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"Let them march all they want, as long as they pay their taxes."  --Alexander Haig

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Main thread for Ed and Elaine Brown vs the evil IRS, Part 20

Started by CNHT, July 24, 2007, 04:55 PM NHFT

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Sorry so late with the story. My dad passed away last week and I'm a little overwhelmed.


IRS wears the emperor's new clothes

By Rick Jones

Photos provided by Rick Jones
The homestead of tax protesters Ed and Elaine Brown in Plainfield, N.H. (left). Since the couple was found guilty in U.S. District Court of tax evasion, sheriff deputies and federal agents have staked out their 100-acre property, including air surveillance (top) and are threatening to seize their property by force. (Right photo) Rockford activist Rick Jones (right) meets Randy Weaver, who survived a similar confrontation at Ruby Ridge, Idaho in 1992 when Weaver's wife, Vicki, was killed by FBI agents. (See Rick Jones' Guest Column below).

I wrote some time ago about Ed and Elaine Brown. They are the Plainfield, N.H., couple that has been found guilty in U.S. District Court of various charges, not the least of which is tax evasion. The Browns were not allowed to present evidence to prove their innocence. Without the possibility of a fair trial, they refused to return to court.

Since I wrote that article, yet another tax "evader" has been found not guilty. Tom Cryer, a Shreveport, La. attorney was allowed to prove to a jury (i.e. present his evidence) there is no constitutional basis for the income tax. Cryer was allowed to show 108 pages of well-organized exhibits. The jury must have thought his evidence was very compelling. They returned 12-0 in his favor. Tom Cryer's web site is truthattack.org.

The Browns and Tom Cryer hold the same view—there is no constitutional basis for an income tax, and no law that compels the average working person to pay. Yes, the Browns have much of the same evidence as Cryer presented to back their viewpoint up.

Why won't U.S. District Court Judge Steven McAuliffe allow their evidence to be shown to a jury? Where is the accountability when a judge goes haywire? As Tom Cryer put it in a recent World Net Daily interview, "I think now people are beginning to realize that this has got to be the largest fraud, backed up by intimidation and extortion and by the sheer force of taking people's property and hard-earned money without any lawful authorization whatsoever."

Some friends of the Browns organized a "show of support" concert at their Plainfield, N.H. property two weeks ago. I made the 20-hour drive to attend with camera in hand. One of the high points of my trip was the proud honor to meet Randy Weaver, who lost his wife and son at Ruby Ridge, Idaho. During the course of the day and evening at the Browns, about 300 or so brave men, women and children came and went.

If it weren't for the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) helicopter circling, hovering and making simulated strafing runs at low altitudes for six hours, it would have been like any other party I have ever attended. Good food, good music, nice people. I speculated at the time that the DHS helicopter was attempting to provoke a gunfight with concert goers, so the army parked down the road could move in.

Then there were Ed and Elaine Brown. Two bright, articulate people who have an opinion. An opinion that seems to be upheld in case after case. Just not theirs. Yet.

This is the story to watch. I have a feeling it's going to get worse before it gets better. As case after case proves, the IRS is wearing the emperor's new clothes. You'd better hold on tight to yours. Especially the shirt on your back.

Rick Jones is a Rockford resident.

from the Aug 1-7, 2007, issue


Quote from: coffeeseven on August 01, 2007, 03:38 PM NHFT
Sorry so late with the story. My dad passed away last week and I'm a little overwhelmed.

Sorry to hear about your dad 


Quote from: Insurgent on August 01, 2007, 06:50 PM NHFT
Quote from: coffeeseven on August 01, 2007, 03:38 PM NHFT
Sorry so late with the story. My dad passed away last week and I'm a little overwhelmed.

Sorry to hear about your dad 

Thanks for that.

Nicholas Gilman

   Elaine and Joyce Riley will be on live in about seven minutes from now....
Listen live for windows media player...


QuoteThe Police asked the Selectmen for help. The Selectmen asked the Marshals to visit for a meeting. The Marshals refused. Isn't it about time we go ONE STEP BEYOND the asking to that of a "Show-Cause" Hearing this Wed., Aug. 1st @ 7 p.m. Plainfield Town Hall whereby the Marshal Monier ought to show-cause WHY he is NOT in contempt of the U.S. Constitution, and in particular Art.I,Sec.8,Cl.17 as there are NO N.H. RSA Ch. 123:1 papers on file! as required by the law and statute.
- Joseph S. Haas, Concord, New Hampshire

Joe, how did the town hall meeting go?


Quote from: richardr on August 01, 2007, 12:03 PM NHFT
Quote from: error on August 01, 2007, 11:21 AM NHFT
Yes, and which of them were emergency numbers?

Feel free to wander through Ed's MySpace friends and look.  I hate MySpace.

Not interested in the truth, eh?


Quote from: error on August 02, 2007, 03:25 PM NHFT

Not interested in the truth, eh?

Not interesting is reposting the truth for others too lazy to look for themselves.  Have I mentioned I hate MySpace?


Who doesn't hate Myspace? Nevertheless it's a useful tool.


Quote from: error on August 02, 2007, 04:43 PM NHFT
Who doesn't hate Myspace? Nevertheless it's a useful tool.

I think I'm too old for it.  I don't want to hear other people's music, and the graphics are painfully bad.  But at least it's really slow and has a lot of security problems...


You forgot the 63 million idiots who use it. Those people need to hear the message of liberty.


Quote from: error on August 02, 2007, 05:10 PM NHFT
You forgot the 63 million idiots who use it. Those people need to hear the message of liberty.

They're too busy trying to talk ghetto trash and combing through spam sent by porn starlet wannabes.

J’raxis 270145

Quote from: richardr on August 02, 2007, 05:06 PM NHFT
Quote from: error on August 02, 2007, 04:43 PM NHFT
Who doesn't hate Myspace? Nevertheless it's a useful tool.

I think I'm too old for it.  I don't want to hear other people's music, and the graphics are painfully bad.  But at least it's really slow and has a lot of security problems...

A combination of ad-blocking proxy and disabling in Firefox anything that moves or makes noise renders MySpace slightly usable.

I'd also like to thank MySpace for revealing to me that my DSL modem has a concurrent connection limit of 192 open connections. I didn't think anyone would ever cram that many images into a single webpage, but MySpace has shown me otherwise.

Sheep Fuzzy Wool

Peace to all! 

We are on young people duties... seeing the great results of homeschooling!

Be back later.


Quote from: Sheep Fuzzy Wool on August 02, 2007, 08:55 PM NHFT
Peace to all! 

We are on young people duties... seeing the great results of homeschooling!

Be back later.
Thank you for exercising your choice to home school ! Since you prefaced your post with "Peace to all" may I amplify that to include;

When the love of POWER and CONTROL is;

Overcome by LOVE and FREEDOM;

Then there WILL be peace.


I think it's funny that people called the government-operated 911, expecting help from the government, when they thought government agents were firing shots at them :laughing1: