time to show up at places.  My job now, not so good with that. 


I'm trying very hard to avoid being in that situation where I have someone who owns a significant portion of my life each day. Not that I don't want to work, but I don't what it to be under terms like that. I don't want to think about how much money it would take to get me thinking living like that is worth it.

Pat K

Kat and Lauren were admirably composed and fearless
in the court room today. Despite the heavy weight
of the state bearing upon them, and being literally  shackled
they kept their wits and humor about them. It was very impressive.

Tom Sawyer

Quote from: raineyrocks on September 30, 2008, 07:23 PM NHFT
Quote from: Tom Sawyer on September 30, 2008, 01:56 PM NHFT
The Pres. loudly proclaimed "You're a brave person Kat."

Smiles from all sides seemed to suggest no one disagreed.

Who is the Pres?

President of the Underground

From the Ridleo

On the court experience...
"Well, it was a bit scary and things, but you can kind of get used to it..."

Russell Kanning

It was good to see the big gang there .... especially since many people didn't know when to come.

I had to leave at noon to get back and do some roofing at the farm. I see there was excitement after we left.


Oh no!  You just outed the secret identity of the prez., now th fbi, or atf, or homeland stupidity security will prolly make a file of him.


As in there was no fil4e w8774jn4uy97yfbcuih9cyhc until now?

jhweuofho2yu ri u3ifijfiof 4riupiru4i irjip ripji3 3fuioph34uh

I quit!

Russell Kanning

I got 2 letters from Kat.
I will type in some of her responses soon.

Russell Kanning

From Kat's letter:

This is what I said at the hearing:

"I'm not guilty of working for an organization that imprisons and tortures prisoners around the world.
... that kicks in people's doors in the middle of the night and imprisons people, sometimes even killing them over stupid things rike drugs.
I'm not guilty of hurting anyone, but a lot of people in this room are."

I meant to say something about them tasing Eliane Brown when she was already subdued, but lost it in the adrenaline rush.

Roger: Thanks for calling me brave. Means a lot to me.

AntonLee: Don't worry about not being there. Thanks for sticking up for Lauren online. Write us letters.

PatK: Sorry, no belly bop for you today.

Jeremy: Re:"only way state knows how to deter threats:punish" Jail's the perfect place to see that demonstrated. They tried for about 30 hours to get me to book and the only thing they could really do when I dug my heels in was to use violenc. Their "punishment" didn't work on me.

SolarPoweredBob: I explained all I had done to the classification woman here. She was incredulous that I was even jailed for holding a sign and laughed when I suggested I might be dangerous. She classed me "minimum security rist".

Joe: I don't recall saying much of anything to the IRS woman. Seems like the 5 police were more of a disruption. Re: security at the courthouse being OK ... one of the court security guys saved me from more violence from the Merrimack county jail goons. They stopped beating up on me after he talked to them.

So if anyone wants to visit me, they should send name, birthday, address and phone to with date/time for visit. Might be too complicated for this short of time. Maybe Kira can come with someone as a minor and get in without ID.

It'd be cool if you guys protested outside the jail, since it is so close to you.