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"Let them march all they want, as long as they pay their taxes."  --Alexander Haig

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Property Tax Revolt?

Started by FTL_Ian, April 24, 2005, 09:04 PM NHFT

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2004 Property Tax Rates

(Tax rates are per $1,000 of local valuation. )




Quote from: FTL_Ian on June 24, 2005, 11:38 AM NHFT
Ignore the troll.   >:(

Even vulpine trolls.

Not that I believe in reincarnation.  ::)


Michael Fisher

Quote from: PattyE on June 24, 2005, 10:39 PM NHFT
2004 Property Tax Rates

(Tax rates are per $1,000 of local valuation. )

Schools are 65% of property taxes in Newmarket!!!  :o :o :o

Michael Fisher

My property taxes are $600 per year, and Newmarket's school taxes are 65% of this total.

Therefore, I need to donate about $400 per year to the LSF to follow the principle of Kat's property tax revolt.  That's $35 per month.

Consider it done.   :) :) :)

Michael Fisher

Quote from: JonM on June 24, 2005, 01:13 PM NHFT
How about:


That's what I meant to say.   ;)

Michael Fisher

Alright, I've extracted the data from that RTF file into a spreadsheet and added the "Total Education Tax Rate" and "Total Education Tax Percentage" so everyone can find their town on the sheet.

I created 2 more spreadsheets with the data sorted in a certain way.

Here are the 3 spreadsheets:

Property Tax Rates

Valuation Sorted Property Tax Rates - Sorted by Town Valuations (a far more meaningful comparison)

Education Sorted Property Tax Rates - Sorted by % of taxes going to education.

Look Nashua and Manchester on the Valuation-Sorted sheet.? Nashua has a higher property valuation AND lower total taxes because Manchester spends twice as much tax money on non-education items as Manchester.? ?:o

Michael Fisher

From mikefam on the FSP forums:

hello all, i lived in NH for 5 years now and i already did this act with the town, i with held the school portion and told them so, they placed the tax lien in short order and i took off to court , here is the scam, the town is its own muni. corporation :See http://www.gencourt.state.nh.us/rsa/html/III/31/31-1.htm      The school department SAU thing is its own separate Muni.corp:See   http://www.gencourt.state.nh.us/rsa/html/XV/194/194-2.htm   so now the jist of the situation is that you are being subject to the jurisdiction so to speak of 2 town like entities. the town collecting tax for a separate entity which is totally illegal except that the legislature made special provisions in the law for that to happen :  See                                    http://www.gencourt.state.nh.us/rsa/html/XV/194/194-7.htm                    AND http://www.gencourt.state.nh.us/rsa/html/XV/194/194-8.htm 

       NOW keep in mind that no court (Judges and Layers)in NH want to see this thing come to any court , they already had this thing out about 6 years ago with the Claremont 1 and 2 debacle, Claremont 1 ruled the school tax UNCONSTITUTIONAL and that killed it on the spot but then the state appealed the case on the law that now doesn't exist because its been ruled UNCONSTITUTIONAL it some how gets overturned because they cant fund schools now  but are not willing to have no schools or no way to fund them, Claremont 2 orders the legislature to fix the problem and at the same time legislates back the right of the town to now keep collecting the UNCONSTITUTIONAL tax  3 or 4 years later  i go to the first hearing file my papers and have my say we get rescheduled for trial and in the meantime the town layer filed a motion to dismiss, I had no idea that would come (because I go Layer less) and i had only 10 days to respond, I dropped the ball and the case was dismissed.I was dejected paid the money over with interest and release fees and got my property back. 

    Best of luck in your endeavor, if i wasn't selling off property i would join you



Pat K

Is that that anything like a Bull pine ora Lodge pole pine?

Dave Ridley

I'm not too thrilled with those sign ideas mike, they sound to....strident or something. 

We do have some leftover Ax the Tax signs that seem to be coming in handy pretty much every day LOL.

they say

Ax the Tax

Michael Fisher

Yeah, some of them are.  ;)

But a sign like this really makes people think:


Making people think about liberty is the only way we can win it!  :)


Some of the spreadsheet numbers don't make sense to me.  According to the rates Nashua residents are being taxed $84 million for schools, but the budget in 2005 is "only" $82 million.  Is this part of the donor town thing?  Keene residents are taxed $25 million, but the budget is nearly twice that.


How about signs with the school budgets on them with the text "Are you getting your money's worth?" 
Did Keene pass the bigger education budget?  I don't have the right number for the number of students I think, the site I found had 2003 data, so the per student number is probably off a bit.

Keene spends $48,500,000 a year on education
Are you getting your money's worth?

or the per student cost with the same text

Keene spends $12,705 per student a year
Are you getting your money's worth?


Quote from: DadaOrwell on June 24, 2005, 11:06 AM NHFT
What:  Civil disobedience against the school portion of property taxes.
How:  By handing over a check that does not include the "school portion" of the tax, then leading a protest.
Why:   Because people shouldn't be forced to pay for a system they don't use or agree with.
Where:  Keene City Hall: 3 Washington St. (at the traffic circle), Keene, NH.
When:  10:00 A.M. Thursday, June 30, 2005.
Who:  Kat Dillon of Keene, supporters from NHfree.com
Contacts:  Kat Dillon (603) 357-2049, Mike Fisher (603) 498-7935, Backup:  Dave Ridley (603) 721-1490
Latest details will appear at NHfree.com

Any updates to this? I hope to BYOS (Bring Your Own Sign  ;) ), but you might want to have the "Ax the Tax" ones on hand just in case.